Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1921)

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The R 1 v a 1 B> HELEN CARLISLE Illustrated hy G. Francis Kauffman Rome in its day was mighty ..... Yet I rival Rome Its highways proud Were known but to the dwellers on The Seven Hills While thru my streets have tramped The armies of all centuries Upon my hills are built The walls of Babylon The Sphinx emotionless . . The palaces of kings I am The Mirror of Creation Since the dawn of Time There is no grief No joy no passion That I have not flashed Back to the world ..... No war that has not blazed Across my hills No dream That has not trembled into life Within the heart Of me To those Who dwell within my gales I have brought happiness Or tears As it has pleased me. I have builded Hope And sent it crashing to the earth Again and I have smiled Upon the lowly And have given Fame Unsought Around me There has never been The glory that was Rome's (.2 Ah, you may find me Garlanded with roses Dreaming beneath unchanging Summer skies The scent of orange blossoms On my breath Be not deceived For I am more despotic Than the Caesars! Think well E'er you seek favor At my hand Rome in its day was mighty Yet I rival Rome. Behold me I am Hollywood ! r a