Motion Picture News (Jul-Oct 1915)

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MOTION PICTURE NEWS Vol. 12. No. 5. WORLD PlliM. LEWIS <J. SELZNICK 25 G R EAT N ews| Combine With To Make Na FIRST RELEAyE AUGUST 9^ OF lOOO WAYMAN. CO-OPERATION OF CAMERA PAPERS AmJREF TIMELINES AND ; TO -THE-MINUTE PHOTOGRAPHIC INGF. HALF THE FILM TO AL IMPORTANCE, PICTURE LOCAL THE Wayman plan is a new development of the news-of-the-day-on-thefilm idea. Show the first one and you will show them regularly; your audiences will demand them. Most news films are a collection of pictured happenings of slight general and NO particular interest, gathered here and there by photographers who have had no training that would qualify them as judges of news values. The items which make up each film of the National News Weekly are selected by the editors of more than a score of BIG newspapers. One half of the film (500 feet) depicts happenings of general interest; the other half reproduces news events that have occurred in your city — selected by the editors of your favorite home town paper. Here's a slogan for the National News Weekly— You'll find it irresistible: "SEE YOUR NEIGHBORS IN THE FILMS" BUFFALO ENQUIRER HOME OFFICE 15Q West 4-6 *-h Slreei NewYork Be iure to mention "MOTION PICTURE NEWS" when writing to advertisers.