Motion Picture Magazine (Aug 1928-Jan 1929)

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It Pays to Be Homely {Continued from page ji) it's going to last. That's the marvelous part of it. Why? Because it's built on character and understanding and companionship rather than an illusive profile. So there! Louise tells a funny story about her romance with Hal. hal's gal, louise "T1THEN we first fell in love," she said VV to a reporter not so long ago, "I wanted to look as pretty as possible for Hal. Even the screen's funniest looking girl couldn't help wanting to be pretty in the eyes of her sweetheart. So every night when I would come home from the studio all made up in my ugly characterization I would sneak in the back way and hide from Hal until I got my hair all curled and my face powdered and my dress changed. One day Hal caught meat it. 'Louise,' he said, 'don't you know that I can see through all that stuff to the real you?' And if that isn't about the most romantic thing a man ever said to a woman, I don't know what is." And there's Zasu Pitts. Consider Zasu. According to Hoyle, Zasu is no beauty contest winner. But Zasu has been happily married to Tom Gallery all these years that Constance Talmadge and Pola Negri have been getting married and divorced a couple of times. While the beautiful dames of the screen have been sighing out that their life is so barren and unfulfilled, Zasu's browned, sunburned hands have been rocking the cradle and teaching little kids, "Now, I lay me down to sleep." Funny Zasu. Wistful Zasu, whose skin just won't get lily-white and whose hair slips out of place and who bumps into things when she moves about. Before Tom Gallery met Zasu he was a handsome young leading man on the screen. A lot of awfully pretty girls smiled at Tom and invited him up to home-cooked dinners and things like that. He could have married any number of flappers or vamps or whatever type he preferred. But he met Zasu — the girl whom people had laughed at when she first told them she wanted to be a movie star — the girl whose awkwardness and plainness were her passport to the screen. And after that there weren't any more girls for Tom. Unfair, we say. Blanche LeClair, in shorts, goes and wears — well, anyway, she hides her knees. It makes the kick kickless It Flatters the most Beautiful Hands" says NEYSA MgMein • • illustrator of beautiful women ""DEAUTIFUL women usually r have JD beautiful hands," said Miss McMein. "In fact, any one who takes pride in her appearance takes particular pride in her hands. "I paint all day and by night my hands look like a coal heaver's. First a thorough washing and then I turn to the Cutex box. The Cuticle Remover and Cream come first— and then a little White under the nail really works mira ' Dogs and hunting never spoil my manicure" says Anne Atkinson "You shed your tweeds, and don your chiffons," says Miss Atkinson, society girl and breeder of famous dogs. "Barely time for a brisk wash with soap and water." "Your nail tips come out glowing — crisp— clear! Thanks to that perfectly grand new Cutex Liquid Polish neither dogs nor hunting— can spoil my lovely manicure." The slender, able fingers of Neysa McMein, famous illustrator of magazine covers, are kept in perfect trim with the new Cutex Liquid Polish. cles. Finally, the flattering new Cutex Liquid Polish about which I am most enthusiastic, as well as about all the other Cutex preparations." Sportswomen, artists, society women, all fastidious women — strive to keep their hands becomingly manicured. They do it with the new Cutex Liquid Polish. Applied once a week, this exquisite Polish lasts for days and days. The nails glow with a clear, dewy brilliance. Give your hands that smart, well groomed look— that flattering finish— with the new Cutex Liquid Polish. With Polish Remover, it is 50c. Separately, 35c. The fascinating new Cutex Gift Sets are in six sizes— 25c, 60c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.50, $3.00— in metal cases or gay Christmas wraps. Say your "Merry Xmas" with Cutex! Northam Warren, New York, London, Paris. The new Cutex Liquid Polish is the most flattering finish for your nails. Special Introductory Offer— 60 I enclose 6c for samples of New Cutex Liquid Polish and Polish Remover. (Canada address Dept. M-ll, Post Office Box 2054, Montreal.) Northam Warren, Dept.. M-ll > 114 West 17th Street, New York 87