Motion picture news booking guide and studio directory (Oct 1927)

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34 MOTION PICTURE NEWS MILLION DOLLAR MYSTERY, THE. Produced by Trem Carr. Distributed by Rayart Pictures Corp. Released, August, 1927. With James Kirkwood and Lila Lee. Director, Charles Hunt. Scenarist, Arthur Hoerl. Cameraman, Ernest Depew. Length, 6,022 feet. Theme: Mystery drama. Based on the novel. Notorious band of crooks pursue former member, now a man of wealth. One of their number falls in love with the man's daughter. It develops that this man is a member of the Secret Service and he succeeds in bringing the band to justice. MOCKERY. Produced and distributed by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. Released, August 13, 1927. Starring Lon Chaney with Ricardo Cortez and Barbara Bedford. Director, B. Christensen. Scenarist, Bradley King. Cameraman, M. Gerstad. Length, 5,957 feet. Theme: Drama of peasant love for countess during the Russian revolution — and his supreme sacrifice for her. References: Reviewed issue Sept. 2. 1927, page 713. Advertising: Page 489, Aug. 19, 1927. MODERN DAUGHTERS. Produced by Trem Carr. Distributed by Rayart Pictures Corp. Released, May, 1927. With Edna Murphy and Bryant Washburn. Director, Charles Hunt. Scenarist, J. S. Woodhouse. Cameraman, Ernest Depew. Length, 5.401 feet. Theme: Drama of the younger generation. Young politician falls in love with modern flapper. Unknowingly, the girl leads him into a tragedy. He is sent to prison on a murder charge, but the girl comes to a realization and saves him. MOTHER. Produced and distributed by Film Booking Offices. Released, May 1, 1927. Starring Belle Bennett with Crauford Kent and Mabel Julienne Scott. Director, James Leo Meehan. Cameraman. Allen Siegler. Length, 6,934 feet. Theme: Mother-love drama based on the novel by Kathleen Norris. Deals with the battle* of a woman for her husband and son against the insidious influence of jazz and too much prosperity. Through self-sacrifice, mother saves son from marriage with thoughtless flapper and her husband from blonde vampire. References: Reviewed issue March 18. 1927, page 969. Advertising: Pages 2427, May 22; 2530, May 29; 1731. Nov. 6, 1927. MOULDERS OF MEN. Produced and distributed by Film Booking Offices. Released, March 20, 1927. With Conway Tearle. Margaret Morris. Rex Lease and Frankie Darro. Director, Ralph Ince. Adaptation and continuity by Dorothy Yost. Cameraman, Allen Siegler. Length, 6,442 feet. Theme: Drama dedicated to the Elks. Wealthy physician appointed Secret Service agent attempts to rid his town of evil and vices. Is brought in contact with crippled boy and gangster brother. With aid of Elks the boy is restored to health and physician accomplishes his purpose. References: Reviewed issue April 1, 1927. page 1188. Advertising: Pases 2427, May 22; 2530, May 29, 1926." Exploitation: Page 2449, June 24, 1927. MOUNTAINS OF MANHATTAN. Produced by Gotham Prod. Distributed by Lumas Film Corp. Released, June 3, 1927. With Dorothy Devore and Charles Delaney. Director, James P. Hogan. Scenarist, Herbert C. Clark. Cameraman. Ray June. Length, 5,785 feet. Theme: Drama of New York's skyline. Ambitious iron worker on skyscraper develons romance with daughter of builder and by his daring exposes crooks who attempt to retard work that a rival contractor might get the iob. References: Reviewed issue June 3, 1927, paere 2226. Advertising: Inside front cover, Apr. 22, 1927. MR. WU. Produced and distributed by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. Released, March 26, 1927. Starring Lon Chanoy with Renee Adoree. Gertrude Olmsted, Ralph Forbes and Louise Dresser. Director. William Nigh. Scenarist, Lorna Moon. Cameraman. John Arnold. Length, 7,603 feet. Theme: Adapted from stage play. Melodrama of Chinese vengeance when mandarin's daughter prefers American's love in preference to a Chinese marriage. References: Reviewed issue June 3, 1927, pa*?e 2225. Advertising: Pases 1742, Mav 13; insert. May 20; front cover also 2324, June 17; front cover. June 24; insert. Julv 8: insert, July 29; insert, Ausr. 5, 1927. Lobbv Displays: Pages 2288. June 10:* 129, Julv 15. 1927. Exploitation: Pages 1958, May 20; 2289, June 10; 2367, June 17; 2448, June 24, 1927. MYSTERIOUS RTDER, THE. Produced and distributed by Paramount. Released. March 5. 1927. Starring Jack Holt with Betty Jewel. Tom Kennedy and Guv Oliver. Director, John Waters. Scenarists, Fred Myton and Paul Ganglon. Cameraman, C. Edgar Schoenbaum. Length, 5,957 feet. Theme: Western hv Zane Grey. Throuerh double-crossing of villain, settlers are in danger of losing land grants, but the hero forces villain to disgorge. References: Reviewed issue March 25, 1927, page 1058. Advertising: One page insert. Apr. 17; 1860, Apr. 24; insert, Dec. 4, 1926. MYSTERY CLUB, THE. Produced and distributed bv Universal Pictures Corp. Released. Mar. 13. 1927. With Matt Moore. Edith Roberts, Mildred Harris. Warner Oland and Charles Puffy. Director. Herbert Blaolio. Scenarist, Helen Brodericlc. Adaptors, Herbert Blache and Helen Broderick. Cameraman. Jaekson Rose. Lonirth. 6.969 feet. Theme: Millionaire clubmen make a wager that each man can commit a crime without being detected. Baffling and ingenious crimes are commuted, and each member suspects the others. President of club Is resnonsible. usintr members of his reform school. Hero Is greatly relieved as he had thought the President's niece mlnrit. Rpforenre*: Reviewed i = sue Oct 16. 10"fi DftflM 1496, Advertising: Paget 1870, Apr 21: 2684. June Si 798. Sept. 4. 1926. — N— NAUGHTY. Produced bv Plmdwirk Pictures Corp. Distributed by First Division Dist. Inc. R«leM6d, An"ust 15. 1027. Star Paulino Onrnn. Director and scennrist, Hampton del Ruth. Cameraman, Ernest Miller. Length. 4.667 feet. Theme: Farro-comedv. Shon ;rM decides to capture wealthy husband. With her svrtngst makes a flash at seashore hotel. Wealthy young doctor becomes smitten and a real romance develops.