Motography (Jul-Dec 1914)

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( >CTOBER 31, P>14. MOTOGRAPHY 605 Brief Stories of the "Week's Film Releases General Program Hearst-Selig Weekly No. 67.— Ski.k;— October 19. Views of New York suffragettes leaving New York city en route to Rochester; glimpses of fire prevention day in Chicago; distant seem tlu* world's series ball games in Philadelphia and Boston and close-up views of some of the players, pictures o\ Washington D. C.'s "Buj a Bali ton" movement; and a number of interesting scones from the European war zone, among which views of Belgian artillery in action are particularly prominent. The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere— Edison (Two reels) October 20. A film story oi Paul Revere's historical ride on the nighl of \pril 18, 1775. See review on page 517. issue of October 17. Augustus Phillips featured. A No-Account Count -Kalem — October 20. Melinda is so homely that Hardup finds it impossible to land a husband for her. Count De Bluffe is invited to call and Melinda visits a beauty doctor. On his way the count has his clothes stolen by Weary Rill, a tramp. The latter impersonates the count and is about to wed Melinda when De Bluffe arrives. Vowing vengeance, Bill, the following day, as De Bluffe and Melinda are about to be wed, removes the bride's wig and De Bluffe, amazed, flees. Hearst-Selig News Pictorial No. 68 — Selig — October 22. Views of the start of the balloon race at Pittsfield. Mass., athletic meet at Fresno, Cal., the Industrial Exposition at Paterson. X. J., and intimate glimpses of the latest in fashion's world. In the war section, the destruction of Malines by the German guns is shown, also scenes in Ostend which was lately occupied by the Germans. A most interesting topical. Wood B. Wedd and the Microbes — Edisox — October 26. Wood B. courts Seraphine Brown, who believe in everything hygienic and eugenic, and he has to submit to many humiliating experiences. He finally decides he is called upon to endure too much and gives up his matrimonial designs. Sec review on page 518. issue of October 17. William Wadsworth featured. Rivalry and War — Essanay — October 26. Kroutmeyer owns a bakery and Schmidt a delicatessen store adjoining. The two have trouble all the time, but all that has preceeded is tame compared to the trouble which follows when the two are nominated for alderman on opposing tickets. Kroutmeyer steal > Schmidt's crowd by serving free beer at his campaign rally. Following a reconciliation, the two Germans open a department store, but trouble again develops when they fall in love with the same girl. Wallace Beery, Leo White and Betty Brown have the leads and laughs are frequent. The Lynbrook Tragedy — Kalem — (Two reels) October 26. Ruth Malloy, whose father has become a human derelict, because of Vivian Gregg, a theatrical star, loves Mitchell, a young playwright. Ruth It is our aim to make this department as complete as possible, although to do this, we must have the co-operation of all the manufacturers of film in the United States. If brief stories of the films you are releasing this week are not contained in this department, it must be due to the fact that you have not supplied us with synopsis sheets. In that case please see that we are advised of your film titles and release dates, and furnished with a brief synopsis of the story. This department is intended for every film manufacturer, whether he uses our advertising pages or not. learns that Vivian is enslaving Mitchell. Ruth's father drifts into town, determined to slay the human vampire to avenge his wrongs. Ruth comes upon him just as he is aiming a pistol at the actress. Mitchell's eyes are opened. He sees in Malloy the fate which must be his unless he conquers his infatuation for Vivian. Ruth's love helps him and for the first time Vivian, who has grown to love Mitchell, realizes her infamy as she gazes upon the wreck that was once Malloy. A shot is heard and rushing into the library Vivian Gregg is found dead. Alice Joyce featured. The Hold-up — Lubin (Seventh of "Beloved Adventurer" series) October 26. Lord Cecil, returning east, enroute to England, meets Silas Meggs, wdio is returning to Jane Henderson, his sweetheart of forty years ago. with the fortune he set out to win for her. The train is held up and Meggs is robbed of all his money. Lord Cecil, seizing the opportunity, knocks out one of the bandits and with his gun defeats the remainder of the band and eventually restores the money to Meggs. Arthur Johnson featured. The Cave Dwellers — Vitagraph — October 26. Sonny Jim finds a cave in the hillside and with some boy friends explores the cavern. Attempting to smoke, all but Sonny, who took only one puff of his pipe, become deathly sick. The excited parents, meanwhile, search for their children, and learning their whereabouts, the fathers don masks and frighten the youngsters. As a result of their scare the children decide the life of the cave dwellers is too exciting for them. Bobby Connelly featured. The Ticket-of-Leave Man — Biogjraph (Two Parts) October 27. Bob Brierly in London meets Dalton, a crook, and his pal, Moss. Tricked by Dalton and Moss, Bob passes a counterfeit bill on Mrs. W'illoughby. with whom resides May Edwards, a singer, and is sentenced to serve a prison term. Later, discharged on a ticket of leave, Bob visits May and returns the money to Mr-. Willoughby. Dalton and Moss discover Bob and again implicate him in crime. Bob escapes arrest and ultimately helps Hawkshaw. a detective, to trap Moss and Dalton, after which Bob marries Max-. Mulligan's Ghost — Columbus — October 27. Mulligan, out of a job. finds Murphy flirting with Mr-. Mulligan and plan a Eaki suicide. Tlu finding of Mulligan's clothing helps his widow t" collect the insurance and -be promptl) transfers her afons i" Murphy. Mulligan, officially dead, dare not object and ha to remian in the attic while Murphy and Mrs. Mulligan are married. I he ceremi mj <>\ <■* . Mulligan declares his wife a bigamist and, frightened by his threats, she returns the insurance money to him. Mulligan then relents and the two sail for Ireland. The Mystery of the Sealed Art Gallery Edison (Twelfth of "Chronicles "i Geek" snies i October 27. Cleek is called to investigate the theft of a necklace in the home of Parovitch, an African traveler. Cleek learns that the maid had mel a monkey in the art gallery the night of the robbery. further investigation leads to the discovery that Parovitch's nephew, supposed to be blind, has obtained entrance to the art gallery through a secret passage, while disguised as a monkey. The nephew is arrested. I'.enj. Wilson featured. An Unplanned Elopement — Essanay — October 27. Frank Melbourne, society man. quarrels with Dorothy, his sweetheart, and to spite her, becomes engaged to Amy Carrington. In a friendly wrestling match with his friend, Courtland, Frank injures his opponent and the papers report that Courtland has died of his injuries. Amy ends the engagement and Frank turns for sympathy to Dorothy. When Frank is about to sail for Europe, Dorothy goes to see him off and is carried away. They are married in Paris, and return to find Courtland on the dock to meet them, the newspaper story having been a mistake. Francis X Bushman and Ruth Stonehouse have the leads. She Married for Love — Lubix — Octobtober 27. Mrs. Muggs insists upon her daughter. Rose, marrying the deacon. Rose meets Harry Bounce an acrobat, and learns to tumble. When she turns cart wheels in the village street, walks up the church steps on her hands and performs on the Minister's clothes line, the Deacon calls, the engagement off. Rose's mother refuses to allow her to return home, but is reconciled when Rose writes home that she is making $250 a week on the stage. Eva Bell featured. Love and Title— Lubtn— October 27. Jasper Green forbids his daughter to marry Count Linski, and when she insists, her father bribes the iceman to pose as the count's wife. The next day the iceman with four children appears and claims to be Countess Linski. The count chases the iceman and the children into the lake. A reconciliation follows and Jasper gets a dowry. Why the Sheriff is a Bachelor— Selig —October 27— Tom Mix appears in a role which requires dramatic acting in this him and gives a very convincing character portrayal of a sheriff. The settings are of a rugged western type and the photography is clear. Thenis a shadow of the old time western film in this offering. The sheriff loves Alice and they are happy together until her brother holds up a stage and the sheriff is forced to arrest him. Alice pleads