Motion Picture News (Nov-Dec 1917)

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4368 MOTION PICTURE NEWS Vol 16. No. 25 Triangle Releases Two Dramas on December 16 Belle Bennett Said to Do Excellent Acting in " Because of a Woman " — Irene Hunt Appears in '; The Maternal Spark," by Hamilton ACCORDING to announcement this week, the Triangle program for the week of December 16 offers two dramas of life and business that have more than usual interest. " Because of a Woman," a seven-reel feature with Belle Bennett in the leading role and Jack Livingston, supporting, will be the first release. Irene Hunt, Josie Sedgwick and Rowland Lee share honors in " The Maternal Spark," scheduled to follow. In the first feature, Noel Clavering (Jack Livingston), is employed as business manager by the Everett Engineering Company., in West Virginia. He is a well liked, capable worker and popular with everyone. Things are running smoothly enough, when one day information concerning a mining property that the Everett Company prepares especially for a client, leaks out. A competing firm taking advantage of the " leak," purchases the property, before the Everett client has had an opportunity to secure the information. The next day the local papers all run two column stories giving particulars as to the deal and hinting that a " shake-up " is imminent at the Everett offices. From here plenty of action is promised. Eddie Lyons and Lee Moran, Universal Joy Dispensers AFTER appearing in fifty-two one and two-reel Nestor Comedies on the Universal program for the past six years, Eddie Lyons and Lee Moran are to produce their own comedies for the Universal organization. This was arranged recently when Lyons and Moran spent a month in New York with the officials of the Universal. The two comedians returned to the coast recently, and within a few days completed arrangements for making their own In " The Maternal Spark," Howard Helms (Rowland Lee), a young attorney of Pepperell has progressed rapidly. John J. Mills (Edwin Jobson), a railroad president, is attracted by the attorney's unusual ability and takes a fancy to him. Mills offers Helms a position as confidential secretary. So Helms, his wife Mary (Irene Hunt), and their little son Bumpkins (Joey Jacobs), come to the "big city" with the railroad president. " The Maternal Spark " was written by R. Cecil Smith, the scenario by George du Boise Proctor and the play was produced by G. P. Hamilton. In the Triangle-Keystone Comedy, " The Sanitarium Scandal," the Keystone bathing beauties do much in causing a general disturbance. The Sanitarium Hotel is a peaceful place until Peggy Pearce and her diving nymphs arrive. Then Baldy Belmont, a professor, Paddy McGuire, a porter and Fritz Schade, the sheriff, all fall for the girls and many " wet scenes " take place thereafter. William Beaudine directed the picture. Two one-reel Triangle Komedies, " His Bad Policy " and " A Discordant Note " are also included in the week's releases. subjects, and are now at work on the first which will be titled " The Pig Skin Hero." Their producing organization will include players who have appeared in past releases in which Lyons and Moran were featured, and Eugene DeRue will serve as assistant director, and Al Cawood will be the cameraman. " The boys," as Lyons and Moran are known at the studio and throughout the West Coast film colony, have a unique record, in that they have played together longer than any other two players of screendom. They both left the vaudeville stage to accept a position with the Universal at the same time, and have been together since that day. All of the time, up until now, that they have played for the screen they have worked in Nestor Comedies where they were featured, with but one or two exceptions when they appeared in fivereel comedy dramas. " The boys " organization will be independent from the Universal, but they will have the advantage of the technical department of Universal City, and also will work there, they having rented stage space for the making of their comedies. Capt. Leslie T. Peacocke, one of the best known scenario writers, has been engaged to write comedies for Lyons and Moran. The brand name for the comedies to be made under the direction of Lyons and Moran is yet to be selected. You are not going to tear. The men who are need all the comforts you can give them. Help them get cigarettes. That is your patriotic duty. If you arent helping in the " smokes " campaign, get busy — now. Don't be a slacker! Paramount Releases Reid Feature on December 17 According to Paramount Pictures Corporation, Wallace Reid is destined to qualify as a Western star of no small calibre in his two forthcoming Paramount pictures, " Nan of Music Mountain," to be released December 17, and " Rimrock Jones," which is to be a January release. Frank H. Spearman, who wrote " Nan of Music Mountain," is said to know his West thoroughly and is also possessed of the ability to involve the rugged types to be found in the mountains and the prairies of the Far West in romantic situations, thereby creating fiction that has a basis in fact but which possesses the high-light and the shades such as can be supplied only by a real artist in letters. " Daughter of Destiny " Coincides with History The story of " Daughter of Destiny," in which Madame Petrova is scheduled to make her bow as the star of her own organization on December 23, is said to be very timely, in so far as history-in-the-making is concerned. It revolves around a series of incidents which take place in the fictional kingdom of Belmark, wherein the monarch of the European principality receives an ultimatum from the emperor of another country to the effect that Belmark must declare itself or have the neutrality of the country violated. The Petrova Picture Company believes that the theme which dominates the storywill please exhibitors greatly, and has announced that the advertising possibilities are unlimited. " Les Miserables " Draws Praise When First Shown The newest of photoplay masterpieces, " Les Miserables," in which William Farnum has the role of the immortal Jean Valjean, had its first presentation on December 3 at the Lyric theatre in New York, and instantly won the plaudits of the thousands who flocked to see it. It is the general belief that William Fox, who produced the feature from Victor Hugo's melodrama, has never offered a subject of greater promise, and of promise which appears to have been already partly fulfilled. Reviewers are agreed that William Farnum's dramatic work is one of the screen's notable contributions, and Frank Lloyd's direction is a triumph of the filmmaker's art. General Releases New Rastrelli Laugh-Provoker Amedee Rastrelli, the French comedian, who is putting his fun-making capabilities into one-reel comedies for Essanay, is said to continue to set a fast pace for brother comedians in " Make Your Eyes Behave," the General Film current release in the series. It is claimed he has developed new comedy stunts in this subject. The current Essanay scenic is " The Great National Industries of Canada," said' to be an entertaining review in picture form of the great advance Canada is making as an industrial nation. Lyons and Moran Head Own Universal Company