Motion Picture Story Magazine (Feb-Jul 1913)

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TWO SOCIAL CALLS 27 Eleanor," declaimed the visitor, magnificently. "Now I dess I better be goin'. I've 'joyed my call, tank 'oo. " She paused, checked by a sudden, uneasy thought. "I've des' 'membered I didn't tole anybodies where I are," she confessed. Her lip showed incipient signs of quivering. "I opied the honk-honk's door when 1 nomas wasn 't lookin ' and wan away, her father's shoulder. The wealthy man and woman, with their costly clothes and jewels, were oddly out of place in the cramped, dingy room, yet in the mother-and-father love on their joyous faces they were kin to the other, humbler parents in the room. Mr. Randolph cleared his throat huskily. "Our little daughter told us of THE THIRD SOCIAL CALL 'n now I dess I for dot how to wun away back — a-d-dain!" "She's been here all afternoon, Jim," said his wife, anxiously. "I expect her folks are worried crazy, but I didn't dare leave the children to go home with her." Jim nodded, half-way out of the door. "Keep your eye on her, an' I'll find 'em," he cried, and was gone. Half an hour later, MargueriteAnnabelleRandolph waved a sleepy good-night to her entertainers from your call on her the other day," he said slowly. Jim's face flamed. "And we got your letter with the money in it," went on the other man, kindly. "As for tonight, we wont try to thank you in ivords — that's impossible. But — I should like to shake your hand, sir." At the honest respect of the clasp, Jim's slouching shoulders straightened suddenly with a new resolution, and in that merciful moment the stripes were erased from his soul.