The Exhibitor (1954)

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EP-12 EXTRA PROFITS Carl Siegel Named Exhibition Chairman Chicago — Carl Siegel, Stanley Warner Service Corporation, New York City, and prominent IPA member in the theatre concession segment, was recently named exhibition chairman for the IPA Popcorn Industries Exhibition, “Popcorn-Candy and Concession Hall,” on Oct. 31-Nov. 1-4, at the Conrad Hilton Hotel. In announcing the appointment, J. J. Fitzgibbons, Jr., Theatre Confections Lim¬ ited, Toronto, president, International Popcorn Association, stated, “IPA has chosen one of its ablest members to direct the greatest exhibition of popcorn, theatre and concession equipment ever assembled for a national convention.” International Popcorn Association is joining with Theatre Owners of America, Theatre Equipment Supply and Manu¬ facturers Association, and Theatre Equip¬ ment Dealers Association to attract 4,000 to 5,000 members of the popcorn, theatre, and concession industries to a five-day meeting in Chicago. Each group will hold separate meetings and social events although the IPA and the TOA will team up to offer a series of panel discussion sessions on the subject of “theatre-concession operations” under the program direction of IPA’s first vicepresident, Bert Nathan, Theatre Popcorn Vending Corporation, Brooklyn, N. Y. Separate segment meetings are also scheduled for popcorn processors; manufacturers-wholesale; retail popcorn shops; jobber-distributors; brokers; and equip¬ ment manufacturers. Invited to serve as an exhibit committee by Siegel were other IPA members Nathan; Lee Koken, RKO Theatres, Inc.; Leonard Pollack, Loew’s Theatres; Tom Moran, Odeon Theatres; Nat Buchman, American Theatre Supply Corporation; S. Smerling, Confection Cabinet Corporation; Jim Loeb, Walter Reade Theatres; Louise Wesson, Video Independent Theatres; Marie Frye, Tri-State Theatre Corpora¬ tion; Van Myers, Wometco Theaters; Irv¬ ing Mirisch, Theatre Candy Company; Irving Cohn, Jefferson Amusement Cor¬ poration; Bob Harris, Florida State The¬ atres; James Hoover, Martin Theatres; L. M. Ettlinger, ABC Vending Corpora¬ tion; Loyal Haight, W. S. Butterfield Theatres; Spiro Papas, Alliance Amuse¬ ment Corporation; and Stanley Werthman, Schine Theatres. At the recent NATD convention at the Palmer House, Chicago, "Johnny," Phillip Morris' friend of millions, proved himself a perfect host when he stopped at the Dad's Root Beer booth to re¬ fresh himself, then joined by Adrienne Falcon. Animal Fair Latest From The Institute Chicago — The Popcorn Animal Fair, fourth in a series of theatre promotions, will be conducted by The Popcorn Insti¬ tute during the months of July and August, it was announced last week. The unique promotion, built around a color¬ ing contest to be conducted by theatres at the local level, consists of a series of eight eye-appealing animal posters, size seven inches by 11 inches. The posters are provided to the theatres both in black and white and in full color, and color dis¬ plays are for use as point-of-sale pieces at the concession stand, boxoffice, and stub box. Each animal poster does a clever job of boosting the impulse buying of popcorn. During July and August, one of the black and white line drawing posters will be given to each person who purchases popcorn at the popcorn stand, a different poster being given out each week. Cus¬ tomers are instructed to use their own imagination in coloring the series of black and white posters. To be eligible for prizes, it is suggested that contestants be under 12 and must have colored each of the black and white posters, and, therefore, will have attended the theatre at least once a week for eight consecutive weeks. The Popcorn Institute recommends that each theatre cooperating in the contest appoint a panel of key people to act as judges of posters submitted by each con¬ testant, the panel to be made up of the editor of the local newspaper, manager of the local radio and television station, the art teacher in the high school, and other prominent local figures. At the end of the eight-week period, each contestant will submit to the judges’ panel, along with the hand colored posters, a contest essay completing the sentence, “I like popcorn because ...” in 15 words or less. Theatres will award a series of prizes of their own selection, which may consist of bicycles, dolls, free movie tickets, etc. Winners will be selected on the basis of submission of the best essay sentence and neatness and imagination in coloring the black and white popcorn animal posters. The Popcorn Animal Fair contains tested sales building ideas. Theatre managers will have ample opportunity to utilize ingenuity and showmanship in merchan¬ dising the Popcorn Animal Fair, and proper use of the promotion, it is felt, will pyramid popcorn sales, and, equally important, boost theatre attendance. Clark Rhoden, chairman, The Popcorn Institute, states that theatres may obtain the contest materials from The Popcorn Institute at less than cost. The eight fullcolor posters are available at 30 cents per kit, and the black and white line drawing posters are available at the rate of $3 per 100 kits. Theatres are urged to place their orders immediately with The Popcorn In¬ stitute, 332 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago. Convention Session Held New York — Officials of the International Popcorn Association and the Theatre Owners of America last week made pre¬ liminary plans for a combined theatre concessions forum at the 1954 TOA con¬ vention and TESMA-TEDA-TOA-IPA trade show, Oct. 31-Nov. 4, Conrad Hilton Hotel, Chicago. The IPA officials outlined a tentative agenda for their convention sessions, which also will be attended by TOA theatre concessions representatives. •o 0) o Q 0) c _0 < O I HERE IS A QUICK, EASY WAY TO GET FURTHER INFORMATION. JUST CHECK AND RETURN. NO OBLIGATION. BEVERAGES . . . Carbonated Cup Bev. Dispenser . . . Non-Carbonated Cup Bev. Dispenser . . . Bottle Dispenser . . . Coffee Dispenser . . . Coffee Urn . . . Fountain Dispenser . . . Paper Cups . . . Soft Drinks . . . Syrups CONCESSION STANDS . . . Display Cases . . . Concession Stand Drive-In . . . Concession Stand Indoor Theatre . . . Display Units, Counter CANDY . . . Candy Bars . . . Bulk Candy . . . Package Candy . . . Automatic Candy Vender . . . Gum FOOD SERVICE EQUIP. . . . Broilers . . . French Fryers . . . Grills . . . Hof Food Containers . . . Mixers, Malteds . . . Ovens . . . Portable Vending Cart . . . Ranges . . . Refrigerators . . . Trays POPCORN & EQUIP. . . . Popcorn . . . Popcorn Machine . . . Popcorn Warmer . . . Popcorn Seasoning . . . Popcorn Bags and Boxes . . . Butter Dispenser . . . Automatic Popcorn Machines ICE CREAM . . . Ice Cream Cabinet . . . Automatic Dispenser . . . Ice Cream Bars . . . Ice Cream Novelties . . . Bulk Ice Cream . . . Cones . . . Ice Cream Freezer . . . Snow Cone Machines CONCESSION CONTRACT SERVICE . . . Drive-In Theatre . . . Indoor Theatre FOOD PRODUCTS . . . Canned Prepared Food Frankfurters Sandwich Meats For additional information on proauus advertised in this issue, please check. □ CANADA DRY GINGER ALE, INC., Soft Drinks □ THE COCA-COLA COMPANY, Soft Drinks |_J MANLEY, INC., Popcorn Machines, Drink Machines, Hot Dog Machines, Hamburger Grill, Popcorn, Salt and Seasoning □ PEPSI-COLA COMPANY, Soft Drinks I _ I C. F. SIMONIN'S SONS, INC., Popsit Plus Popcorn Popping Oils [ I STAR MANUFACTURING CO., Popcorn Warmers Without charge or obligation, please send me addi¬ tional information on above checked items. NAME THEATRE ADDRESS CITY, STATE RETURN TO MOTION PICTURE EXHIBITOR 246-48 N. Clarion St., Philadelphia 7, Pa. MOTION PICTURE EXHIBITOR July 28, 1954