Motion picture studio directory and trade annual (Oct 1916)

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October 21, 1916 STUDIO DIRECTORY 205 ^N'MMI'-.,;!!';.!!!' |.,| r , -: ; :^ ::|||: ! || ■ .I'M' : -I . Ill: '-'i ': ' il ; Mul 'li;. UN ;: 'Ml: ■ 'iMi :■ '' .1 :: Ml, I!.: ' MJi . I!!l. '. ■lli;: liil.h' MM Ml,. : 'I: ■ , ■MM.,, 'MM i/':llll . ' , INI ;■ .',;'. l.'lhJ\ I J. FARRELL MACDONALD, DIRECTOR, KEYSTONE 1 JFARRELL MACDONALD, Director, with a long list of successes to his credit, released on the Universal, General and other well-known programs, • has had a varied experience which adds much to his store of knowledge beneficial to him in his work in filmdom. Mr. Macdonald was born at Waterbury, Conn., April 14, 1875, and received his public school education at Toronto, Canada, graduating from the high schools. He then attended Yale University; and following his college career became a civil engineer in the employ of the government. Mr. Macdonald's first theatrical experience was with Willis P. Sweatman. He played with the Comstock minstrels; for a number of years he appeared in light opera in all parts of the United States and Europe. While in this work he devoted a portion of his time to the composition of music. The first picture experience of Mr. Macdonald was under the direction of G. M. Anderson, who at that time was with the Selig Polyscope Company. Following this he was with Biograph for a short time in New York, after which he returned to the legitimate stage. His next work in pictures was for the Imp company, when he directed as well as played his own leads. For a time he was employed by Pathe Freres as director, and then went to the Universal as producer. His biggest work there was the making of "Samson," which was a history making subject at that time. When the Oz company was organized, Mr. Macdonald was employed as director and was in charge of the making of all Oz subjects with the exception of several one-reel comedies. Following this came an engagement with the Tiffany company in which he played the part of Colonel Thorpe with Mrs. Leslie Carter in "The Heart of Maryland." In "Rags" Mr. Macdonald appeared in the part of Ferguson opposite Mary Pickford. His engagement with Biograph began in January, 1915, and since that time he has made twenty-one features, the most prominent ones being "Lorna Doone," "Black Sheep," "Captain Fracasse," "Felix Holt, Radical," "The Laurel of Tears," "A Woman Without a Soul," "The Step-Mother," "Stronger Than a Woman's Will," "Tides of Retribution," "Reapers of the Whirlwind" and "The "Battle of Truth." Mr. Macdonald has never regretted the attention he gave to athletics. He had the distinction of being named as one of the principal members of the Yale eleven. He is six feet in height, and tips the scales near two hundred lilJlli:i!!l!lllllllll<IIIIJ!li;iili;EI!IJI!lllll!ill.lillJIIIJili;illUIII!llllllllilllllllll!ll^ !iiii:iiii:ii!i;ii!Piiiiiiiii!iiii!iiii:iliiiiiiriw iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii' WILLIAM S. CAMPBELL Director KEYSTONE COMEDIES HARRY WILLIAMS Writer and Director SENNETT KEYSTONE COMEDIES l!!illlllll!llll!lll!llllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!lllllllllllllllllll!lllllllll!lllllllllll[!i:;il!l^ I Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Be sure to mention " MOTION PICTURE NEWS " when writing to advertisers