Motion Picture Magazine (Aug 1914-Jan 1915)

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MOTION PICTURE MAGAZINE 169 our readers will differ with Miss Smith : I consider James Cruze the very best photoplayer in either the Mutual or Licensed pictures. His naturalness and entire lack of self -consciousness and mannerisms make him a very interesting character in any play in which he appears. I gave my first vote to Flo LaBadie. I like her very much, but I really consider Margarita Fischer the most versatile girl in pictures. Mary Fuller runs a close second to Margarita, and Rosemary Theby follows after. I am very sorry to say that Cleveland has not, so far as I know, what I consider a respectable house showing Universal pictures. Perhaps they are all right on the inside, but the exteriors certainly look anything but inviting. Those hideouscolored posters plastered all over the exterior, almost one on top of the other, fairly screeching wonderful thrills and sensations, are very vulgar-looking, and I am truly sorry that such sterling actors as J. Warren Kerrigan and Edwin August are connected with them. Why cant they all use' the neat, refined black-and-white posters used by the Edison, Yitagraph, Kalem and some other companies? .1 consider the Edison, Yitagraph, Reliance and Majestic productions the very best. I always feel that my time is well spent whenever I see any of their productions. I think "The Reform Candidate" (Majestic) is one of the most perfect modern photoplay productions I have ever seen. The Lubin and Kalem productions are also very good, and the KayBee, Broncho and Domino productions are the very best of their kind. Thos. H. Ince should go down in history. One Keystone comedy goes a long way with me. To me a good comedy is made up of funny situations rather than kicks, tumbles and acrobatic stunts, and I am often disgusted with the treatment Mabel Normand submits to. However, their Kid Company is certainly fine. Little Billy Jacobs can have me for the asking. The Pathe Company's productions are very often too ornate. Their stage-settings are not truly American, and I do love to see plain, simple, "on-thelevel" American settings, I do not like the brown prints, either. I hate every single one of the foreign pictures. Every drop of my American blood rises to tbe surface and boils over when I see some foreign company trying to put on a cowboy or an Indian picture. The other day I saw an Indian girl in a foreign play wearing a costume which consisted of a pair of trousers with rings painted on them, and a short dress, to her knees, over the trousers. She also had curly hair. When asked what would happen to her, she shrugged her shoulders and threw out her hands. Did you ever see an Indian make a gesture like that? 0nly*2DownjlI OneYearTo Pay M^JM NOW Buys «,„ the Famous €ima$0 visible typewriter, guaranteed 10 years. This wonderful machine will do anything that any hundred dollar machine will do and more —Does beautiful, even work. Almost impossible to get' out of order. Yon Bave $65 by buying direct from the factory. For only $2 down we will send typewriter on approval for 10 DAYS' FREE TRIAL If satisfied you can pay the balance at the rate of only $3 a month until machine is paid for. If not pleased at end of 10 days just return the outfit at our expense and every penny you paid us will be refunded. You take no risk. FREE! — Leatherette Carrying Case with brass locks and trimmings will be sent to those who order promptly. Write TODAY for Free Catalog Folder. Galesburg Writing Machine Co., Pept.2801 fialesburg. Hi. LITTLE MARY The Girl of the Golden Curls in eight characteristic poses. Size, 4 1-2x6 1-2, 35 cts. pel' set, or hand colored 65 cts. HANDSOME PICKFORI) POSTCARDS, SET OF 0 for 20o Also handsome photo postcards of over 400 photoplayers, acting for over 30 companies, all stars, sent postpaid, set ot seventeen with catalog; lor 25 cents; 100 for $1. King ol funny fellows, John Bunny, i" ten characteristic poses, 25 cents per set. THE FILM PORTRAIT CO., 127 1st Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. | Powdered Perfection for the Complexion Found! powder whicli aners the three-fold nand made in the name of in protection, and it lasts. beauty — it supplies bloom Y£.ofo . ouvcrainc Ingram's ^?j Face Powder 50c, at drug stores or by mail postpaid Four tints: pink, white, flesh, brunette. Many keep two tints handy. For evening, white or brunette powder is best. For neck and arms, use white. Send us 2o postage to cover the cost of mailing, and receive free a sample of Milkweed Cream, of Velveola Souveraine, of Ingram's Rouge, also Zodenta Tooth Powder. FREDERICK F. INGRAM COMPANY Established 1885 Windsor, Can. 21 Tenth St., Detroit, U.S.A. Ingtcctn's Milkweed Cream Preserves Good Complexions — Improves Bad Complexions There Is Beauty in Every Jar. Price 50c and $1 .00 at druggists'. ANNOUNCEMENT Having accepted the Secretary-Treasurershipof the Pansy Motion Picture Correspondence Club, which originated in the Answer Department of this magazine, I am anxious to double its membership and to effect a strong permanent organization. Those who desire to join will kindly address me at P. O. Box 1588, Philadelphia, Penn. ROMAINE FIELDING. " When answering advertisements kindly mention MOTION PICTURE MAGAZINE.