Motion Picture Herald (Apr-Jun 1931)

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66 MOTION PICTURE HERALD April 4. 19 3 1 ■ — TO THE FOLLOWING CLUB MEMBERS: Merle R. Blair Adolph Schlessinger William Briemann Milton Schonberger Howard Ernstthal Milton A. Schosberg J. T. Hughes David Steinway Joseph Isaac Laurie Webb E. H. Maritsky Ben Weshner Lawter Sends Out A Personal Letter To Plug Coming Shows Each week, A. H. Lawter, manager of the Egyptian Theatre, De Kalb, 111., sends out a personal letter through his mailing list. It has been found by him to be of great ^===== value in apprising the local public of the shows. The letter is mimeographed, and written in a nice, easy style. Lawter discusses both the stars and their vehicles. The letters are looked forward to with interest by the various patrons of the house. Incidentally, Lawter has another angle that goes over great in his town. Each week a special, autographed photo is given away at the theatre. The photos, all of the one star appearing in the big picture of the week, are bought by a local restaurant, that also pays for the printing, that is placed on the back of the photo. The photo is in a form of rotogravure. To stimulate interest in the stunt, the back of the photo also carries a number. A box informs holders of the photo that those possessing a photo with a number corresponding to one on a bulletin in the theatre lobby or a board in the restaurant are entitled to free tickets. Oke, A. H. we are glad to see that you are doing lots of business boosting. Keep it up and let's hear from you again in the near future. Bowman's Campaign On "Min and Bill" Was A Laugh-Getter When "America's New Sweethearts" — as Marc Bowman, manager of the Broad way Theatre, Portland, Ore., styled Wallace Beery and Marie Dressier when they ap=^^^=;^^=^=^=== peared in "Min and Bill" at the theatre got together, there was sure to be fireworks. Bowman showed this to be true by the unique lobby display that he showed a week in advance of the picture. We are showing a photo of this lobby display, which, as you will notice, consisted of a large display case, headed by a card : "Min and Bill's Museum of Art." "Min and Bill," or Marie Dressier and Wallace Beery, are now known as "America's New Sweethearts." The displays contained stills and exhibits. A card would read: "Min's Preferred Weapon of Love — As Bill Knew It," and would show a revolver, backed by a still of Marie Dressier and Beery in characteristic pose. Another card stated: "Min Wooed Bill with a Razor — Ah, Verily, Theirs Was not a Dull Love Affair" (a razor was on display). Another card was flanked by a still showing Min, axe in hand, prepared to break down Bill's resistance by splintering a door behind which Bill has fled for refuee. We would like to hear some more about Mr. Bowman's work, and we hope that he will pass it along to us. What do you say, Marc? Can we expect to hear from you soon? Managers' Round Table Club Section A PUBLICATION WITHIN A PUBLICATION Devoted Exclusively to the Interests of the -HOUSE MANAGER and all others participating in theatre management, exploitation, publicity and advertising. THE INDUSTRY'S CLEARING HOUSE FOR IDEAS! A GOLD MINE OF VALUABLE "DOPE" EVERY WEEK FOR THE LIVE-WIRE SHOWMAN WHO SEEKS TO GET AHEAD IN A BUSINESS WHERE "YOU HAVE TO GO LIKE HELL TO STAY WHERE YOU ARE" And our slogan is typical of our organization: ''All For One And One For All"