Motion Picture Story Magazine (Aug 1912-Jan 1913)

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48 THE MOTION PICTURE STORY MAGAZINE 1 am doing is the same that beats in my brother's. He would disdain to owe his liberty to my duplicity and your infatuation. There's your road. Good-night!" For a moment, appalled by Claire's confession, he turned to leave her. The sound of a heartbroken sob drew him back. Tenderly he raised her prone figure from the rocks — and together they looked across the bay, waiting for the signal to light the beacon. Robert, working with his chisel on the stones of his cell, and Conn, prying with a poker on the outside, soon made a breach large enough for the prisoner to crawl thru. There was but the prison wall to climb over, a quick dash to the ruins — and freedom. On the other side of this wall Kinchela had posted Harvey Duff, with a gun, enjoining him to watch the door. Kinchela half hoped that Robert, opposed in his flight, would fire off the pistol, and kill Harvey Duff. The fellow knew too much about Kinchela's affairs — his death would be a good riddance. While Duff watched the door, Kinchela and a band of ruffians whom he had engaged, skirted the wall to cut Robert off from the other side. Cautiously creeping over the top of the wall, Conn espied Duff standing below, intently listening at the door. Conn motioned to Robert, close behind him, and then jumped, landing upon Duff, and bearing him to the ground. "Run, sir! Run! I've got him safe!" he called. And Robert sped away to the shore. Conn joined him later at a nook in the rocks. Clambering down the cliff, with Robert's disguise, which had been hidden in* a cleft known only to Conn, he informed Robert that the constabulary had joined in the hunt for the fugitive. Robert prepared to start immediately for the ruins, where he would see his beloved Arte, and would give the signal for the beacon. He felt in his pocket for the pistol — it was gone ! ' * I must swim out to the schooner, ' * he said, in desperation. "It is a mile, an' agin the tide," objected Conn. "Stop! Will ye lave it to me, an' I'll go bail I'll find a way of getting them two shots?" "How, Conn? How?" demanded Robert. "Aisy," the other replied, softly. "Look, where they're comin' down the cliff. Slip out this way, quick, before they catch sight of us. You go by the shore, an' I'll take the cliff above. Begorra, it isn't the first time I 've played the fox ! ' ' Sounds of weeping came from Mrs. 0 'Kelly's cabin. Father Dolan and Claire, anxious and sad, approached the door, and knocked. Mrs. 0 'Kelly appeared, her apron to her eyes. "This is a sad business!" Father Dolan said. "Did you hear why they killed your poor boy?" "Because he'd got a fine shute of clothes on him," she sobbed. "They shot at the man that wasn't in it, an' thev kilt mv poor bov ! ' ' "Poor fellow!" sighed Claire. "He met his death while aiding my brother to escape." Turning angrily upon Captain Molineux, who had joined them, she said: "You see what your men have done ! ' ' "It was the polis, not the sodgers, murthered him. Dont blame the captain, miss, ' ' wept Mrs. G 'Kelly. * ' God bless him, he was in my cabin before daylight — he never spoke a word, but he put five goolden pounds in my hand ; and thanks to himself, my Conn will have the finest wake this day ! ' ' And, weeping, she went to invite the neighbors to the wake. ' ' Have you discovered any trace of Arte and Moya?" demanded Claire of the captain. ' ' Have you done anything?" "I've been thinking," began the cuptain. ' ' Thinking ! " she scoffed, ' ' What 's the good of thinking? My cousin Arte has been stolen — where is she? The country is full of police and soldiers, and yet two girls have been carried off under your noses — perhaps