Motion Picture Herald (Sep-Oct 1941)

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66 MOTION PICTURE HERALD September 20, 1941 BABY SEAL, THE: Terry toons— Another good black and white cartoon.— C. L. Niles, Niles Theatre. Anamosa, Iowa. General patronage. FUN ON ROLLERS: Sports Reviews— Entertaining one reel showing roller skaters. — E. M. Freiburger, Paramount Theatre, Dewey, Okla. Small town patronage. ONE MAN NAVY, THE: Terry toons— Good color cartoon. Running time, 7 minutes. — E. M. Freiburger, Paramount Theatre, Dewey, Okla. Small town patronage. SAGEBRUSH AND SILVER: Magic Carpet— Just a filler. Running time, 10 minutes. — E. M. Freiburger, Paramount Theatre, Dewey, Okla. Small town patronage. WHAT HAPPENS AT NIGHT: Terrytoons— Good color cartoon. — E. M. Freiburger, Paramount Theatre, Dewey, Okla. Small town patronage. Vitaphone AVIATION VACATION: Merrie Melodies— Good cartoon in color. Running time, 7 minutes. — E. M. Freiburger, Paramount Theatre, Dewey, Okla. Small town patronage. BIG BILL TILDEN: Sports Parade— Interesting to tennis fans. Harland Rankin, Plaza Theatre, Tilbury. Ontario, Can. General patronage. CARNIVAL OF RHYTHM: Technicolor SpecialsMade in Brazil in color, this is a good two-reel dancing show. However, it is big town stuff and will not please in small towns. Running time, 20 minutes. — E. M. Freiburger, Paramount Theatre, Dewey, Okla. Small town patronage. CARNIVAL OF RHYTHM: Technicolor Specials— Not up to the standard of these colored two reelers. — C. L. Niles, Niles Theatre, Anamosa, Iowa. General patronage. COY DECOY, A: Looney Tunes Cartoons— A dandy black and white cartoon. — C. L. Niles, Niles Theatre, Anamosa, Iowa. General patronage. FIGHT, FISH, FIGHT: Sports Parade— Very good. There are quite a few of these. — Harland Rankin, Plaza Theatre, Tilbury, Ontario, Can. General patronage. FIGHTING 69THy2, THE: Merrie Melodies— Good cartoon. Running time, 8 minutes. — Guy G. Black, Plaza Theatre, Lyons. Neb. General patronage. TALK ABOUT HANDY.. There's a GLOBE Office in every principal city. That means real service to you, Mr. Exhibitor, wherever you are. GLOBE Service and GLOBE quality are tops . . . and cost you no more. For prices and full information, or to consult with your nearestGLOBE representative, please write the head office — 1 10 N. FREDDIE MARTIN AND ORCHESTRA: Melody Masters — Just fair. — Harland Rankin, Plaza Theatre, Tilbury, Ontario, Can. General patronage. LEITH STEVENS AND ORCHESTRA: Melody Masters — Average musical reel. Running time, 10 minutes. — ■ E. M. Freiburger, Paramount Theatre, Dewey, Okla. Small town patronage. LIONS FOR SALE: The Sports Parade— Interesting reel in color taken at a lion farm in California. Running time, 10 minutes. — E. M. Freiburger, Paramount Theatre, Dewey, Okla. Small town patronage. OF FOX AND HOUNDS: Merrie Melodies Cartoons— Scenes repeat too much. Running time, 9 minutes. — Guy G. Black, Plaza Theatre, Lyons, Neb. General patronage. SOUR PUSS: Looney Tunes Cartoons — Good cartoon. Running time, 7 minutes. — Guy G. Black, Plaza Theatre, Lyons, Neb. General patronage. TROUBLE IN STORE : Hollywood Novelties— Fair comedy of the Grouch Club. Running time, 10 minnutes. — E. M. Freiburger, Paramount Theatre, Dewey, Okla. Small town patronage. WACKY WILDLIFE: Merrie Melodies CartoonsVery good. Running time, 8 minutes. — Guy G. Black, Plaza Theatre, Lyons, Neb. General patronage. Serial Columbia IRON CLAW, THE: Charles Quigley, Walter Sande. Joyce Bryant — Hope the next fourteen chapters are better than this first one. Running time, 26 minutes. — Guy G. Black, Plaza Theatre, Lyons, Neb. General patronage. Mayer, Burstyn Appeal State Board's Ruling Irwin Esmond, director of the New York State Motion Picture Division, has reaffirmed to Arthur Mayer and Joseph Burstyn, distributors of the John Steinbeck-Herbert Klein motion documentary, "Forgotten Village," that scenes in the picture were "inhuman," "indecent" and not fit for public exhibition. In view of the decision, the distributors are appealing to the Board of Regents to reverse the ruling rendered by the State. The opening of the film, originally scheduled for September 15th, has been postponed indefinitely. PRC Signs Radio Star Bill Boyd, whose Cowboy Rambler Band has been a favorite in the Southwest for several years via the air waves of station WRR, Dallas, Tex., has signed a contract with Sigmund Neufeld to appear in a series of western production, "Frontier Marshal." Pittsburgh Circuits Merge The Fineman and Shapiro Circuit, operating six theatres in Pittsburgh, merged this week with Mervis Bros. Circuit of the same city which also operates six houses. The new company will open offices next month on Pittsburgh's Film Row. f FROM CAMERA TO SCREEN ...QUICK! Why take chances? Use and specify Railway Express— the fast, sure service that speeds up speed on films, equipment and promotion material. Low rates. Real economy. It pays. -AndFor super-speed use Air Express 3 miles a minute railwayAexpress NATION-WI AGENCY "W INC. DE RAIL-AIR SERVICE Altec Closes Deal With Cooper Circuit Expanded business activity in the Seattle district of Altec Service, as reported by Barclay W. Ardell, district supervisor, include the closing of a sound and repairreplacement agreement with L. J. Finske for eight theatres in the J. H. Cooper Enterprises Circuit in Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Grand Junction, and Greeley, Colorado, as well as a service agreement with the Roxy, of Bremerton, Wash., B. F. Shearer's new addition to his circuit. Other service and repair-replacement agreements have been signed with Charles Mclntyre for the American, Sterling, Colo. ; Mike Barovic for his Beverly Theatre, Tacoma, Wash. ; C. E. Farrell for his Audion Theatre at Ellensburg, Wash. • Horn and Morgan for the Star, Hay Springs, Neb. ; and the Downtown Theatre, Portland, Ore. Installation activities reported by Ardell include the Ideal Theatre, Burns, Ore. ; Washington State Custodial School, Buckley, Wash. ; J. J. Parker's Riviera, Astoria, Ore. ; B. F. Shearer's Roxy, Bremerton, Wash. ; Mercy's Pix Theatre, Ellensburg, Wash.; Joe Laurence's Academy, Provo, Utah; Roy Grumbacker's Esquire, Portland, Ore. ; and J. J. Parker's Liberty, Astoria, Ore. Wally Van in New York Wally Van has arrived in New York City from Miami, Fla., where he produced the first of a series of stream-lined short subjects for Royal Poinciana Productions. Among those accompanying him were Edward Hyland, photographer; Phil Rein, Soundman, and Walter R. Sheridan, who made the screen adaptation and assisted Mr. Van on the production. Edward Fitzenmeir will edit the film. Production on the balance of the series are expected to get under way about October 15th. Moynahan Handles "Vatican" Mr. James H. S. Moynahan has been appointed special representative for the feature length film, "The Story of the Vatican," narrated by Monsignor Fulton J. Sheen and produced by Richard deRochemont for the March of Time. The film opens at the Belmont theatre on West 48th Street, New York, for an exclusive showing in the city, September 19th. Mr. Moynahan is contacting members of the Clergy to arange for special showings of the film at the Belmont. Opens Coast Office Abbott and Costello's manager, Edward Sherman, is opening offices this week in the Beverly Hills-California Bank Building, as a permanent booking office in California for screen, radio and stage talent. Mr. Sherman became Bud Abbott and Lou Costello's manager in 1937 when they were appearing at the Atlantic City Steel Pier and since then has continued to be their adviser and man Kallis Resigns Moe Kallis, who has been working on the Paramount Pictures account in the art department of Buchanan and Company, New York, advertising agency, has resigned. Mr. Kallis joined Buchanan in 1939, following a three-year association in Paramount's art department under Robert M. Gillham, director of advertising and publicity. 1 2th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. GLOBE ticket company tion Wide