Motion picture news booking guide (Apr 1922)

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BOOKING GUIDE 89 Brownie's Baby Doll. Starring Brownie and Baby Peggy. Directed by Alf Goulding. Released Oct. 5, 1921. Brownie's Little Venus. Starring Brownie and Baby Peggy. Directed by Fred Hibbard. Released Sept. 14, 1921. Chums. Starring Baby Peggy and Brownie. Directed by Fred Hibbard Released Dec. 28, 1921. Circus Clowns. Starring Baby Peggy and Brownie. Directed by Fred Hibbard. Released Jan. 25, 1922. Dumb Bell, The. Starring Harry Sweet. Directed by Tom Buckingham. Released Dec. 21, 1921. Family Affair, A. Directed by Alf Goulding. Released Dec. 14, 1921. Get Rich Quick Peggy. Starring Baby Peggy. Directed by Alf Goulding. Released Dec. 7, 1921. High Life. Starring Harry Sweet. Directed bv Alf Goulding. Released Sept. 21, 1921. Horse Sense. Starring Harry Sweet. Directed by Fred Hibbard. Released Feb. 8, 1922. Idle Roomer, An. Starring Harry Sweet. Directed by Arvid Gillstrom. Released Jan. 18, 1922. Little Miss Mischief. Starring Baby Peggy. Directed by Arvid Gillstrom. Released Feb. 15, 1922. Mama's Cowpuncher. Starring Harry Sweet. Directed by Alf Goulding. Released Oct. 12, 1921. Muddy Bride, A. Starring Baby Peggy. Directed by Fred Hibbard Released Nov. 16, 1921. Nervy Dentist, The. Directed by Alf Goulding. Released Nov. 2, 1921. Playing Possum. Starring Harry Sweet. Directed by Alf Goulding. Released Nov. 23, 1921. Seashore Shapes. Starring Baby Peggy. Directed by Fred Hibbard. Released Oct. 19. 1921. Shipwrecked Among Animals. Starring Harry Sweet. Directed by Alf Goulding. Released Jan. 4, 1922. Stealin' Home. Starring Harry Sweet. Directed by Alf Goulding. Released Sept. 7. 1921. Straphanger, The. Starring Lee Moran. Directed by Fred Hibbard. Released Jan. 11, 1922. Table Steaks. Starring Brownie (dog). Directed by Fred Hibbard. Releaaed Feb. 22, 1922. Teddy's Goat. Directed by Fred Hibbard. Released Nov. 30, 1921. Tin Cans. Starring Brownie (dog). Directed by Fred Hibbard. Released Oct. 26, 1921. Touchdown, The. Starring Dee Moran. Directed by Alf Goulding. Released Feb. 1, 1922. Week Off, A. Directed by Fred Hibbard. Released Sept. 28, 1921. CHARLES CHAPLIN COMEDIES. Produced by Charles Chaplin Productions. Distributed by Associated First National. Starring and directed by Charles Chaplin. Length, 2 reels. Idle Class, The. Released Oct. 3, 1921. CHESTER COMEDIES. Produced by C L. Chester Prod. Distributed by Federated. Length, 2 reels Birthday Guests and Jungle Pests. Released Jan. 1922. Snooky's Home Run. Starring Snooky. Released Feb. 1922. Snooky's Labor Lost. Starring Snooky. Released Oct. 1921. Snooky's Twin Troubles. Starring Snooky. Released Sept. 1921. CHRISTIE COMEDIES. Produced by Christie Film Co. Distributed by Educational Film Exchanges. Length, 2 reels. Barnyard Cavalier. A. Starring Bobby Vernon with Viora Daniel. Directed by Al Christie. Released Jan. 8. 1922. Exit Quietly. Starring Bobby Vernon with Vera Steadman. Directed by Frederic Sullivan. Released Oct. 2, 1921. Falling For Fanny. Featuring Eddie Barry and Helen Darling. Directed by William Beaudine. Released Sept. 18, 1921. Fresh From the Farm. Starring Bobby Vernon with Josephine Hill. Directed hv William Beaudine. Released Nov. 27. 1921. Hokus Pokus. Starring Bobby Vernon with Josephine Hill. Directed by Harold Beaudine. Released Feb. 19, 1922. In for Life. Starring Viora Daniel with Jay Belasco. Directed by Al Christie. Released Sept. 4, 1921. Kiss and Make Up. Featuring Helen Darling and Earl Rodney. Directed by Scott Sidney. Released Dec. 11, 1921. No Parking. Starring Neal Burns with Helen Darling. Directed by Scott Sidney. Released Dec. 25, 1921.