Motion Picture Story Magazine (Feb-Jul 1912)

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BUSINESS, CORRESPONDENCE, AND TRADE SCHOOLS 142 West 23d Street New York City TWENTY-THIRD YEAR The Only School in America Which Teaches Practical Illustrating Complete training in Newspaper Sketching, Fashion Drawing, Magazine Illustrating, Commercial Illustrating, Comics, Cartoons. Positions positively assured to all students. Day and evening sessions. New students enroll any day. Short-term courses. Low tuition rates. WRITE OR CALL FOR CIRCULARS § SHORT-STORY WRITING A course of forty lessons in the history, form, structure, and writing of the Short-Story taught by J. Berg Esenwein, Editor, Llpplncott's Magazine. 250-page catalogue free. Write to-day. The Home Correspondence School 111 Besse Plaee, Springfield. Mass. LANGUAGES German — French— English Italian— Spanish ny other language learned quickly easily by the Cortina-Phone Method at home. Write for free booklet today; easy payment plan. Cortina Academy Til Mecra Bldg. 48th St., N. Y. iy of Languages , 1600 B' way, Cor. r— CARNEGIE UNIVERSITY — . Of WILMINGTON, DELAWARE, instructs in Science, Arts, Philosophy, Literature, Law, Divinity, Pedagogy, Short-Story Writing, Journalism, Osteopathy, Mechanotherapy, Chiropractic, Naturopathy, Psychopathy, Electrotherapy, Dermatology, Chiropody, and grants the same legal degrees of Bachelor, Master, Doctor, to its correspondence-graduates as to its resident-graduates. Send for catalogue. VAUDEVILLE MUSICIANS Send ten cents for "Knack Reading Music at Sight" booklet. Celebrated Knack System of Playing Vaudeville-Dramatic Music, Transposing, Faking, Arranging taught by mail. Particulars free. Knack Studio, Prof. Sept., Danville, 111. Vote For Your Favorite Player HERE One copy of May issue entitles you to 1 00 votes. Find hidden coupon on another page. One 4 months Subscription for SO cents entitles you to ISO votes One 8 t< «« *» $1.00 *' «« <i SOO «» One 12 tt <> ii l.SO " ii »« 500 ii Three Yearly Subscriptions it 3.SO »i •« it 2,000 tt Five ii it *< 5.00 it «« «« 5,000 «• Ten <« it «« 10.00 t i «' c« 15,000 tt Twenty << <c <• . 20.00 «« it *« 35,000 " Twenty-five «« " ** 25. OO " " it 40.000 " This is the last month of the contest. It will close at midnight, May 3d, 1912. Get busy and send us your votes NOW. Just fill out coupon below and mail with remittance to The Motion Picture Story Magazine, 26 Court Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Gentlemen: — Enclosed please find $ for which enter subscriptions for The Motion Picture Story Magazine, beginning with issue as per the attached list. Signed City and Street State If more than one subscription is sent, attach a list of carefully written names and addresses. Be sure to send remittance with subscriptions.