Motion Picture Times (1931)

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November 24, 1931. MOTION PICTURE TIMES Page 15 riNT CLIPMENT NEW DEVELOPMENTS in^ ■ THEATRE EQUIPMENT Photophone Wiring Studios for Royal Believed to indicate an increase this winter in production activity in the east, especially among independent producers, RCA Photophone recording equipment is being installed at the Royal Studios, Grantwood, N. J. Activity will get under way with this system early in December. Photophone’s recently developed ground noise reduction recording equipment and ribbon microphone transmitters will be included in the in Royal Studio installation, and the plant also has acquired one of the Photophone trucks and complete equipment for location work. The studio has a main stage 96 feet long by 65 feet wide and 26 feet high, a small stage 64 feet wide and 36 feet high a completely equipped carpenter shop, commodious dressing rooms, cutting rooms, projection rooms, two large scoring rooms and a television stage. Andrew J. Brislin, president of Royal Studios, Inc., was for many years identified in an executive capacity with the Westinghouse Air Brake Co. He is secretary and trustee of the East New York Savings Bank and treasurer of the Empire Title & Guaranty Company, both of Brooklyn. Leo Beck, chief engineer of Claude Neon Lights, is vice-president; Cornelius A. Brislin, trustee of the Richmond Hill Savings Bank, treasurer, and John Brislin, Jr., vice-president of the Brislin Lumber Co., Inc., is secretary. RECENT ERPI JOBS Trend Reveals Increase in Sound Sales C. W. Bunn, general sales manager of Electrical Research Prodlist of recent theatre contracts for ucts, has announced the following Western Electric Sound System installations: Wanoca, Wallace, N. C. ; Victoria, Blossburg, Pa.; Paramount, Greensboro, N. C. ; Grand, Ronceverte, W. Va. ; Empire, Sellersburg, Ind.; Majestic, Jetmore, Kas. ; Rialto, Bedford, la.; Odeon, Mason, Texas; Doric, Detroit; Ohio, Loudon ville; Pearl, West Depere, Wise.; Bobbie, Brooklyn; Band Box, Philadelphia; Court St., MEXICO LICENSEE Empire Producer Using RCA Photophone Maurice A. Chase, president of Empire Productions, S. A., the new sound motion picture producing corporation that built large studios at Empire City, in tbe Cbapultapec leights section of Mexico City, has purchased a complete studio recording unit from the Mexico Music Company, distributor for RCA Photophone, Inc., and immediately following its installation, which will be within thirty days, will begin the first of twenty feature pictures, 104 short subjects, and a sound newsreel for distribution among Latin American countries and Spain. “Two studio buildings, which are located in a plot of 135 acres, are completed and one large stage is nearing completion,” said Mr. Chase. “Tw’o of the studios, administration building, cutting and projection rooms and laboratory have been completed. One of the studio buildings is 208 feet long by 125 feet wide and 60 feet high. Buffalo; Gable, Sharon, Pa.; Palace, W. Asheville, N. C. ; Tangerine, St. Petersburg, Fla. ; Avon, Buffalo; Bonita, Marion, Ala.; Dalton, Dalton, 111.; Park, Buffalo; Whiteway, New Haven; Ridge, Lackawanna, N. Y. ; Guild, Crystal City, Texas; Ritz, Abilene, Texas; Grand, East Troy, Wise.; Hastings, Hastings, N. Y. ; Temple, S. Lyons, Micb. ; Broadway, Ft. Wayne, Ind.; Belvedere, Pomona, Calif.; Union Square, San Francisco; Southgate, Southgate, Calif. ; Whiting, Thermopolis, Wyo. ; Virginian, St. Charles, Va. ; Alczar, Brocton, N. Y. ; Grand, Pt. Allegany, Pa.; Capitol, Leominster, Mass.; Colonial, Utica, N. Y. ; Walker, Brooklyn; Park, Lee, Mass.; Globe, Meade, Kas. Paramount, Oakland, Calif. ; Crescent, Shawano, Wise.; Avalon, Wilmington, Calif.; Happy Hour, Buffalo; Garden, Cumberland, Md. ; Windsor Opera House, Windsor, Mo.; Eureka, Baltimore, Md.; Ensley, Ensley, Ala. ; Frontier, Buffalo; Pastime, Conway, S. C. ; Embassy, Cumberland, Md. ; Opera House, Fillmore, N. Y. ; Palace, Mt. Jewett, Pa.; Burrett Opera House, Weeds Port, N. Y. ; Dixie, Tipton, Okla. ; Loveland, Loveland, Colo.; New Weed, Shastina, Calif.; Camo, Keansburg, N. J. ; Broadmoor, Bloomfield, N. J. ; Strand, Steelton, Pa. ; Pictureland, Metropolis, 111.; Ohio, Dayton; Ritz, Caldwell, Kas.; Fox, Billings, Mont.; Wyalusing, Wyalusing, Pa. ; Lotus, Allentown, Pa. ; Carthage, Carthage, Miss.; Lyric, Genova, 111. ; Hillcrest, San Diego, Calif.; Liberty, San Diego, Calif.; Wade, Moorehead City, N. C. ; New Miramar, Milwaukee, Wise.; Star, Clinton, 111.; Dixie, Atlanta, Ga.; City, Woodruff, S. C.; Mary Lou Kansas City, Mo.; Dreamland, Hewley, Pa.; Community, Watertown, Conn. ; State, Springdale, Conn.; Temple, Yates Center, Kas.; Grand, Sparta, 111.; Embassy, Kelso, Wash.; Old Court, Quanah, Tex.; Park, Ashley, Pa.; National, McRae, Ga. ; Best, Hazelhurst, Mass.; Patio, St. Petersburg, Fla.; Scout, Oakdale, La.; Carlson, Mayville, N. Y. ; Vic, Chicago; Earle, New Philadelphia; Elm, Philadelphia; Spruce, Philadelphia; Bay, Brooklyn; Park, Lackawanna, N. Y. ; Avenue U, Brooklyn; Bison, Dallas, Texas; Arlington, Arlington Hgts., 111.; German House, St. Louis, Mo.; Carolina, Mullins, S. C. ; Opera House, Skowhegan, Me. ; Colonial, Orange, N. Y. ; Roxy, Mt. Union, Pa.; Laverne, Laverne, Okla.; State, So. San Francisco, Calif.; Boulevard, Los Angeles, Calif.; Lyric, Billings, Mont.; Capitol, Cumberland, Md.; WaynePalace, Philadelphia ; Astor, Allentown, Pa. ; Ritz, Madison, Fla. ; Matawan, Matawan, N. J. ; Newkirk Brooklyn, N. Y. ; Columbia, Providence, R. I.; Pelbam, Philadelphia; Uptown, St. Louis, Mo.; Crandon, Crandon, Wise.; State, Newark, Del.; Crescent, Mahoningtown. Pa.; Gable, Sharon, Pa.; and the Rialto, New Britain, Conn. iBiiiiniiiiniiiiii llllll■lllllBlll!l■lllll■ll!ll■lllll■lllll■lllllEaalllllBlllln ■r For Sale by Independent Supply Dealers. ^he Strong Blectric Corporation 2501 LAGRANGE ST., TOLEDO, OHIO Export Office: 44 Whitehall St., New York City, N. Y. iBIIIIIBIIIIIBIIIIIBIIIIIBIIIIIBIIIIIBIIIIIBIIIIlBIIIIIBIIIIIBIIIilBIIIIIBIIIIIBIIIIIBIIIIIBIIIIIBIIIUBIIIH