Motion Picture News (Jul-Aug 1916)

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512 ACCESSORY NEWS SECTION Vol. 14. No. 3 ASK THE MAN NEXT TO YOU WHAT HE KNOWS ABOUT You have come to this convention to talk shop. You are learning from each other how to make more money out of motion. While you are about it, learn from somebody who has done it — and you will find hundreds at the Convention — how to make extra money out of motion with the Butter-Kist Pop Corn Machine. Moves Nickels Out of the Crowd's Pockets Into Yours This machine sells pop corn to the crowds that gather and wait at your theatre entrance, by motion. It is a moving picture of the manufacture of the most delightful, crackling, toasty-ffavored pop corn that you ever saw. It pops, sorts, butters, toasts, and delivers this delicious pop corn all in plain sight. People stop to watch it and decide to try a bag. When they once get the taste they are spoiled for any other kind of pop corn. Nobody can use this fascinating automatic seller of pop corn to better advantage than you moving picture men, who have waiting crowds in front of your places for hours every day. EXTRA PROFITS Extra profits from this machine run as high as $3000 a year. 80 bags a day means a $1000 a year net. Small payment down brings tfie machine; it starts work for you the minute you start it going in front of your theatre, and very soon pays off the balance. Then it begins to pile up profits for you. Send this coupon for our booklet, "The Little Gold Mine," containing photog r a p h s , testimonials and proofs. Holcomb & Hoke Mfg. Co. 577 Van Buren St., Indianapolis, Ind. Laretst Miiniilu.'hi (Jiirn .«iu-hloc« in I Holcomb & Hoke Mfg. Co. I 577 Van Buren St., Indianapolis, Ind. I .Send Tree oostpald your I photo-book — I '.' The Little Gold Mine " I that tells all about the ButterKliit Pop Corn Machine, gives I actual record of sales, flgurea ■ that prove profits, etc. ■ I"" I Name J I Business | ^ Address J Be sure to mention WILMER AND VINCENT THEATRE COMPANY TAKES OVER APPELL INTERESTS IN MAJESTIC, COLONIAL AND ORPHEUM, HARRISBURG, PENNSYLVANIA special to Motion Picture News. Harrisburg, Pa., July 8. THE Wilmer and Vincent Theatre Company, of New York City, which with Nathan Appell, of New York and Harrisburg, has for several years controlled the Majestic, Colonial and Orpheum theatres, in this city, has just taken over the Appell interests in the business of these three houses and has also acquired sole ownership of the properties of the Orpheum and the Majestic. The three houses concerned are the largest theatres in Harrisburg. The Colonial is devoted entirely to motion pictures and the Majestic and Orpheum are partly devoted to that form of entertainmentWalter Vincent, president of the Wilmer and Vincent Company, which controls about twenty theatres in cities of Pennsylvania, and Eugene L. Koneke, of the same firm, came here from New York to negotiate the deal which has just been consumated. Mr. Appell owned half interest in the business of each of the three theatres. In addition to owning a half interest in the business of each of the three houses, Mr. Appell owned the Majestic and Orpheum properties, which he now relinquishes. The Colonial property is owned by Harrisburg interests and leased to Wilmer and Vincent. C. Floyd Hopkins, under the new arrangement, will continue as the local manager of the three houses. PRINCESS, NASHVILLE, WILL SHOW PICTURES DURING THE SUMMER ■"PHE Princess, Nashville, a vaudeville house, will be turned ■1 into a picture theatre for the summer. Stage settings representing an Italian garden, in the middle of which will be an electric fountain of many colors, with palms, ferns and shrubbery, will be the main decorative features. An orchestra consisting of fifteen pieces and a large organ, is being installed on the large stage. In addition to the ventilating system, over fifty fans of the oscillating type, with the ones now in use, will make the Princess the coolest spot in Nashville. In speaking of the change, W. J. Williams, assistant general manager of the Crescent Amusement Companj', had the following to say : " In turning the Princess into a motion picture house, which will be only temporary during the hot summer months, it is the aim of the Crescent Amusement Company to see that the patrons of the Princess are to be treated to something extraordinary in the way of a motion picture theatre. " We intend to spend somewhere in the neighborhood of a little over a thousand five hundred dollars in improvements." Mr. Williams went on to state that the pictures shown will be the best. No particular program will be used. MENGER & RING, Inc. Manufacturers of POSTER and LOBBY DISPLAY FRAMES M W. 42nd Street New York PERFECTS 110 W.40IIi STREET, NEW YORK WILL BE DEMONSTRATED BY E. E. Fulton Co AT THE CONVENTION Speed Controller Company, Inc. 257-259 William Street NEW YORK Get acquainted with "FULCO" The Department Store MOVING PICTURE TRADE MACHINES <®» EQUIPMENT <&■ SUPPUES Our catalog covers the line froniA*Z ^'^TTiTy^v ^ ^ FULTON COMPANY ^ ULLlt?^ ,56 vv. Lake St. CHICAGO, ILL. <^ MOTION PICTURE NEWS " when writing to advertisers.