Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1915)

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180 MOTION PICTURE MAGAZINE per cent, of the productions are crude, seventy-five per cent, of them are above reproach. I would humbly advise Miss MacDonald to frequent a different Motion Picture house than the one she usually patronizes, and I believe her opinion on the subject will be somewhat altered. The Answer Man lias handed in the following communication from Matt Mereness, of Schoharie, N. Y., which is quite beyond him — 'and us: I'm asking you a very important question that concerns my future welfare. I ask you to please answer it : Hello ! Hello ! Say ! H-e-1-l-o. central ! Oh ! what's the trouble? What? Well, then, give me the Answer Man. Yes, yes, hustle. What's that, central? Well, then, just \s soon 's you can. Hello! Hello! Say. this you? Answer! Hello ! Well, then, are you Goodness' sake! All right ; now, then, tell me quickly — When did the Lord, John Bunny take? Hello ! Hello! Say. get off this line, you ! What's that? What's that? He isn't dead! Mebbe I dont know What's that? Whadda you mean — I'm outa my head? Hello! Hello! Say, you there yet? All right ; mebbe you dont know I seen John Bunny like an angel In your picture magazine. Hello ! Hello ! Say. just one more question! Do you think since John Bunny he Wait ! Have some patience, will you ? That there still is room iii Heaven "For a little boy like me?"' Ruth Stonehouse certainly has admirers in Canada, and one of them is Margaret McGrory, of 103 Pearl Street, West Brockville, Ont. : I have been for the past year an enthusiastic reader of your wonderful Motion Picture Magazine and am indeed sorry to say that I have not read any comments or wards of appreciation regarding that most lovable and charming actress, Ruth Stonehouse. Now, in my humble judgment. Miss Stonehouse excels and surpasses any photoplayer in the Motion Picture field today. First of all we must consider that Miss Stonehouse has had no previous experience before casting her lot with the Essanay Company. There are probably photoplayers who have had years and years of experience on the legitimate stage, but consider for a moment if they are as natural and less conceited than our Ruth? Nay, you will at once perceive my meaning ; a few minutes' thought will make you Of the same opinion as yours truly. After perusing your magazine for one year, I have at last decided that if all the fans have gone to sleep as to the wonderful charms of that most beloved Essanay favorite, I, myself, will at least show my appreciation of her most excellent work and sincerely trust that the fans will wake up as to her merits, and when the next Artist Contest arises they will try to put our Ruth at the top of the list. C. 0. Willis, Richmond, Va., draws his sword for Ella Hall and aims a pointed salary question at the studios : I wish to express my admiration for Ella Hall. It seems that Miss Hall is not given the credit she deserves. I consider her a better actress than the famous Mary Pickford, Alice Joyce or Mary Fuller. Your columns are full of Mary Pickford, Alice Joyce and Mary Fuller, while Ella Hall gets very little of the credit she so rightfully deserves. I have seen Miss Hall in drama and comedy, and it is hard to tell in which she is at her best. Her work with Mr. Leonard in "The Master Key" surpasses anything I have ever seen, and I attend the pictures several times a week. Mr. Leonard is as good or better than Mr. Bushman or Warren Kerrigan. Let us have more about Ella Hall. She deserves to rank first with all popular photoplayers. Another thing is the exorbitant salaries that are given a few of the favorites, while the vast majority struggle along at $25 to $75 a week. Take Mary Tickford, for example. She received $52,000 last year. There are other screen actresses who have the same ability as Miss Pickford. and could do just as good or better in the same parts, but who are scarcely recognized. This capitalization of some of the stars nt the expense of the vast majority of others is unfair to' the others. Put me on record as one in favor of a more even distribution of salaries. Give all who have ability a good salary, but dont pay a few salaries that are out of proportion. There is much to be said on this subject, nit I will not take up more of your valuable space.