Motion Picture News (Oct - Dec 1928)

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October 6 . 1 9 2S 1077 OVER 90% OF YOUR PATRONS' TIME IS SPENT IN YOUR SEATS! Why make it hard for them ? Why not give your patrons a soft, deep, roomy, luxurious theatre chair that will make them so comfortable that they will return with steady, profitable patronage? HeywoodWakefield Seating is an investment that brings returns at your box office. It is not a "bargain" proposition that you have to repair and keep paying for year after year. Before buying, investigate Heywood-Wakefield Theatre Seating. Find out for yourself why Publix, Roxy, Orpheum, Saxe, Schine, Pantages, Shubert, and a host of others are steadily buying Heywood-Wakefield seats. HEYWOOD «W\KEFIELD Theatre Seating Division Baltimore, Md. Boston, Mass. Buflalo, N. Y. Los Angeles, Calif. Minneapolis, Minn. New York, N. Y. San Francisco, Calif. Chicago, ni. Detroit, Mich. Philadelphia, Pa. Portland, Ore. Seattle, Wash. Kansas City, Mo. St. Louis, Mo.