Motion Picture Magazine (Aug 1914-Jan 1915)

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MOTION PICTURE MAGAZINE 175 AGENTS AGENTS— SELL AMBREW Beer in concentrated form. Carry right in your pocket. Small, compact, condensed. A good glass of beer wanted everywhere. Enormous demand— sells fast— coins you money. Field untouched—strictly legitimate— can be sold anywhere. Be quick. Territory going fast. Just a postal today— we'll show you how to make money quick. The Ambrew Co., Dept. 1146, Cincinnati, 0. A WHIRLWIND SELLER for Summer Weather. Concentrated ■ soft drinks— 7 kinds— orangeade, raspAmazing sales— wonderful profits. Get it AGENTS berry, grape, etc while it's new— write quick AMERICAN PRODUCTS COMPANY, 3092 Sycamore Street, Cincinnati, Ohio YOUNG MAN, would you accept and wear a fine tailor made suit just for showing it to your friends? Or a Slip-on Raincoat free? Could you use $5 a day for a little spare time? Perhaps we can offer you a steady job? If you live in a town smaller than 10.000. write at once and get beautiful samples, styles and this wonderful offer. BAXJfER TAILORING CO., Dept. T69, Chicago. Agents 500 Per Cent. Profit. Free Sample Gold and Silver Sign Letters for store fronts and office windows. Auyone can put on. Big demand everywhere. Write today for liberal offer to agents. Metallic Letter Co., 405 N. Clark St.. Chicago, U. S. A. SUBSCRIPTION REPRESENTATIVES WANTED THE MOTION PICTURE MAGAZINE WANTS SUBSCRIPTION REPRESENTATIVES in all parts of the country. The work js easy and profitable. There is a very rapidly increasing demand for our magazine. Whether you are a man or woman, you can make big money by taking advantage of our proposition. Write today for particulars. Address, Department C, Motion Picture Magazine. 175 Duffield Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. TELEGRAPHY Telegraphy taught in the shortest possible time. The Omnigraph automatic teacher sends telegraph messages at any speed as an expert operator would, 5 styles. $2 up. Circular free. Omnigraph Mfg. Co., Dept. J.. 39^ Cortlandt St., N. Y. MISCELLANEOUS MELTI6RAPHED Letters. Cheapest. Best. Letterheads. SCHWARTZ BROS., Congress St., Detroit, Mich. PRINTING— 100 Bond Letterheads printed in two colors and your return printed on 100 Bond Envelopes (one color), $1.25 prepaid. SLARB PRINTING CO., Hamilton, Ohio. LEAKS SHOW CARD WRITING AND LETTERING. A free offer. Easily learned. A complete, reliable course given to purchasers of a set of our colors; to introduce. Write for particulars. ALPHA COLOR COMPANY, I960 Broadway, New York City. ELECTRIC LIGHTING PLANTS ELECTRIC HOME. FARM. THEATRE. STORE oiTOWX LIGHTING w " B " w PLANTS. Bicycle, Carriage. Motorcycle, Roat. Anto, Fi*hing and Flash Lights. Engines. Dynamos. Mater Wheels. Storage Ratteries. Fan and Power Motors : Telephones ; Massage : Ozone and Tattoo Machines. MOTinM P'f TIRE THEATRE COMPLETE EQUIPMENTS Start YOU ,wl v ■ ■ W I* with BIG PROFITS. IOc Hour Eights Theatre. Catalog 3c. OHIO ELECTRIC WORKS, D. 11. CLEYELAM), O. FOR LADIES LADIES Three Little Books for Ladies, postpaid, in plain cover, for 25c. (They tell what you want to know.) O. K. PUR. CO., Decatnr, 111. I ADIFS Fr«e book on Health and Beauty. Contains vallj/Tiyi4j,J uable information to every woman. Write NOW. TIFFT M. O. CO., 29 John St., Newport, R. I. PATENTS PATENTS PROCURED OR FEE RETURNED. Official drawing free. Send sketch for free search. Expert serves. The Patent Exchange, Jordean Bldg., Washington, D. C. Wanted Ideas Write for List of Inventions Wanted by manufacturers and prizes offered for inventions. Our four books sent free. Patents secured or Fee Returned. VICTOR J. EVANS & C O ., Washington, D. C. OPPORTUNITIES BLILD A »5,000 RUSI1VESS in two years. Let us start you in the collection business. No capital needed; big field. We teach secrets of collecting money; refer business to you. Write today for Free Pointers and new plan. American Collection Service, 621 State St., Detroit, Mich. FREE FOR SIX MOJfTHS-MT SPECIAL OFFER to introduce my magazine"IN VESTING FOR PROFIT." It is worth $10 a copy to anyone who has been getting poorer while the rich, richer. It demonstrates the REAL earning power of money, and shows how anvone, no matter how poor, CAN acquire riches. INVESTING FOR PROFIT is the only progressive financial journal published. It shows how $100 grows to $2,200. Write NOW and I'll send it six months free. H. L. RARRER, 463, 20 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago. I WILL START YOU earning $4 daily at home in spare time, silvering mirrors; no capital. Send for free instructive booklet, giving plans of operation. G. F. Redmond, Dept. C.-S., Boston, Mass. $ REPORT LOCAL INFORMATION, names, etc No canvassing— spare time. Particulars for stamp. National Information Sales Co., BCW, Cincinnati, O. WRITE SHORT STORIES send for free booklet". Tells How. United Press Syndicate, Dept. M.P.,San Francisco. WANTED WANTED to buy courses and books on motion picture play writing. New or second hand. Send list and lowest cash price. A. W. BURGH, 36 Agnes Place, Brooklyn, N. TT. MEN— WOMEN, Get Government Jobs. Big pay. Examinations announced everywhere soon. Sample questions free, Franklin Institute, Dept. H121, Rochester, N. Y. OLD COINS $$— OLD COINS WANTED$$ $4.25 each paid for U. S. Flying Eagle Cents dated 1856. *2 to $600 paid for hundreds of old coins dated before 1^9.",. Send TEN cents at once for New Illustrated Coin Value Book, -1x7. Get posted— it may mean your good foi ' C. F. CLARKE «fc CO., Coin Dealers, Box 99, Le Hoy, N. Y. FOR THE LAME THE PERFECTION EXTENSION SHOE for any person with one short limb. No more unsightly cork soles, irons. etc., needed. Worn with readv -made shoes. Shipped on tna1. Write for booklet. IIe.vkv O. Lotz, 313 Third Ave.. N. Y. When answering advertisements kindly mention MOTION PICTURE MAGAZINE.