Motion Picture Magazine (Aug 1928-Jan 1929)

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Now IccK what Sloe will buy novels and novelettes by headliners you already know — Margaret Culkin Banning, Octavus Roy Cohen, Hoi' worthy Hall, Wallace Irwin, Percy Marks, and others. J articles on colleges — Georgia, Harvard, Northwestern, -* ^ — including personalities of prominent college men and women, fraternities — things of the hour, cleverly written by today's front rankers. J ^ short stories — famous Andy Protheroe stories by the **-) Montrosses, stories that have become campus legends — stories with a 2jip and sparkle by Katharine Brush, Cornell Wool' rich, Lucian Cary, Elliot White Springs, Arnold Bennett, and others you already know. <-xjx> y r\C\ pages of crackling humor, direct from 115 cam' ■^^v^ puses. The cream of the jest, profusely illus' trated by those inimitable college artists. li SIX bright, sparkling numbers of College Humor all for a single dollar. Six big shows — six months of genuine enjoyment. Just to introduce you to the Best Comedy in America — the magazine 2,000,000 hap' py folks read every month. Use the coupon below Clip the coupon — attach a bill or $1 in stamps — the first issue will be on its way immediately. 1 <XX> College Humor ooo 1050 N. LaSalle St., Chicago Send me the next six big numbers for the $1.00 enclosed. Name City ' Address, State 11