The motion picture industry (1933)

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Index <^> <^> -Q> <^> <^> <^> ^^ -O 447 Motion picture industry background of, 1-27 Motion Picture Patents Company, 5-6, 10-11, 26 United States v., 307 Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America, Incorporated, 149-150 and arbitration, 264, 280 and censorship, 365, 371-372, 383 384 code of advertising ethics of, 258 261 formation of, 264 settlement of French controversy by, 410-411 zoning plan of, 226 (see also Hays Organization) Motion Picture Theater Owners Association, 266, 299-302 Motion picture theaters (see Theaters) M. P. T. O. A. (see Motion Picture Theater Owners Association) Mutual Film Corporation, 15 Myers, Abram F., 303, 318 National advertising, 238 National Appeal Board, 296 National Association of Daughters of the American Revolution, 390 National Association of the Motion Picture Industry censorship by, 367-368 National Board of Censorship, 366 National Board of Review, 366-368, 373-375 Magazine, 390 National Committee for Better Films, 373-375 National Screen Service Corporation, 243-245 Near East, 400 Negative prints amortization of, 185, 202-203 Netherlands, The motion picture theaters in, 401 New England double featuring in, 324-325 New Standard Exhibition Contract, 288 (see also Standard Exhibition Contract) New York City, 31, 50 artificiality of, 109 automatic theaters in, 334 censorship in, 366, 389 exploiting of pictures in, 240-242 foreign-language films in, 429 production of trailers in, 243-244 New York State censorship in, 367 motion picture establishments in, 29 New Zealand as market for American films, 397, 415, 425 News media as sources of information, 85-87 Newspaper advertising, 235-236, 257 Newsreels, 136 allied, 318 block booking by, 146 competition among, 134-135 cost of, 133 deterioration of, 135 Pathe, 54, 55 North, C. J., 403 North American Review, 382-383 North Carolina protection plans in, 227 Norway motion picture theaters in, 401 (see also Scandinavia) Number of motion picture theaters, 306-307, 400-401, 411 of newsreels, 133 of pictures produced, 54, 66, 96 of pictures used by exhibitor, 262 of producing establishments, 29, 48 Obscenity censorship of, 386 Ohio censorship in, 369