Motion Picture Times (1931)

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THE FILM THE FILM DAILY — Complete, concise news of the industry day by day. WEEKLY FILM DIGEST — Every Sunday — A standard 12-page issue departmentized. The reviews of features and shorts, in this issue, are unsurpassed. 'HE FILM DAILY is recognized as a leader in the field of motion picture publications. Fourteen years of serving an industry with daily news has put this publication in a class by itself. Exhibitors the world over have been using THE FILM DAILY reviews of features and short subjects to help them in their bookings for years, realizing that they are of exceptional value to them. THE FILM DAILY presents news of the industry in such a manner that he who runs may read. In this business where time is so valuable, short snappy news items which give the reader the news, without a lot of superfluous text matter to wade through, make a publication of added value to the reader. THE FILM DAILY news is accurate. There are correspondents of THE FILM DAILY in every important city in the world. When people subscribe to THE FILM DAILY they get news when it is news and in this ever changing industry one cannot afford to wait. Subscribers who have been subscribers for years and years find that this publication is indispensable to them. inclm SHORT SUBjECT QUARTERLY — What's what in the field of short subjects. The short subject QUARTERLY, an issue devoted to the short subject field giving exhibitors all the news about shorts, has long been recognized by our readers as one of the finest editions obtainable. Every three months the Sunday issue of THE FILM DAILY contains from 24 to 64 pages and covers the short subject field from beginning to end. Schedules of company releases, pages of shorts reviews, production activities in this field, together with countless ideas on how to sell short subjects to the public, are all included in this issue. All of these ideas are tried and proved. This is an exceptionally valuable issue to the theatre operator who plays shorts of any description. All iiielucled in a yea ’ FILM OAILY for n An All Ye ar Service, By far, THE BEST BUY OF THE