Motion Picture Magazine (Aug 1928-Jan 1929)

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"Our Lady of the Steppes (Continued from page 35) he started, and the ones who joined later. We call the old school 'the old folks.' " They played "Carmencita and the Soldier," the Russian version of the Spanish "Carmen." "Pericola," the glamourous Peruvian actress of two centuries ago, so like "Camila, the Perichole" of Thornton Wilder's "The Bridge of San Luis Rey." "For three months in the summer I would go to Crimea for rest, but the other nine months we would be in Moscow performing every night, and in Petrograd and all over Russia. Then Dantchenko decided to give realism to opera, instead of all pomp and ceremony. He started the Moscow Theatre of Combined Arts. " 'Can you sing, Baclanova ?' he ask. And I say, 'Give me little time.' I go immediately to Tarian Karganova, the singing teacher, now she gives little singing lessons in Paris, and in three months' time I sing well enough to be in the opera. And then all the people, when they hear me sing 'Fille de Madame Ango,' rush to Tarian and say, 'Make me sing like Baclanova.' "Also dancing I studied, too. From Mordkin, who was in Pavlova's ballet." Baclanova has been in America two and a half years. She came with the caravan of Moscow Art Theatre players that held the intelligentzia of New York enraptured. She came to Hollywood, but later returned to the East. The tropical climate was enervating to our lady of the steppes. "Then I get telegram from Maurice Gest, who has taken 'The Miracle' to Cali Hommel Putting Baclanova on the screen has been nobody's task. Her beauty and ability have themselves turned the trick Marvelous New Discovery Makes Hair Beautifully Wavy The Spanish Beggar's Priceless Gift A story by Winifred Ralston FROM the day we started to school Charity Winthrop and I were called the tousled-hair twins. Our hair simply wouldn't behave. As we grew older the hated name still clung to us. Then Charity's family moved to Spain and I didn't see her again until last New Year's eve. A party of us had gone to the Drake Hotel for dinner that night. I was ashamed of my hair. Horribly self-conscious, I was sitting at the table, scarcely touching my food, wishing I were home. It seemed that everyone had wonderful, lustrous, curly hair but me, and I felt that they were all laughing — or worse, pitying me behind my back. My eyes strayed to the dance floor and there I saw a beautiful girl dancing with Tom Harvey. Her eye caught mine and to my surprise she smiled. About this girl's face was a halo of golden curls. I think she had the most beautiful hair I ever saw. My face must have turned scarlet as I compared it mentally with my own straggly, ugly mop. Of course you have guessed her identity — Charity Winthrop, who once had dull straight hair like mine. It had been five long years since I had seen her. But I simply couldn't wait. I blurted out — "Charity Winthrop — what miracle has happened to your hair? " She smiled and said mysteriously, "Come to my room and I will tell you the whole story." Charity tells of the beggar's gift " Our house in Madrid faced a little, old plaza where I often strolled after my siesta. " Miguel, the beggar, always occupied the end bench of the south end of the plaza. I always dropped a few centavos in his hat when I passed. "The day before I left Madrid I stopped to bid him goodby and pressed a gold coin in his palm. "'Hija mia' he said. 'You have been very kind to an old man. Digemelo (tell me) senorita, what it is your heart most desires.' "I laughed at the idea, then said jokingly, 'Miguel, my hair is straight and dull. I would have it lustrous and curly.' "'Oigame, Senorita' he said — -'Many years ago a Castillian prince was wedded to a Moorish beauty. Her hair was black and straight as an arrow. Like you, this lady wanted los pelos rizos (curly hair). Her husband offered thousands of pesos to the man who would fulfil her wish. The prize fell to Pedro the drogucro. He brewed a potion that converted the princess' straight, unruly hair into a glorious mass of ringlet curls. " ' Pedro, son of the son of Pedro, has that secret today. Years ago I did him a great service. Here you will find him; go to him and tell your wish.' " I called a coche and gave the driver the address. "At the door of the apothecary shop, a funny old hawk-nosed Spaniard met me. I stammered out my explanation. When I finished, he vanished into his store, returned and handed me a bottle. "Terribly excited — I could hardly wait until I reached home. When I was in my room alone, I took down my hair and applied the liquid as directed. In a short time, the transformation which you have noted had taken place. "Come, Winifred — apply it to your own hair and see what it can do for you." When I looked into Charity's mirror I could hardly believe my eyes. The impossible had happened. My dull, straight hair had wound itself into curling tendrils. My head was a mass of ringlets and waves. It shone with a lustre it never had before. You can imagine the amazement of the others in the party when I returned to the ballroom. Everybody noticed the change. I was popular. Men clustered about me. I had never been so happy. The next morning when I awoke I hardly dared look in my mirror, fearing it had all been a dream. But it was gloriously true. My hair was beautifully curly. WAVE MODELLER INCLUDED And with this Spanish blessing you get a simple, easily manipulated Wave Modeller which enables you to fix the size and line of the waves to your style and exact liking — finger waves or marcel — anyway you like it. Made of handsome, durable material, the Wave Modeller atone is worth more than is asked for the combination. AMAZING TRIAL OFFER Only one Order to a Family Now ! For a limited time ONLY, we are offering a full size bottle of "Wave-Sta" (Spanish Waving Fluid) and a set of our superb Wave Modellers at a price which covers merely the cost of compounding, making, advertising and selling, which we have figured down to $2.30. (Please i remember we cannot fill more than one order for each family at this price.) If you are not perfectly delighted with results after using "Wave-Sta" for 5 dayB. simply return the unuBed portion and your money will be refunded. Under the terms of special trial offer you need not send any money in advance. Simply eign and mail the coupon. Then when the pOBtman brings this remarkable beauty aid. just pay him $2.30, plus a few cents postage, and your hair worries are ended forever. This offer may not be repeated. Remember, we take all the risk. If with "Wave-Sta" and the Wave Modellers you are not able to make your hair beautifully wavy, give it new life, new lustre, new Bilky sheen, all you have to do is notify us and your money will be returned in full. Have you ever heard of a fairer offer? CENTURY CHEMISTS 7 W. Austin Ave. Chicago, III. Wavy Bob Send no money — simply sign and mail the coupon r CENTURY CHEMISTS I 7 W. Austin Ave. M.P.31 Chicago, 111. Gentlemen: Please send me, in plain wrapper, by insured parcel post, a full sized bottle of "Wave-Sta" (Spanish Waving Fluid). And a set of new Wave Modellers. I will pay postman the special trial price of $2.30, plus few cents' postage, on delivery, with the understanding that if, after a S-day trial, I am not perfectly delighted with the magic waving liquid, I may return the unused contents in the bottle and Wave Modellers and you will immediately return my money in full. Name. c Address NOTE: If you are apt to be out when the~postman calls, you may enclose $2.40 and "Wave-Sta" will be sent to you postpaid. 119