The Exhibitor (1959)

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THE CASE OF THE WANDERING ROACH Involved were odd shifts which appeared from time to time on a laboratory’s color prints. Something, obviously, was interfering with the light source in the printer. Suggestions for tracing the trouble were made by an Eastman Technical Representative . . . and, in short order, the culprit was found— a large roach wandering over the control surfaces. Not all problems are as simple of solution as this. But whatever they are, the answers almost invariably are inherent in the basic know-how of the Eastman Technical Service for Motion Picture Film, maintained to serve the industry. Offices at strategic centers. Inquiries invited. r m m East Coast Division 342 Madison Avenue New York 17, N.Y. West Coast Division 6706 Santa Monica Blvd. Hollywood, Calif. Rochester 4, Midwest Division 130 East Randolph Drive Chicago 1 , III.