Motion Picture News (Oct-Dec 1930)

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October 11, 1930 Motion Picture News 89 Keunty Fair Lut Stand Lav In the Saddle , Lightning Rider, The Make It Smppy Man Hunter, The Matter ol Pelley Milky Way (Reissue) Omit Khayaa (Riinn) .... One Wet Night Paul Revere (Reissue) Peekaboo Plane Crazy Pony Express Kid. The D<it at Honor PrehTtterli Maa (Relune) ... Pranie Kid. The (Reissue)... Queen of Roundup (Reissue) Red Coat'* Romance Restless Rest (Re-Issue) Rcpln' Venue Seeing Red (Reissue) Should Poker Players Marry T Sid's Lang Count Sitting Pretty Sit Our Justice losie Maw Sen et Courage Speak Easy (Reissue) .. Step Right Up Sterffl King <Re-lisuo>. Trail ef the Peek Under the White Robe (Re-lslue Way of the West (Reissue) Why Walt Whip Hand. The (Reissue) Wild West Wallop (Reissue) William Tell Wolf's Fangs , Oswald Cartoon . Bobble Nelson . Ted Carson . .. . Ted Carton . Sid Baylor Ted Canoe Edwards . Charlie Puffy . . Ptgaah-Edwardg . Arthur Lake . . . .Sid Saylor . Edmund Cobb .Bobble Nelson Edmund Cobb . . , Josie Sedgwick . Ted Carson . Neety Edwards . jml* Sedowlek . Billy Sullivan . .Jan. 8. .Jan. 26. ..Apr. ...Aug. 23.. ...Feb. 12.. .. Jely 2*.. ..Jan. 13.. ...Mar. 10. . . July 14. . ...Feb. 24. ..Aug. 18.. ...July 9.. ...Aug. 9.. ...May 21. ...Feb. 22. .. All*. II ..Apr. 12.. ...Mar I. ...June 29. . . Mar. 24. Title *t|Arablan Daze •fsBewery Blmbea* 'HBresdway Follies •t§Brother for Sale (A. T.). •fJChlnose Blues (A.T.) •tSChrlstmas Cheer (A. T.)... MChlle Con Carmen •tSCeld Feat •tSOeteetlve. The . •^Discontented Cowboy* •tSFIngor Print* (A.T.) ItSFeotlleht FeMtet <A.T.).. •tlFoul Ball, The •t§Hallowe'en *t§Hammer A Tongs (A.T.) -tSHash Shop *t|Hell'l Heeln ■f Henpecked •fSHeroes of the Flames (A.T.) *ffiHls Bachelor Daddy VlHot for Hollywood •Hurdy Oordy •tSIn Mexico •tsjade bos. The •t§Kld Roberto (A.T.) .Sid Saylor Arthur Lake Bobble Nelsea .Arthur Lake , Bobble Nelson , Charlie Puffy Sid Saylor Edmund Cebb .Ted Carson )Nee1y Edwards Neely Edwards Slim Summi-rvll I* .Billy Sullivan .Edmund Cobb ..Ted Carton SOUND SHORTS Star Oswald Cartoon Oswald Cartoon . Sunny Jim Sporting Youth .Sunny Jim ••■•< . Oswald cartoon . Oswald Cartoon , . Oswald Cartoon , .SidneyMurray Kenneth Harlan Sporting Voutn Oswald Cartoon Sporting youth .... Kane Richmond Leather Pusher Series Oswald Cartoon .Oswald Cartoon Oswald Cartoon ..Jan. IK ..Aug. 18. . .June SO . May a ..Jan. 15 . . Apr. It). .'.Ju?y' 2. 12. . A or. 7. . "ay 7. . Fab. IS.. . . Jan. 7 ..May 12.. . . Fab. 1 .. Feb. II). . Mar. IS ..May 24 ..Jan. 27 ..May 31 . I real... .2 reels.. . .2 reels. . .2 reels.. .2 reels . ..1 r*eee. . I reel. .. . 1 reel .1 f*oJ... . . I reel. . . . . I reel. .. .2 reels .. .2 reels. . ..2 reels. . .2 reels. . .2 roels. . . .2 reels... ..2 reels. . . .. I real ..2 reels.. ..2 reels.., . I reel.... ..2 reels.. . . 2 reals . ..2 reels... . .2 reels.. . .2 reels... . . I reel . . . ..2 reels... . 2 reels... . . 2 reels. . , . I real . ..2 reels... . . I reel . .2 reels. .. . .2 reels. .. . . I reel. . . ...2 reels .Deo. 7 Dot. 21 . . Mar. I ..July II ..Jan if ....Mr i '.July 19 A or. If Apr. 26 .Doe. 21 ..Mar. IS ..Mar. I ..Jsm 21 : Apr. 19 Sunny Jim Oswald Cartoon Oswald Cartoon Oswald Cartoon LorrainePerrin Kane Richmond Leather Pusher Series No. Rol. Date Mar. 3.. Mar. 17.. Mar. 3 .Juno 25.. . Mar. 31 .. .Feb. 3.. . Fab. 3.. Aug. IS.. .Sept. 22.. .Nov. 12... Apr. 9 . Mar. 23.. Feb. 3 . . .Oct. 6.. Apr. 14 Oct. B.. Apr. 14.. ..Juno 2 Aug. If.. .June 2.. May 14.. Mny 19 ... Jan. 20 . 'n«r. u.'.' Length 2 reels . I reel . . . . 1 reel . . .2 reels. . .2 reels. . .2 reels. . . I roe I . . Review** Feb. 22 ...Apr. a ..Feb. is ..Dee. 21 . Mar. 29 ..Doe. 14 . . .Jan. Ii 2 reels 2 reels . . .Mar . 10 episodes .2 reels Jan. .2 reelt ■tKlsse* and nurse* ■■■ *t§Knockout, Tho * tipresi. The (Serial) •tSLIve Ghetto (F 4 D) *t§Mush Again •t§My Pal Paul *t§Nelghbors •tlNot So Quiet "tSOno Day to Live (A.T.) •tuiiddrmr Snn"' *t§P*Ii in Buckskin No. I •t§Par1ez-Von» •tPnson Panic •HRoyal Feurflmh •tSSehoolmatet *t§8eelng Start •ttjShe's a He (A.T.) *t§Singing Sap •tSSIster't Pest 'TSnappy Salesmen 'tSSpell of the Circus (A.T.). VSSpooka •t*} steeplechase (A. T.) "tSStop That Noise •tfstrange as It Seems No. I. *t§Strango as It Seems No. 2. *t§ Talking Nowtrael • rTtrisn tho Tiger (Serial).. 'I Terry of_ the Timet (Serial) lublot Tramp* Downstair* ■VurH •tSWa We Maria ■fSTerry of Mie •tlTraffle Troubl H (Tramping Tn Sup and Do* i SVarnen't Auo nswtilrf ■ Leather Pushers No. 3. . L orrs I ne Chandler .Ann Chrltty Sunny Jim Otwald Cartoon Sunny Jim Oswald Cartoon .All Star Sid Saylor .Tim McCoy — Indians are Coming .SummervlII* .Otwald Cartoon . Sporting Youth . . . .Sporting Youth ... ■ Sporting Youth . .. . Sunnv Jim .Oswald Cartoon ... .Sunny Jim .Otwald Cartoon . . . . .F. Bushman. Jr.-N. .Otwald Cartoon ... . Sporting Youth . . . .Sunny Jim .Novelty .Novelty ! Frank " Morrill" ".'.'.'. . Howet-ThompMR . . .Otwald Cartoon ... . riont Archer ..Slim Summarvllle .. . Juno 2. . ..Jan. 20. ..Apr. 23. Juno IS. Mar. 26. July 7.. ..Sept. 24. Series SepL 10.. Apr. 28... Feb. 17., Apr. 28., Mar. 17.. Feb. 26 . Aug. IB., Vaughn. Jan. 12., July II.. Jan. 8. July IB.. Sept. I.. Sept. 29. SepL 29. Doc. B., Aug. It.. Mar. 12.. Mar. 31. . ....J"". 29. Feb. "» , Oct. 29. .2 reels .1 reel Apr. 13 .1 reel Juno 7 . I reel . 12 episodes .2 reels Apr. 19 I reel May 24 ' reel Nov. 31 . it) episodes. .Feb. 22 ...2 reels . 10 episodes.. April 12 . .2 reels Jan. 1 1 .2 reels Mar. 29 ..I reel Juno 28 . . 2 reels. ... Mar. .1 real July 28 eh .Dae 14 Aug. 16 May 19 .Jan. 25 ..Apr. 28 Mar. ■ .May m ..Sept. 20 . Jan. 25 ,2 reels .1 real .2 reels .2 reals . 2 reels . .2 reel* , . .1 reel .2 reels .... .1 reel . . 10 episodes .1 rati 2 reels Dee. 14 2 reels June <4 . I reel SepL 20 . . . I reel . i(i eo-sodet. .10 episodes. .2 reels . I reel , .2 reels . .9 reels ..2 reelt .June 21 . Fab. 18 .Mar. 2* Jan. 25 . Fob < WARNER BROTHERS (Available sound-on-dimc only) Tltlt Star A Soldier** Pltythlpg L*der-Lyei-La«8dai .... Bli Boy Al Jolson •tSCturaao (A.T.) BMWtt-Nlle. •fSDancing Sweetlei t....AII Star ...... •TtDumbellt In Ermine (A. T-). Armstrong-Gleason-Kent •tSEvldenee (A.T.) Paulino Frederick •tlGeneral Crack (A.T.) John Barrymora •tIGelden Dawn (A.T.) Wooll-Segal *T I Green Goddess. The (A. T.). *t§Hold Everything (A.T.) •tllsle of Escape (A. T.) (A. T.) Rel. Date ..Nov. I.. ..Aug. 30.. .Juno 7.. .July 18.. .May "" Jan. . Jan. George Arllss Llghtner Brown-O'Neill Blue-Ley Al Jolson 2525.. Juno 14.. . Mar. 8. . .May I . Mar. I . . May 31.. . May 24. . May 3. . Aug. 2.. .Aug. 23. Au|. 18. Mar. 15. ..July 8. .June 7. .Jan."' 411 .7447.. ..6653. ..7513. ..5814. ..7570. ..6167. ..4383. ..6030. ..5220. .5850. ..4410 ..6120. ..4280. . 8000. ..8150. ..5268. ..70.. ..79., .109.. .83.. ..74.. ..84.. .65. . Ma 15. .. Aug. ..Apr. IE ..July 26 ..Apr. I .. Feb. I 413. .7IR5. .5772. .6876. .6120. . 7498 . .6341. July 28 74... May 31 Juno 14 Juno 7 Oet. 19 Nov. 16 Juno XI .Fob. 2? .Apr. 12 .Apr. 5 .Mar. 29 ...68. ..Apr. 12 ...49. ..Apr. 12 Atlf. 9 ...58... Oet. 4 .. 85... July 12 40, . .Feb. 8 ...68. .Juno 7 ...68. .July 28 . 89 Dec. 28 ...91. .Jan. II ..59. ..May 10 ...71... Feb. 22 Title A Soldier's Plaything Adam and Evening Bad Women | , Barber Joha't Boy , Both Were Young Captain Applejaflk Captain Thunder , Children of Dreams Divorce Among Friends. Doorway to Hell Fifty Million Frewchm.n Gay Caballere God's Gift to Women .. Ex-Mistreat Lite of the Party Maybe Its' Lave Maytime Moby Olek Old English Outward Bound Penny Arcade Rod Hot SInnert River's End Sinners' Holiday Sit Tight tteel Highway Viennese Night* Coming Feature Attractions Rel. Date Length Mlns. Reviewed .John Halllday .Fay Wray-V. Varconl... .Ali Star"" 7.7. . Lewis Ayret ..Olsen A Johnson ! W I tliers N .Yon "*!**"" . Nolan-Hamilton .Winnie Lfghtnor . Brown Bennett ■ John Barrymora .George Arllss ,.L. HowardFairbanks, Ji .. Withora-Knapp .Winnie Llghtner . .Blekford-Knapp , . . Llghtner* Brown , ,.WIthera-Aster . GraySegalH orsliolt ..Aug. 23 .SepL 27 . Nov. .Oct. . Jan. OeL 4 OeL 4 Oet. 4 OeL 4 . . . .Aug. 30 VITAPHONE VARIETIES (D) , . Star Rel. Date Johnson Chow-Robison Perkins-Ford Songs Douglas Stanbury Elliott-Davis Title A Syncopated Sermon.. Absent Minded Alda. Frances Alpine Echoes And Wile , At Homo. Potter Series Littlefleld-Ward At the Round Table Helllnger-Hopper-tfunyon-Corbett At Your Service Landls-H alii pan -Blackwood Bard of Broadway, Tho Walter Wincfiell , Barefoot Days Cast of Children Battery ol -nnos. a Hoyt.Cooto-Qulntelle Believe It or Not, No. I Robert L. Ripley Believe It or Not, No. 2 Robert L. Ripley Believe It or Not. No. 3 Robert L Ripley Believe It or Not No. 5 Robert L. Ripley Benefit, The Joe Frisco , Senile, Ben Orchestra , Big Money, Potter **rlei Llttlefleld-Ward Bigger and Better Watsons , Body Slam, The. LambertLedouxIrving Booze Hangs High, The Song Cortoon Box Car Blues Looney Tunes No. 5 Bridal Night Artftur-Merriam Broadway's Like That Ruth Ettlng Bubble Party, The Geo. Sweat Bubbles Yltaphone Klddlet Cave Club. The Leaeh.Merman-Plerlot Celeste Alda Giovanni Martlnelll Cheer Leader. The Tom Douglas Christmas Knight Washburn-Eddy Mlddleton College Capers Collegiate Model. The Ona Munson Compliments of the Season Dressler-Lane-O'Brlen , Congo Jazz Looney Tunes No. 2 Contrary Mary Bobby Watson Cry Baby Vernon-Troon Danger Lltel-CampeauMerrlam Desert Thrills Edwin Bartlett Oevil't Parade, Tho Sidney Tartr Dining Out Kent-Lake Doctor's Wlfo Pangborn-Astor-Mitchell Done In Oil. Potter Serlea Littlefleld-Ward Ducking Duty Conklln Morgan Reviewed Length . . J reel .. 882. ...10. .Apr. 12 .. 523 6.. Feb. 8 , . . I reel . . 971 1 1.. Apr. 12 ..1435 16 .Mar. 15 6. .OeL 4 .. 633.... 7 ..2 reels OeL 4 7.719. 77.87..MayTo . 2 reelt May 24 Aug. 30 . I reel . 928 10.. Feb. 8 . 771.... 9. .Apr. 18 1141 12. .May 24 8. .Aug. 9 ..I reel July 19 6.. Oct 4 . I reel 865. . 629.. 688. 793. .2 reels May 10 ..2 reels J reel Aug. 30 ...839 9, June 7 744. . 725., .888.. .May 24 July 21 June 14 Duel. Tho Emergency Case Eternal Triangle. Tho... Evolution . . i Evolution of the Dane*. Excuse the Pardon Family Ford Fashion's M Irror Faust Duetlit Act... Feminine Typet Fight. Tho Find the Woman Five Minutes From the Statltn. -Overman-Churehill-Sldney . FieldsTeasdale .Hugh Comeron . Rlch-Standino-Kallz .Progress of Motion Pictures . Luplno Lane . MorganAlexander . Newberry. Thompson .Cha*. Hackett .Jean Barrios . Norman Brokenshlre .Hugh O'Connell Footnotes For Art's Sake For Two Cents For Sale , Fora Fowl Triangle Frame. Tho Gates of Happiness Getting a Raise, Potter . Ginsberg of Newborn..... Glrlt We Remember Glee Quartette, The Going Placet Grand Upraar Grounds for Murder Gym Jamt Hard " -Page Sisters A Osear Grogan . , Broderiek Crawford ,.De Wolf Hopper ..Gregory Ratoff . .FordLane ". '. Boyd Middle ton ' 7.7.7. . ..Arthur Pat West ..Llttlefleld-Ward ...Eddlo Lambert . . . Jack Buchanan , ...Shaw A Lea ...Jim MeWllllRfflt . . . Foster. Glendenning . . . Lew Mayer ...Spencer Tracy 493.. . 5 SepL 27 1071 ".' 1 reel. .10. .12. .June 21 . Feb. 22 872" lie' '.NaV.'M . 1 reel. . 817.. ."9 '.'(lay i 6 519... 1 reel 8. Apr. 19 Sent 27 1 reel. 523... '«'. JunV 14 Head Man. Tito O'ConneM-Kelly Heart Breaker. The Eddie Foy. Jr Keldt and His California*} Her Relatives Neely Edward His Bio Ambition Potter Series, Littlefleld-Ward His Public Morris & Campbell Holland Technicolor Holiday In Storyland, A Vltophone Kiddles Hold Anything Looney Tunes No. 3 , Honolulu MadisonMarsh , Horse Sense Bob Roebuck Idle Chatter Lou Holtz , III Wind. An Hlbbard-LorehGraham I'll Fix It Kent-Lake .. 934....I0 8. ..Sept 27 ...1188... .13. -May 10 .■1 reels Aug. 1 .'." 552.7.7 87. Fab." * Y> .. 660 Juno 7 ...702 8. .May 3f *7635..7.'7.'.Ap"r7"l8 . . I reel Sept 8 .. 798.... 9. Apr. 19 .1315 15. -Oct 4 Juno 7 2 reels.. 19.. Aug. 30 ...... ...733 8. -J una . . 799.... 9 .... AUR, ..I reel •tfi?Man from Blankloy*t.Tho( A.T.) John Barrymora •tfMan Huntor (A. T) Rln-Tln-TIn Matrimonial Btd All Star Office Wlfo Maekaill-Stone 'tSOhl Sailor. Behm (A.T.)....Lrene Delroy-Chas. K •t»Oti tho Border Jln"LLn:.r ..,.. •t§Recaptured Lova Bonaott-Halttdty •t§Rough Waters (A. T.) Rln-Tln-TIn •tSRoyal Box (A.T.) (eortian) . . Molstl-Horn •tfSetond Choice (A.T.) Ooloret Costello •ttjSeeend Floor Mystery (A. T) Wither*Young •t§8he Couldn't Say N» Llghtner-Morrlt *+t>8ong of Hie West (A.T.) Boles-Segal *t§Sweet Kitty Bellairt Claudia Dell •UThoae Who Oaneo (A.T.) Men* Blue _.-„■_ •tSThreo Faces East Bennett-von Strenelm •t§Under a Texas Moon (A. T.) . Fay-Torres-Lry-Beery •tSWIde Open (A.T.) E. E. Horfan •Means synchronized score. tMeans sound effects. §Means voice (including dialogue and incidental songs). A.T. after title mean* All-Talker, P.T. means Part-Talker D means disc. F means sound-on-film. ,.80. ..65. ..Sept 13 .76.. J«*y 18 . .68. . June 21 ..83. ..Apr. I? .71 . . Mar. 29 Japanese Bowl. The. Jay Walker. The Jazz Rehearsal . Keeping Legacy, The Lertert Let's Elope Left M'.Tfre ...-,.. ... Lobo. Dog of Dogs Lonely Glglo Lost and Found Love Boat. The Many Happy Returns. . Married Master Sweeper, Tho.. Matinee Idle Military Post. Tho Modern Business Money. Money, Money Intruder .....Technicolor Chester Clutn , Kane Edwards Eddie Buzzell Betty Co m d to n Pauline Garan Betty A Jerry Browne Doree Leslie Lobo Lettl Loder Demarest-Bond .... Herman Tlmberg Connolly -Gottscha Ik Evans ... . FlintRidgesForan Chester Conklln Henry Hull Roberto Guzman , . 908... 10 .Apr. II . .2 reels .June 14 .1 reel. ..894... 8 June 14 . 1 real . .10 Sect 13 .1 reel. .May III .1748 . 19 .May 10 .2 reels. II .Aug. :*u 800.. 9 .645.... .11. . June 14 . 390... 7 .Mar. 1 . 922... 9 754.. 8 .Mar. 1 .2 reels. .17. .Aug. 38 . 904.. in Mar. '8 . 685... . 6. .June 14 . 570.. . 6 Mar. IS .... Maton-Keeler .. ..Otto Krugor My Mistake Donald Brian. Pat O'Brien Naggers, The Mr. &. .Mrs. Jack Norworth Naggers at Breakfast The Mr. A Mrs. Jack Norworth .1 reel ..I reel June 14 ..845.... 9. Juno 14