The motion picture industry (1933)

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Index <^> <^> "C> *C^> "C^ "0^ "Q> <^y "v> 443 of theater operating expenses, 315 of United Artists Corporation, 66 67 state-right, 11 Distributors checking of box office receipts by, 194-195, 258 control of, by producers, 13-14, 1622, 64, 67, 84, 142-180, 205 Division management {see Branch organization and management) "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde", 388 Double features, 324—333 and percentage pricing, 194 as result of block booking, 325 dangers of, 328-330 in New England, 324-325 reduction of admission prices caused by, 326-328 "Dubbing", 401, 402n {see also Foreign problems) ll/conomic aspects, 6-7 Edison's Kinetoscope machine, 3 Educational films of Pathe Exchange, Incorporated, 54 Educational Pictures, Incorporated, 146, 331 block booking by, 146 Electrical companies in the industry, 25-27, 79-80, 431 England {see Great Britain) Equity Contract, 122-124 Estonia motion picture theaters in, 401 Ethics code of, for advertising, 258-261 Europe, 393-433 {see also Foreign market for films, individual countries) Evolution of the industry, 1-27 Exchange organization of Pathe Exchange, Incorporated, 53 Exchanges independent, 5-14 {see also Independent exhibitors) Executives contracts with, 36 {see also Producers) Exhibitor independent, 299-335 lease of advertising accessories by, 230-232 number of pictures used by, 262 relations of, with producer-distributor, 67, 84, 142-180 Expenses of operating theater, 315 Exploitation by means of legitimate theaters, 92-93, 100-103, 239-240 in New York, 240-242, 308 Exportation of films by foreign countries, 428 Extras, 117 salaries of, 119 r airbanks, Douglas, 120 Famous Players-Lasky Corporation, 14 block booking by, 142-180, 371 censorship by, 368 control of outlets by, 17-20, 22 Federal Trade Commission v. 2n, 19, 142-180 {see also Paramount Famous Lasky Corporation) "Fan" mail as index of popularity, 85 Far East, 397 Feature pictures, 37 as factor in expansion of industry, 6-27 cost of, 125-128 production of, in France, 413 Featured players, 117 salaries of, 118 {see also Stars) Federal censorship reasons for, 377 {see also Arbitration. Censorship. Government control. Sher