Motion Picture Herald (Oct-Dec 1956)

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Albany “Love Me Tender’’ was previewed in the 20th-Fox offices for disc jockeys, record dealers and others, prior to the Palace opening. . . . John Billia took over and relighted the Orvis in Massena, which Joseph C. Agresta had closed some months ago. Billia leased the Palace in Fort Covington to projectionist Kenneth Therrien. . . . Attorney Lewis A. Sumberg, a Variety Cub crewman, was chairman at a mee+ing to launch the Big Brother part of the Denial Drive for Camp Thacher. Public collections will be made in January. This is Tent 9’s 14th annual moneyraising campaign for the boys’ camp. . . . Erly Realty Development, Inc., in which Donald L. Lynch, county clerk, and Julian B. Erway, former district attorney, are associates, submitted an application to Mayor Erastus Corning for an indoor-outdoor theatre project on business-zoned land near an entrance to the Thruway and in the neighborhood of a motel which Neil Heilman, veteran drive-in operator, is building. Atlanta Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Shapiro, owners of the Southern Poster and Printing Co., left Atlanta for Chicago and then went to Hollywood on a pleasure trip. . . . R. V. Graber, Allied Artists special representative, has returned to New York after spending several weeks in the local office. . . . The City Commission of Anniston, Ala., has adopted an ordinance reducing the 10 per cent municipal tax on motion picture theatres to five per cent. The new legislation continues the 10 per cent tax on sport attractions and visiting shows. . . . Two Wilby-Kincey theatre managers in Birmingham, Ala., are being promoted effective Jan. 1. Norris Hadaway, manager of the Alabama theatre, will come to Atlanta as district manager for Alabama, Georgia and Tennessee, and also to be assistant to James Harrison. William Coury will take over manager theatres in Columbus, Ga. . . . B. J. Henn has reopened his Henn theatre, Andrews, N. C. Charles Iverton was appointed manager. . . . Tom Lucy, Exhibitor Service Co., has taken over the buying and booking for the Belmont Hill, Smyrna, Ga. . . . Herman Rhodes is back in Atlanta after visiting his drive-ins in Columbus and Montgomery. Boston A1 Glaubinger, former sales manager at UA, has been promoted to branch manager in the Albany and Buffalo branches with headquarters in Buffalo. ... A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. William Rose at the Barton, Vermont Hospital. The parents operate the Starlite drive-in, Orford, N. H. . . . Don McNally has closed his conventional house, the Memorial theatre, Barton, Vt. . . . Henry Stone of Manchester, N. H., has purchased the property housing the Opera House, Sun cook, N. H. It is rumored that he will reopen the theatre and operate it. . . . Irving .“Mac” Farber has closed the Church St., Boston, office of Royal Pictures Corp. He has not announced further plans. . . . Beacon Hill theatre is playing the French version of “Rififi” after beginning the engagement with the dubbed version. ... A fourth child was born to the wife of Abraham Grabose, owner of the York theatre, Athol, Mass. . . . Norman Glassman put on a party at his Rialto, Lowell, Mass., for the Disabled Veterans of America — 1,100 children attended. ... A bomb scare emptied the Palace theatre, Cranston, R. I., of 200 patrons. . . . The Colonial theatre, Haverhill, sold two weeks ago by the New England Theatres, Inc., will be operated by the Haverhill Operating Co., who also operate the Paramount, same city. Frank Colburn, manager at the Paramount, will supervise the Colonial. Buffalo The 11 new directors of Tent 7, Variety Club of Buffalo, will meet sometime before the first of the new year to select officers for 1957. Here are the new directors selected at the recent election: V. Spencer Balser, Harold Bennett, Ike Erlichman, Samuel Geffen, Myron Gross, Marvin Jacobs, George H. Mackenna, Charles B. Kosco, Francis Maxwell, Jack Mundstuk and Murray Whiteman. . . . Robert T. Murphy, manager of the Century theatre, announces that “War and Peace” has been selected by the Buffalo Scholastic Legion of Decency to receive the organization’s film citation award. . . . Edward F. Meade, manager, Shea’s Buffalo, announces the start of the sale of gift books of theatre tickets in all the Shea theatres here and in Niagara Falls. . . . Shea’s North Park is showing a series of “art” films every Friday night. Theatre supervisor Carl J. Rindcen is selling block tickets for the series of four performances and these are obtainable at all Shea box offices. Charlotte Charlie Trexler is the new chief barker of the Charlotte Variety Club. Ray Ervi is the first assistant; Ho Hi Holston, second assistant; Bob Simril, property master, and John Vickers, Sr., dough guy. . . . Republic manager Cy Dillon just returned from a trip to Florida. . . . Scott Lett, Howco sales manager, made a swing through southern exchanges. . . . Phil Conway, Buena Vista exploitation man, came here to plant publicity material on new Disney releases with Charlotte newspapers. . . . Frank Beddingfield, of Consolidated Theatres, announced plans for building a new drive-in on the Monroe Rd., about seven miles from the center of the city. However, plans to build are pending, dependent upon the approval of the zoning commission. Chicago Between the Thanksgiving holiday and a series of new films in Loop houses, theatre business took a noticeable turn for the better. “Love Me Tender” had a big opening at the Oriental. “The Teahouse of the August Moon” opened very strong at the Woods. “Attack” did $10,000 at its opening at the State Lake theatre on Thanksgiving Day. . . . Edward H. Seguin has been appointed director of advertising and publicity for Balaban & Katz theatres. Seguin has been with the organization for more than 20 years. . . . The Variety Club of Illinois has announced that a Xmas party for children of members will be held in the clubrooms in the Congress Hotel, Saturday afternoon, December 22. Chief barker Jack Kirsch has appointed William Margolis and Dick Sachsel cochairmen in charge of arrangements. . . . Ray Thompson, manager of the Chicago theatre, is vacationing in Florida. . . . The Villa theatre, operated by Henry Eirenberg as a Spanish theatre, has been completely remodeled inside and out. . . . American-International Pictures held a meeting of its midwest franchise holders in the Conrad Hilton Hotel, November 2930. . . . “Doc” Banford is still in the hospital following surgery six weeks ago, but he is recovering rapidly now and hopes to be up and about soon. . . . Peggy Gates of MGM was married November 24 to Charles Jones, a member of the Chicago police force. Cleveland Downtown holiday business was generally very good and better than last Thanksgiving Day business in spite of radio and TV warnings that the crippling snowstorm of the northeast part of the state was moving to Cleveland. Neighborhood business was reported spotty, depending upon the picture shown. And in towns west of Cleveland where there was no storm threat, business generally was reportedly good. . . . Most Greater Cleveland subrun houses have boosted admissions 10 cents to a 70 cent top from 60 cents, and to a 60 cent top from 50 cents. . . . The Salesmen’s Club of Cleveland announces a pre-Christmas party to be held December 15 with an 8:30 P.M. screening in the 20th-Fox screening room, followed by a late dinner at Harvey’s Barbecue. In charge of arrangements are club president Aaron Wayne, Irwin Marcus of NSS and Jim Levitt of U-I. . . . Cleveland Motion Picture Exhibitors Association announced a general meeting to be held January 8 for election of officers. Henry Greenberger of Community Circuit has been president for two years. . . . Mrs. Elizabeth Reiff, mother of Howard Reiff, one of the owners of Modern Theatre Circuit, will celebrate her 90th birthday December 4 at her winter home, 9116 Carlisle Ave., Miami Beach, Fla. Flying down for the ( Continued on page 38) 36 MOTION PICTURE HERALD, DECEMBER I. 1956