The motion picture projectionist (Nov 1931-Jan 1933)

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November, 1931 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTIONIST Fundamentals of Projection ^^MALL AREA of light source is essential to the projection of a clear, sharp image on the screen. The crater of the carbon arc, just a few millimeters in diameter, is the ideal source of light. HIGH INTRINSIC BRILLIANCY is required of this minute area of light — sixteen million times the high intensity of screen illumination demanded by the critical patron. National Projector Carbons afford an intrinsic crater brilliancy rivaling that of the sun at zenith. STEADY LIGHT is equally essential to satisfying projection. Extensive research and years of experience have enabled National Projector Carbons to supply the steady, white light that is a source of satisfaction to both projectionist and patron. i Two satisfied patrons pay for the National Projector Carbons used at each performance. NATIONAL i PROJECTOR CARBONS Sold exclusively through distributors and dealers. National Carbon Company will gladly cooperate with the producer, exhibitor, machine manufacturer or projectionist on any problem involving light. NATIONAL CARBON COMPANY, INC. Carbon Sales Division ' Cleveland, Ohio Unit of Union Carbide i ^ W{ and Carbon Corporation Branch Sales Offices: New York Pittsburgh Chicago San Francisco