Motography (Jul-Dec 1913)

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MOTOGRAPHY Vol. X, No. 4 m THE BLACK SHEEP OR A FIGHT FOR AN INHERITANCE IN THREE PARIS The story of the daring and sensational attempt of a worthless scion to wrest a vast estate from the rightful heirs. Powerful Paper to Pull Patronage WRITE AT ONCE IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR BOOK 225 W.411* ST., NEW YORK CITY. Your Personal Subscription for Motography America's Leading Film Magazine $2-02 a year a would prove both a convenience and a means of real profit. Each issue is of vital interest and practical value to every man in the motion picture business. If you miss one copy, you may miss an article or an idea that would have a vital effect on your work. As a regular subscriber, you would be able to read Motography carefully and systematically at your leisure, and to preserve a file of copies for reference and for binding. Bound volumes of Motography form the best foundation for a reference library. We suggest that you have the magazine sent to your residence. Address Motography Monadnock Bldg. CHICAGO Tell the advertiser you saw it in MOTOGRAPHY.