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Motion Picture Magazine (Aug 1928-Jan 1929)

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HERE'S your chance to own 'that genuine Model T Corona you've wanted — on the easiest terms ever offered— at ONE-THIRD OFF regular price! Complete in every detail; back —"' spacer, etc., NEW MACHINE GUARANTEE. Recognized the world over as the finest, strongest, sturdiest, portable built. Only a limited number of these splendid machines available. To get one, you must act now! Yours for 10 Days FREE— Send No Money Experience the joy this personal writing portable typewriter can give you! Use it 10 days free! See how easy it is to run and the splendidly typed letters it turns out. Ideal for the office desk, home, traveling. Small, compact, light, convenient. Don't send out letters, reports, bills in poor handwriting when you can have this Corona at such a low price or on such easy terms. Carrying Case Included —If You Act Now Leatheroid carrying case, oiler, Instructions free on this offer. Send no money— just the coupon. Without delay or red tape we will send you the Corona. Try it 10 days. If you decide to keep it, send us only $2— then $3 a month until our special price of $39.90 is paid (cash price $36.40) . Now is the time to buy. This offer may never be repeated. Mail coupon now. $15.10 Saved By Using This Coupon Smith Typewriter Sales Corp. [Corona Divasion} 360 22. Grand Ave., Chicago, Sept. 2B wit-h you until then. I am to have 10 days to t-y the typewriter. If I decide not to keep it, I will repack and return to express a«rent, who will return my $^. You are to give your standard guarantee. before Have Sparkling Eyesl Eyes that sparkle with life and colorl YOURS now for the asking! Delica-Brow on your lashes and brows is the secret! It darkens the lashes instantly making them seem longer — heavier — more glossy — more luxurious. FREEYour First Bottle! — -of this delightful waierproo/beautifier, complete with instructions and genuine camel's hair brush for applying. Send for your trial bottle NOW 1 Enclose 10c for packing and mailing. KISSPROOF, INC., Dept. 1278-A 3"12 Clyboum Ave. Chicago, 111. For perfect examples of the harem favorite or aspirant to favoritism as she ain't, Jamiel Hassom, Arabian and technical director, points to this Hollywood houri on the left; and as for sheiks, Barry Norton, on the right, presents a picture of one that is never found outside Culver City ver' handsome in Arab costume, but he did not look Arab. Americans have not the time for the ceremonies and salutes of Eastern countries. They are in too hurry. Charley practice with me three weeks just to make the salute and kneel on a prayer rug. He says, "Jamiel, show me how just once more time." I say, "Charley, you are too stiff." We go behind the set and stand there making bow to each other for sometimes one hour. ABOU BEN GILBERT THERE is one star in Hollywood who could look like an Arab. That is John Gilbert. He has the tall figure, and the dark eye and the big bold feature. I would like to see him as the real, modern Arab young man who is sent to Italy or France to be educated, and who lives when he returns much as young men live anywhere in this day. He wears often European clothes, speaks many languages — I, myself speak five — and when he marries he takes one wife only, or maybe two, but never a whole harem like the movies. Perhaps it is that Americans have what you say suppressed desire for many wives that they like to see harem scenes in desert pictures. But there is nothing like that in Arabia any more. Six, seven hundred years ago — maybe so. The Arabs then forgot they wanted to become conquerors of the world and became too fond of pleasure. They had as many women in their harems as they could pay for, with silk cushions and fine wool carpets and a marble pool to bathe and eunuchs to wrap them in soft towels when they stepped out from the water. In "Fazil" we put a harem of three hundred years ago into modern picture to make it nice to look at. Now there are no eunuchs. Modern Arab ladies of high class are educated ver' well. Often they do not wear the veil. For that harem scene I make a big argument. Those extra girls did not even look like Arabic. But the director explain that this young sheik he has travel everywhere and brought a wife from all countries. They axplain this in a sub-title and then cut out the sub-title. What would you? That is moving pictures. In comedies they have often Arab weddings where the man pulls off the bride's veil and she is ver ' ogly so everybody laugh at the poor man. In Arabia a wedding is ver' beautiful. The bride is not there at all, only the mens of the families. The father of the bride presents the groom with a flower that mean he gives him loveliness. The groom in return promises five hundred camels to show he gives both honor and dignity. HOW. ARABS PRAY THE worst mistake in desert pictures is how Arabs pray. It is in every picture, how all the men and women fall down and bump their head on the ground when the muezzin calls to prayer from the minaret. Sometimes they are chasing a thief, and when they fall down on their knees and begin to bump their head he jomps over them and eschapes. Never, never, is it like this. When the call to prayer sounds, the merchant goes into his stall and washes his face and hands, and takes off the shoes ar.d kneels in a place where he may not see pass a woman. For to pray one must be clean, and if he sees a woman his thoughts might not be clean. When we make "Fazil" I go to dinner with Charley Farrell sometimes and afterward we go to his room and practice how to kneel and pray. If anybody come in it would be funny to see us kneel and bump the forehead on the floor in the Hollywood Athletic Club. One other little mistake most desert movies have; The beautiful white heroine is not willing marry the handsome Arab sheik. It must be that he was stolen as a boy and brought up among the Arabs. I know many marriage between European womens and Arab mens that are ver ' happy. Sometime an Arab of good class is not allow by his family to marry a European lady. But the other way — no that is assuredly a mistake. 100