Motion Picture Story Magazine (Feb-Jul 1912)

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BOOKS-PLAYS Phone 3818 Main ARTISTIC BOOKBINDING Why not have the complete set of The Motion Picture Story Magazine Bound— 90 cents cloth. $1.00 canvas. $1.75 Half Morocco, gilt top. Let me estimate on other work before you give an order. WILLIAM VON HEILL 349 ADAMS STREET, BROOKLYN, N. Y. EASY TO WRITE PHOTO PLOTS. Have an experienced writer help you. For instruction book, criticism of your first work, and selling advice, send $1.00 bill to HARRINGTON ADAMS, Fostoria, Ohio. INSTRUCTION JEWELRY Paris Bow-Clasp! 25c— Actual $1 Value Fad of the season. Chic, French but very practical. A PEARL CLASP PIN adjustable to any bow. What every woman needs ; saves ribbon, time and patience, assures a perfect bow. Send us 25c. for FRENCH PEARL CLASP or 50c. forMaline or Velvet bow (any color) with O ASP, all in strong box, prepaid. Best Silver Co., Dept. C. 0., 83 Chambers St., N. Y. City 50,000 SAMPLE RINGS like illustration, gold filled, warranted to wear, any initial. Catalog, ring and engraving Free. Send 10c to cover adv. and postage. BEST RING CO. Dept. R.l, 83 Chambers St., New York City MISCELLANEOUS r-fef/ i Hair Like This P j? FIE ^*et me sen<^ you a remark* able treatment for Baldness, Dandruff, Gray Hair, etc., at my own expense. It will surprise and delight you. Write today to Wm. Chas. Keene, Pres. Lorrimer Institute Dept. 3205 Baltimore, Md. MARRIEDSINGLE O ;Sft$jK; MALB-*FEMALE / J™"-"™" YOUNG »• OLD.^ I £X5S25& ^DrFootes PLAIN HOME TALK bhSEXOLDGY^ACyclopediA"/ Medical .social/anbSexual Science THIS enthralling book is certain to awaken thought in every reader. It contains more truths, vital facts and valuable advice than your doctor would give you for $100. It answers in plain language 1001 questions that occur to the minds of men and women, young and old, — questions of so delicate a nature that they are difficult to mention, even to a physician. Chapters are devoted to numerous subjects concerning marriage, which makes this great book a superior guide to the conduct of men. 1248 pages and 330 illustrations, besides 80 lithographs in 5 colors; cloth bound. Regular price $2.00, SEND TO-DAY/ r our 31-page FREE descriptive booklet, -with table of contents, opinions of people, and other interesting matter; alsof<r our SPECIAL. PRICE OFFER Murray Hill Pub. Co., 129-0 East 28th St., n. y. WE TEACH YOU TO WRITE SCENARIOS THAT SELL Most Practical Course in Scenario Writing. Brings SUCCESS where other courses fail. If we cannot make a Scenario Writer of you, no course can do it. Hundreds of Successful Students to refer you to. COMPLETE INSTRUCTION, SAMPLE ACTUAL SCENARIO, LIST OF ALL BUYERS, FREE CRITICISM OF YOUR WORK-ALL FOR »1. No need io pay more. Rig demand for Scenarios. Start NOW. PHOTO-PLAY SYNDICATE, BOX CLEVELAND, OHIO 20 SCENARIO WRITERS • Have your Scenarios put in Saleable Form by a Photo Play Director. Scenarios criticised, $1.00. Scenarios revised, $2.00. J. MORRIS, 1047 BANCROFT STREET, NEW YORK CITY SCENARIOS CRITICISED for ONE DOLLAR Each. Plot and technique. Revision and typing at reasonable rates. Short stories, articles, books criticised and ediied. Folder. A. R. KENNEDY, 3309 N. nth St., Phi la,, Pa. Rfl ON THF ^TARF wm te]1 y°u how ! Write for de UU Uil IllL OIMUL scriptive circular. It is Free! D. E. KNORR, Manager. Pergola Theatre, Ailentown, Pa. ! ! SCENARIO WRITERS, LOOK ! ! For a short time only an expert will criticize, correct, revise, typewrite and put your scenario in saleable form for $1.50. Check or money order. My folders, "Facts and Pointers," "How to Write a Photoplay," and Model Scenario, with addresses of all mfrs., 5c. in coin each. Scenarios criticized, 50c. Paul W. Rieker, 1921 Fairmont Ave., Phila., Pa. PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES Graflex Cameras, Kodaks, Photographic Lenses, Everything Photographic XSought, Sold and Exchanged. 4J^-inch Condensing Lenses, highest grade, 50 cents each. Send Stamp for Bargain List. WILLOUGHBY, 814 Broadway, New York KODAK FILMS g^ELo ped All sizes 6-exposure Kodak Films. All Bizes 12-exposure films io cents a roll. Careful ami Satisfactory Work Guaranteed. BxlO Bromide Enlargements, rom anv of your favorite negatives, 2">c. Complete price list and Sample Photograph Free. SCARLETT STUDIO, Sept. G, 45-47-4:9 North 13th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. TYPEWRITERS— SUPPLIES Clearance Sale— Remingtons. Densmores, Jewetts. Manhattans, $11.50 ea.; Franklins, Chicagos. Postals. Hammonds, $9. ea. Bargains in Underwoods, Smiths, and all others. All guaranteed. Supplies. Standard Typewriter Exchange, 26 Park Row. N. Y. Remingtons., Densmores, Smith Premiers, Manhattans $10.00 each. Franklins, Barlocks Hammonds, Jewetts $8.00 each. Olivers, Underwoods, Royals $25.00 each. All guaranteed, 15 days free trial. Send for our catalogue before purchasing, and be convinced. Harlem Typewriter Exchange, Dept. M. P.. 213 West 125th Street, New York City.