Motion Picture News (Oct-Dec 1930)

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November 1 , 19 3 0 Broadway Gives Wide Screen GoBy, Grosses Say Motion Picture News 39 Wide screen doesn't mean much to Broadway fans, it is indicated by the reception given Realife and Grandeur at the Capitol and Roxy. Realife grabbed only slightly more than $76,000 when presented at the Capitol with "Billy, the Kid." while Grandeur at the Roxy this week, with "The Big Trail" the attraction, showed no evidence of soaring toward a record, despite a big splurge in advertising. The Capitol business is only slightly better than average, and the Roxy in the first rive days of the week was regarded as satisfactory, but not big, in view of the special equipment needed to project Grandeur. "War Nurse," new run film at the Astor doesn't look like it will stay for long. Attention was directed this week to "Murder," British picture, at the Cohan. The picture is showing box-office strength and the notices have been good. Estimated takings : "WAR NUR5E" (M-G-M) ASTOR— (1.120) 5Oc-75c-41-$1.50-$2, 3 days. Other attractions: "Flip, the Frog" (M-G-M). "Dogway Melody" (M-G-M i. Gross: $11,000. Picture rapped and start not so hot. "BILLY, THE KID" (M-G-M) CAPITOL— (4,700) 3Sc-50c-75c-$1.50, 7 days. Other attractions: News, Capitol presentation. Gross: $76, 262. Only slightly above average; customers seemingly indifferent to wide films. "ABRAHAM LINCOLN" (U.A.) CENTRAL— (1.490) SI -$2, 7 days, 9th Meek. Other attractions: "Dollar Dizzy" (M-G-M), "The Zampa." Gross: $16,085. Only slight drop over last week but run near end. "LOOSE ENDS" (B. I. P.) GEO. M. COHAN— (1,500) 35c-50c-75c. 7 days. Other attractions: "Leather Pushers" (Univ.). Gross: Around $5,000. Good second week for British film. "HELL'S ANGELS" (U. A.) (Playing simultaneously at the Criterion and Gaiety) CRITERION— (850) $l-$2-S2.50. 7 days, 10th week. Other attractions: None. Gross: $15,980. It won't be long now. EMBASSY— ALL NEWSREEL EMBASSY— (598) 25, 7 days. Straight newsreel. Gross: $9,616. This house usually holds to around this figure. "HELL'S ANGELS" (U.A.) (Playing simultaneously at the Criterion and Gaiety) GAIETY— (808) $l-$1.50-$2-S2.50, 7 days, 10th week. Other attractions: None. Gross: $12,750. Just fair. Due to fold soon. "HALF SHOT AT SUNRISE" (RKO) GLOBE— (1,050) 3Sc-50c-75c, 7 days, second week. Other attractions: "Hidden Ball" (Pathe), "Monkey Melodies" (Columbia), "Voice of Hollywood" (Tiffany), news. Gross: $16,800. Big drop over opening week, but not bad, s^nsidering. "OUTWARD BOUND" (Warners) HOLLYWOOD— (1.600), 50c-75c-$l-$1.50, 5th week. Other attractions: "Looney Tunes," "Helen Brod erick," "Martinelli" (all Vitaphone). Gross: $17,939. Showing strength at this figure. "SANTE FE TRAIL" (Para.) PARAMOUNT— (3,700), 40c-50c-65c-o5c-$l, 7 days. Other attractions: "Fit to Be Tied" (Para.), news. Gross: $85,400. Fine business. Nancy Carroll and Rudy Vallee helped. "WHAT A WIDOW" (U.A.) RIALTO— (1.904), 65c-85c, 3rd week. Other attractions: "You're in the Army Now" (Para.). "Grand Uproar" (Para.). Gross: $24,600. Away off and due to fold. "WHOOPEE" (U.A.) RIVOLI— (2.103) 35c-65c-85c, 7 days. 3rd week. Other attractions: "Red Green and Yeliow" (Para.), "Swing, You Sinners" (Para.). Gross: $28,400. Way down and going out. "SCOTLAND YARD" (Fox) ROXY— (6,200) 50c-75c-$l. 7 days. Other attractions: Stage show and news. Gross: Above $97,000. Picture showed surprising strength. "MAYBE ITS LOVE" (F. N.) STRAND— (3.000), 35c-50c-65c-85c. 7 days. Other attractions: Audio Review (Pathe). "Five Minutes from the Station" (Vitaphone). Gross: $29,261. lust fair. "OLD ENGLISH" (Warners) WARNERS -(1,490) $1-$1.50. 7 days. 9th week. Other attractions: "The Legacy." "Believe It or Not" (Vitaphone). Gross: $11,481. Should be out at this figure. "OFFICE WIFE" (Warners) WINTER GARDEN— (1.493) 35c-50c-$l, 4th week. Other attractions: Eddie Foy, Mark Hellinger, Walter Winchell" (all Vitaphone), news. Gross: $27,394. Holding up well. Smart Comedy Frederick Lonsdale's dialogue, as usual and, in this case, smarter than smart, reinforced by a fine English cast of four, of which Tom Walls is the ringleader, makes "On Approval" a really amusing situation comedy. Walls isn't known in this country. That's a pity. After taking a peek at this English-made production from the studios of British and Dominion Pictures, it becomes easy to understand why the man is so popular in London. He has a suavity, an air of good breeding and a flair of comedy that are pleasurable to watch. "On Approval" will appeal plentifully to those who like sophistication in their motion pictures. For big town showings, it's particularly there — provided some American distributor has the good sense to take it on. KANN Clara-$18,000, Gloria-$H,200, In Des Moines Des Moines — Gloria Swanson and Clara Bow staged a bit of competition running next door to one another at the Paramount and the DesMoines. Each ran the week and the Paramount grossed almost twice the Des Moines intake. A considerable difference in overhead and in average gross at the two theatres makes a difference in the rating, but the 120% at the Paramount shows that Clara Bow is running very well. The story of "Her Wedding Night" is light, but it had plenty of laughs and proved to be a very good audience picture. Support was good. And a very good stage show with five acts of vaudeville. Gloria Swanson in "What a Widow" rated 130%, with a gross of $11,120. Gloria has a strong personal following. Helen Twelvetrees made the individual success at the Orpheum. This little star is coming rapidly to the front and with good support in "Her Man" she scored 150%. Showing for four davs this gave the picture a gross of $6,000, very good for tb.e last half of the week. The* first half with "Outside the Law" ran to average business with $5,000. At the Strand "Down to Hell." advertised as showing the star of "All Quiet," rated 160%. The gross was $2,200 and shows business at the Strand as very good. The last half with "Scotland Yard" with Edmund Lowe and Joan Bennett scored 140%, very nice indeed for the last half of the week. Estimated takings : "HER WEDDING NIGHT" (Para.) PARAMOUNT— (1,700). 25c-35c-60c, 7 days. Other attractions: News, stage band with five acts of vaude. Cross: $18,000. Rating: 120%. "WHAT A WIDOW" (Para.) DES MOINES— (1,600) 25c-35c-60c. 7 days. Other attractions: News. "Camera Thrill" (Para, scenic), "The Fatal Card" (Para, comedy). Gross: $11,200. Rating: 130%. "OUTSIDE THE LAW" (U.) ORPHEUM— (2.000) 25c-50c, 3 days. Other attractions: News, vaude. Gross: $5,000. Rating: 100%. "HER MAN" (Pathe) ORPHEUM— (2.000) 25c-50c. 4 days. Other attractions: News, vaude. Gross: $6,000. Rating: 150%. "DOWN TO HELL" (Warners) STRAND— (1.100) 20c-30c. 4 days. Other attractions: News. "Introducing Mrs. Gibbs" (Para.). "A Sailor's Luck" (Para, comedy). Gross: $2,200. Rating: 160%. "SCOTLAND YARD" (Fox) STRAND— (1,100) 20c-30c. 3 days. Other attractions: News. "Marry Or Else" (Para, comedy). Para. Pictorial. Rating: 140%. Amos 'n' Andy A Sensation for Portland House Portland — With an auspicious preview, clever exploitation and double-spread newspaper advertising, Amos 'n' Andy's "Check and Double Check" swept away all existing box-office records at the RKO Orpheum, with four acts of vaudeville. Horace Heidt's Californians were the high spots at the Portland Paramount, grabbing second position, and augmented excellent screen fare headed by Ann Harding in "Girl of the Golden West." Night football took, some of the grosses. Estimated takings: "CHECK AND DOUBLE CHECK" (RKO) RKO ORPHEUM— (1,700). 25c-35c-60c, 7 days. Other attractions: Jack Osterman plus four acts vaudeville, news. Gross: $19,000. Rating: 200%. "GJRL OF GOLDEN WEST" (F. N.) PORTLAND PARAMOUNT— (3.068). 25c-35c-50c, 7 days. Other attractions: Horace Heidt's Californians, "Skyscraper" (Paramount comedy), news. Gross: $14,700. Rating: 145%. "SCOTLAND YARD" (Fox) FOX BROADWAY— (1,912), 25c-35c-60c, 7 days. Other attractions: Local scenic, Oliver Wallace, nev. organist, Fanchon & Marco's stage frolic, "Rhythma-tic"; news. Gross: $14,000. Rating: 135%. "UP THE RIVER" (Fox) FOX UNITED ARTISTS— (945), 25c-60c, 7 days. Other attractions: News, Universal comedy. Gross: $13,200. Rating: 120%. "LIFE OF THE PARTY" (Warners) HAMRICK'S MUSIC BOX— (1,835), 2Sc-40c, 7 days. Other attractions: News, Scotch Taffy, College Capers (Vitaphone comedies). Gross: $10,000. Rating: 105%. "THE SANTA FE TRAIL" (Paramount) RIALTO— (1,498), 25c35c-50c, 7 days. Other attractions: News, "Sailor Love," "Marry or Else" (Paramount comedies). Gross: $9,800. Rating: 100%. Sheehan Heads May fair Club Hollywood — Winfield R. Sheehan, Fox vice president and general manager, is new president of the Mayfair Club, social organization. Other officers are : Conrad Nagel, vice president; Irving Thalberg, secretary ; M. C. Levee, Treasurer ; Margaret Ettinger, assistant secretary, and Jack L. Warner, Fred Niblo, B. P. Schulberg and Sid Grauman, directors, in addition to the officers. Changes Talker Equipment Tampa — The Seminole, neighborhood house, operated by Publix, is the latest house here to throw out the old sound equipment and install new. The change over was made in such a way that the house had to close but one day for the final hook-up. C. D. Cooley, an old timer in show business here, has been managing the house for the last vear. Start Sick Fund Cleveland — Al Mertz, RKO branch manager and president of the Cleveland Film Board of Trade, and I. J. Schmertz, Fox branch manager, have been named a committee of two to arrange for an entertainment, proceeds of which will go to a sick relief fund for local members of the industry. Schram Leases Bijou New Philadelphia — Fred Schram has leased the Bijou theatre, closed for several months, and has appointed A. B. Abel as house manager.