Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1919)

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toM^es^ •IlliriiiiiimiiiiiriiMiiiniiiii iiiii ' """ ' n.i.uiiiiiiiiuuiii.iiiis | E uiimmiuiiuiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiilllliilliliiwillll Ill I uiilllllliiilllllimillliy 5 II The FEBRUARY II CLASSIC The second month of 1919 will || 1| be a veritable valentine number of || 11 beauty and interest. It would be || If unfair to spoil your coming sur || |1 prise in opening The Classic by || l| telling you everything about its || || contents, but you will be interested f 1 11 in knowing some of the good i| | i things : 1 1 THEDA BARA |[ II With humor and insight Fred || 11 erick James Smith will tell you || 11 of his afternoon with Miss Bara, li 11 when he drank tea in an atrrios |i 11 phere laden with incense and || 11 talked of But that would be || 1! telling! Here is a chat brimful || II of odd and picturesque interest. 1| [| ANTHONY PAUL KELLY || U 'Tony is successful now — a 1| 11 recognized playwright on Broad || 11 way with one of the season's big |i 11 gest successes. And he's writing || H high-priced scenarios without end. 11 |i But only a few years ago he |1 II almost starved on the coast. But || 11' 'Tony just wouldn't give up. The H H February Classic has his real |f 1 1 story. 1 1 [I WARNER OLAND [| H The films have no more inter || II esting person than Warner Oland, || 11 the fascinating villain of the §| f! serials. Oland is a man of dis 1| ll tinct mental attainments — a || 11 thinker of fine discrimination. He || i| introduced Strinberg to the Amer || 11 ican stage. And The Classic will || 11 introduce the real Warner Oland H si to you. H BESIDES || fl Chats, intimate personal com i| ll ments and brand new pictures of H 1 1 such players as : 1 1 Marjorie Rambeau || Mae Murray 11 Florence Vidor 1 1 Monroe Salisbury 1| Florence Turner 1 1 Dick Barthelmess = f Mildred Harris 1| Gladys Leslie 11 And scores of others. Just the || 11 people you're most interested in. || The issue will be marked by the || ll usual beauty of page designs and H i| striking pictures. || || The best of the month's photo H 1| plays will be offered in Billie 11 11 Burke's "Good Gracious, Anna H 11 belle," Norma Talmadge's "The || 1| Heart of Wetona" and Ethel H || Clayton's "Maggie Pepper." H And_ the Clara Kimball Young If 'll cover is a striking thing in itself. H The Motion Picture Classic =| ll 175 Duffield St., Brooklyn, N. Y. (j = ->iiiiiiiiiiiuiiTiiiiniiiiniiiiiii(ui|[iiitiHiiiiiitiHiiiiiiiiniiiiirMiiiiiiitiiiHititiiiitii[iTiririiitiiiiiiiiitiriM § =.lllllllllillilllltllllillllllllllllllllllll IIIIillllllllNlllllllllllllNNIIIIIIINIIIIilli llIlllNllinilU .IIII.i k Take Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer by the hand and go back to your own boyhood. Let MARK TWAIN show you the way. LowPrice Sale Must Stop Rising costs make it impossible to continue the sale of Mark Twain at the low price. New editions will have to cost very much more than this Author's National Edition. Now the price must go up. You must act at once. You , ' must sign and mail the coupon now. If you want .# a set at the popular price, do not delay. This edi > tion will soon be withdrawn, artd then you will pay considerably more for your Mark 4 Twain. S The last of the edition is in sight. There will never again be a set of Mark Twain at the present low , tf M.P.M. r 2-19 fw HARPER & B RO THERS 7 Franklin Square, New York. price. Now is your opportunity to save money. Now — not tomorrow — is the time to send the coupon to get your Mark Twain. < HARPER & BROTHERS Established 1817 < NEW YORK .+* f Send me, all charges 4 prepaid, a set of Mark > Twain's works, in 25 T volumes, illustrated, bound in handsome green cloth, f stamped in gold, with trimmed + edges. If not satisfactory, I will # return them at' your expense. Other .^ wise I will send you $2 within 5 days f and $2 a month for 15 months. For cash, deduct 8% from remittance. Name. Address • To get the red, half leather binding, change terms to $1.50 within 5 days, and $4 a month for 12 months. B Pflfi Li