Motion Picture Magazine (Aug 1924-Jan 1925)

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Ladies from the somnolent East urge you to hurry to your seat In the New York Theater ^C^here J^lorris Gest Presents " The Thief of Bagdad" East Is West By HELEN E. HOKINSON The hox-office clerk, ensconced behind the harem grating, seems strangely out of place. And he never has "two for this afternoon's matinee." We dont know whether its Doug Fairbanks or the elaborate Gest presentation but they're usually sold out During the intermission, the same foreign ladies scurry about with Turkish coffee. (What does it matter if they shout in a nasal voice, reminiscent of Broadway, "One side please!") In the lobby, natives of Bagdad furnish weird music from equally weird instruments 70 AGĀ£