Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1919)

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ION piCTURP Musk Lessons i ^t=Home A Complete Conservatory Course D„ 1i/Iail Wonderful home study music lessons under Dj iTlttll great American and European teachers. Endorsed by Paderewski. Master teachers guide and coact) you. Lessons a marvel of simplicity and completeness. Any Instrument or Voice ulcourseyof are interested in — Piano, Harmony, Voice, Public School Music, Violin, Cornet, Mandolin, Guitar, Banjo, or Reed Organ— and we will send our FREE CATALOG covering all instrumental and vocal courses. Send NOW. UNIVERSITY EXTENSION CONSERVATORY 4931 Siegel-Myers Bldg. Chicago, Illinois 25 YEARS THE STANDARD TRAIMN6 SCHOOL FOR THEATRE ARTS ALTVXEWE SCHOOL DRAMATIC ARTS FOUl? SCHOOLS IN ONE. PRACTICAL STAGE TRAINING. THE SCHOOL'S STUDENTS STOCK** THEATRE AFFQRD PUBLIC STAGE APPEARANCES' Write for catalog mentioning study desired to Secretary ALVIENE SCHOOLS, Suite 3 225 West 57th Street, New York City Train for Nursing— Now! The war is responsible for a scarcity of nurses in hospitals! — their regular nurses are going to the front. Demand for trained nurses now greater than the supply. This is your golden opportunity to become a trained nurse and easily secure a fine position at $20 to $30 per week. You can quickly master our special Training Course during your spare time at home and receive diploma approved by best doctors. Easy terms. Hospital experience given if desired. We help you find employment'. Write at once for catalog. State age. AMERICAN TRAINING SCHOOL, 1530 N. La Salle St., Chicago America's Pioneer Dog Medicines BOOK ON DOG DISEASES And How to Feed Mailed free to any address by the Author H. CLAY GLOVER CO., Inc., 118 West 31st Street, New York VETERINARY COURSE AT HOME Taught in simplest English during spare time. Diploma granted. Cost within reach of all. Satisfaction guaranteed. Have been teaching by correspondence twenty years. Graduates assisted in many ways. Every person interested in stock should take it. Write for catalogue C E> C" C and full particulars r IT Km C London Vet. Correspondence School Dept. 11, London, Ontario, Can, THERE'S ONLY ONE WAY TO SECURE A SATIN SKIN APPLY SATIN SKIN CREAM, THEN SATIN SKIN POWDER. STRAIGHTEN YOUR TOES _ BANISH THAT BUNION ACFIELD'S Perfection Toe Spring Worn at night with auxiliary appliance for day use. Removes the Actual Cause I of the enlarged iolnt and b*n!on. Sent on approval. Money back if notaarepresented. Send outline of foot. Use my Improved Instep Support for weals J arches. . Full particulars and, advice free : plain envelope C. R. ACFIELD, Foot Specialties, Est. 1901 MAHBR1DGE BUILDING Dept. 420, 1328 Broadway (at 3Sth Street). N. Y . THE SANITARY "O.K." ERASER includes an Adjustable Metal Holder which keeps Robber Clean, Firm and Keen-edged: works better and lasts longer. Two Rubbers, the length of the Holder, are made., one for Ink, one for Pencil. By slight pressure, clean Rubber is fed down until us-. li Price 15c. New Rubbers 5c each. ALL STATIONERS. \ By mail 2c extra. Booklets free. The moat Practical Eraser for Everybody THE O.K. MFG. CO.. Syracuse, N; Y. Makers of the famous Washburae "O.K.'' Paper Fasteners THE (TV Mak ys LA££ BILL HART'S DOUBLE Do you think this familiar figure is your own Bill Hart? Looks like him, but it is in reality an old Frenchman, a vieillard de guiscriff whose likeness to Bill Hart is so apparent that while "over there" one of our soldier boys snapped his picture. BALLADE OF ANCIENT MOVIES By C. P. McDonald When, at the end of a weary day, Forth to the movies I blithely fare, Hoping to witness a snappy play, One that will succor my soul from care, Dont pull the "problem" stuff on me there, Something that hasn't the "pep" and "so"; Gimme a fil-lum of vintage rare — Gimme Bill Hart in a gunman show! Pass up the yarn of the roue gay, Wrecking the lives of the happy pair. Cut out the chicken who had to pay For putting her foot in the villain's snare. Nix on the clandestine love affair, The ruined home and the vamping, bo; All of these fillers I gladly spare — Gimme Bill Hart in a gunman showt Pickle the tale of the brainless jay Who falls for the moll with the baby stare; The hard-working husbands whose wives betray For the paramours that they knew "back there." Can the poor geezer whose son and heir Inherits a taste for the bubbles' glow, Gimme a he-man, a whale, a bear — Gimme Bill Hart in a gunman show! Summary Showmen, I shy like an old gray mare At the silk-tiled dudes of the long ago; They're ringing the knell on the game, I swear — Gimme Bill Hart in a gunman show! Stronger, Clearer Voice for YOU! Weaki>ess, husk iness and harshness banished. Your voice given a wonderful strength, a pr wider range, an amazing g^ clearness. This i3 done by the Feuchtinger Method, endorsed by leading European musicians, actors and speakers Use it in your own home. Simple Silent exercises taken a few minutes daily impart vigor to the vocal organs ■--."■■:■% and give a surpassing quality to the | tones. Send for the facta and proofs. I Do You Stammer? '■ H If you have any voice impediment ■:x| this method will help you. You need not ;;£ & stammer or lisp — if you will follow our > -:& ^ Instructions. Mail coupon for free book. f WRITE! , I Send the coupon and get our I xM ^ree book and literature. We will ■Infill tell you just what this method Is, how It la ? used and what it will do for you. No matter ' £*f now hopeless your case may seem the 2i%r Feuchtineer method will improve yourvoice i / 300 per cent. No obligation on yea if you >;s ask for this information. We gladly Bend it i free, postage prepaid. Just mail the coupon, 1 Perfect Vofee Institute m »7Ms&. Chicago, iii. — ' Wf Send me the boob and facts about the W Feuchtinger Method. Have put X oppo* f Bite subject that interests me most. □ Singing CD Speaking D Stammering D Lisping .1 .t A Three Generation Favorite The test of time is behind Piso's. 54 years of popularity serve to establish Piso's as the reliable relief for coughs and colds. Piso's also allays hoarseness. soothes throat irritation and eases throat tickle. Keep Pise's handy _ ready to use at the first sign of a *l?°-S ■ ! congh. 30c a bottle, all druggists. Contains No Opiate Safe for Young and Old PISO'S for Coughs & Colds MUSIC TAUGHT FREE IN YOUR OWN HOME Piano, Organ, Violin. Mandolino Guitar. Sanjo, etc* Beginners or advanced players. One lesson weekly. Illustrations mate everything plain. Only expense about 2c per day to cover cost of postage and music used. Write for Free booklet which explains everything in full. AMERICAN SCHOOL OF MUSIC, 69 Lakeside Bldg.. CHICAGO CuticuraSoap Ideal for the Complexion All druggists; Soap 25, Ointment 25 and 50, Talcnm25. Sample each free of "Cuticnra, Dept. B, Boston."