Motion Picture Story Magazine (Aug 1911-Jan 1912)

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WINCHESTER'S HYPOPHOSPHITES OF LIME AND SODA (Dr. Churchill's Formula) and WINCHESTER'S SPECIFIC PILL ARE THE BEST REMEDIES FOR rz::: nerve force They contain no Mercury, Iron, Cantnarides, Morphia, Strychnia, Opium, Alcohol, Cocaine, etc. The Specific Pill is purely vegetable, has been tested and prescribed by physicians, and has proven to be the best and most effective treatment known to medical science for restoring impaired Vitality, no matter how originally caused, as it reaches the root of the ailment. Our remedies are the best of their kind, and contain only the best and purest ingredients that money can buy and science produce; therefore we cannot offer free samples. Price, brnr^c^s^Srr801 No Humbug, C. O. D., or Treatment Scheme i-uvtai r\niMirnVTC Dear Sirs : I have used a bottle of your Hypophosphites of Manganese for liver and kidney complaints in my own person rfcKbUINAL UFIImUINo I and received much benefit, so I will enclose five dollars and will ask you to send me as much as you can by express prepaid for that amount, until we can get it through the regular channels. I am confident it is just what I have been in search of for many years. I am prescribing your Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda, and am pleased with the preparation. Yours sincerely, Dr. T. J. WEST, Aztec, N. M. I know of no remedy in the whole Materia Medica equal to your Specific Pill for Nervous Debility.— ADOLPH BEHEE, M.D., Professor of Organic Chemistry and Physiology, New York. Send for free treatise securely sealed. Winchester & Co.» 1030 Beekman BIdg., N. Y. (Est. 53 years.) Tbemone women know about Babies 1he better babies we wi///iave"said President W*McKinIey YOU LOVE A BABY READ "The New Baby 93 The following are vitally interesting chapters. "The Expectant Mother," first symptom, proper diet, clothing, exercise, etc., by Thomas M. Acken, M. D.,— " Care Baby Needs," feeding and hygiene, by William L. Stowell, M. D. — "Baby's First Tooth" and the other thirty-one, by Stephen O. Storck, D. D. S. ,— "Things You Can Make or Borrow," how to prepare for the new baby, by Sarah J. Keenan, a maternity nurse for twenty years without ever losing a baby.— " Schedule of My Baby's Day," showing just what to do, by Eva James Clark, a mother. In addition are 433 illustrations of baby's clothes, toys, accessories, in fact everything for a child from birth to five years, and how to get them direct from the manufacturers, at lowest prices. By special arrangement with the publisher, we can send you an advance copy of "The New Baby " if you will send us your address and 25c— ADDRESS THE MOTION PICTURE MAGAZINE 26 Court St., Brooklyn, N. Y. WEIS Solid Oak (Golden or Weathered) LETTER FILE Files 20,000 Papers D awers roll on roller bearings. Adjustable follow blocks hold papers vertically for qmck and easy reference. Constructed entirely of Solid Oak— mechanically perfect. Practically indestructible. Handsomely finished ; matches finest office furnishings. Birch Mahogany, $14.50. Ask your dealer. FREE Catalog "»"— 64 pages of filing and time-saving office devices. Booklet "Filing Suggestions" solves your filing problems. Catalog "E" shows handsome, inexpensive Sectional Bookcases (two styles). FREIGHT PJLII> East of Mont., Wyo., Colo., Okla. and Texas. Consistently low prices beyond. The Weis Manufacturing Go. Union Street, MONROE, MICH. New York Office— 108 Fulton Street, Send photographs of your own views and we will make 200 Post Cards complete and deliver same to your address for $5.00. This magazine is a sample of our work press of Wm. G. Hewitt 61-67 Navy St. Brooklyn, N. Y. $1.00 brings •^^thiscut glass water set to your home. One-quart w ate r pitcher, six half-pint glasses, 14inch Beveled Mirror. THIS GENUINE CUT GLASS WATER SET is unsurpassed for its distinctive character. Positively guaranteed in every particular. Order quick— allotment is small. Send $1.00 for one year's subscription to COMMONSENSE MAGAZINE. Afterwards you may pay $1.00 a month for eleven months, which completes the payments on both water set and Magazine. Our object is to introduce the Magazine into every home. Address Dept. 75. Common=Sense Pub. Co., Chicago, 111.