Motography (Jan-Jun 1915)

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150 MOTOGRAPHY Vol. XIII, No. 4. congratulate him on his thoughtfulness, and the whole party celebrates the coming marriage between Vincent and Rosemary. The Dear Old Hypocrite— Big U— January 19. — Wealthy Uncle George decides to test his only niece, Alice Wilson, and writes a letter stating that he is deaf, homeless, and with only sufficient funds to bring him to her home. Alice and her husband welcome the old man, and take care of him in spite of the hard times. At last they receive notice to move. Alice's father visits them, but refuses to enter when he ses his brother. The girl brings them together, and Uncle George then tells of his test, and presents her with a deed to the cottage. Smuggler's Island — Gold Seal — (Two Reels) — January 19. — Grace and Francis are engaged, and, naturally, are quite jealous of each other. Grace sees Francis flirting with a girl at the seashore resort at which they are staying, and encourages the attentions of a revenue officer, to make her lover repent his ac tion. One day while standing on the sea shore Grace witnesses an attack on a revenue officer made by a band of smugglers. The men discover her and, fearing that she will tell about what she has seen, abduct her. Francis and the revenue officers take up the pursuit in a motor boat, and, after several thrillingexperiences, overtake the smugglers' boat. Francis' heroic act convinces Grace that he is true to her, and the lovers make up their quarrel. When Cupid Caught a Thief — Nestor — January 19. — Eddie, the reporter, visits Miss Hobby to get a story about her wonderful diamond necklace and Kickamoor ruby on the same night on which Second Story Jerry and his pal visit the house to steal the gems. Ludicrous and embarrassing complications then arise as to the identity of the thief, but in the end Eddie finds out, and turns Jerry and his assistant over to the police. The Lone Game — Eclair — (Two Reels) — January 20. — Sid Burton, a detective, is summoned from Chicago to help in the capture of a lone bandit who has been terrorizing the citizens in and about Cuga, Ariona. The sheriff welcomes him upon his arrival, and escorts him to his home where he meets and falls in love with Edna, the sheriff's daughter. Shortly after Burton's arrival the express office is held up and the strong box taken. Burton finds the empty box, and hits on a scheme that will cause the bandit to return for it. He advertises for the box's return, stating that it had a false bottom and that the money hidden in the bottom undoubtedly escaped the bandit's notice. The plan works, and Burton is shocked to find that the bandit is none other than the sheriff. In trying to escape the sheriff is thrown from his horse and is mortally injured. He confeses the hiding place of his loot to Burton, and asks him to return it to its owners. The detective is appointed sheriff to succeed the man who played the game alone and lost. He also wins the girl. Every Inch a Sweetheart — L-Ko — January 20. — The hero is thin and ill-fed, but nevertheless possesses all of the sterling qualities of literary heroes. The villain, be-whiskered and inhuman, attempts to break up the romance between the hero and his gentle sweetheart, but is foiled time after time. In the end the villain falls into his own trap, and the hero receives an open-armed welcome from his sweetheart. Their Island of Happiness — Big U — (Two Reels) — January 21. — Robert Belden's Tife of social gayety does not appeal to his plain, home-loving wife, and, after pleading with him in vain, she leaves him to his new found love. Belden's sorrow at finding her gone awakens in him a realization of what a shallow, artificial life he is leading. He deserts his high-life friends and devotes his time exclusively to business. Ten years pass. Helen is now a nurse in the leper's colony in the Philippines. Belden, on a trip around the world, stops at Manila, and Helen learning of his arrival decides to visit him, thus causing him to be detained on the island. By bribing a Chinese fisherman she manages to escape from the island, and makes her way to her husband's room at his hotel, notifying the authorities by telephone where she might be found. Belden is delighted to see her, and relates his many attempts to find her after her leaving. Helen is impressed by his sincerity, and tells the officers, on their arrival, that her husband has not touched her, but he refuses to be separated from her, and they return to the island together. Six Months to Live — Rex — January 21. — rHoward Ellsworth's physician tells him he has but six months to live, and, thinking that cocaine will afford him more pleasure during that time than anything else, the man begins using it. When in the grip of the drug Ellsworth learns that the doctor had diagnosed his case wrong. Intending to murder him he calls on the aged doctor, and finds him a victim of one of his own experiments. Glowing with pride Ellsworth's office boy pulls the last sheet of his story from his typewriter, and presents it to his employer for approval, for it was only a story. The House of Fear — Imp — (Three Reels) — January 22. — At her rich uncle's death Margaret Irwin inherits his fortune and with it inherits her cousin, Ralph Irwin, as her guardian. One of the terms of the will is that she cannot marry without Ralph's consent, and, in the event of her death, the money will all revert to him. Ralph and his father are dissatisfied with their share of the Irwin fortune, and determine to obtain the rest of it by having Margaret die "from heart failure." Knowing that a severe shock may prove fatal to the heiress they, take her to "the house of fear," as the elder Irwin's residence is called by the neighbors, and have Nick, a half-witted, beastly looking fellow who lives with them, scare her. Hobart Henderson, the executor of the Irwin estate, becomes suspicious of Ralph's intentions in having Margaret stay with him and his father, and calls on the girl. Her story confirms his fears, and he decides to have the house watched. Later that night Hobart sees Nick's figure, knife in hand, silhoutted against the curtain. He foils his attempt to kill Margaret, and has Ralph and the uncle arrested. Nick dies from the effects of his fight with Hobart who becomes engaged to Margaret. And the Deacon Swore — Nestor — January 22. — x\lice visits her grandfather who is the minister of a small country church. The deacon holds a mortgage on the church, and, calling on the minister to collect on it, sees Alice and falls in love with her. The minister gives a barn dance and basket social as a means of raising money to pay off the mortgage, and Alice attends, accompanied by Jack. The deacon overhears her tell Jack that she will tie a hair ribbon on her basket, and he determines to buy it at any cost, knowing that its donor will then eat the lunch with him. Mandy, who is deeply in love with the deacon, ties a ribbon on the handle of her basket before handing it in. When it comes time to auction off the baskets Alice and Jack take theirs and steal off. The deacon buys all the baskets in an effort to secure Alice for a partner and, failing, presents his mortgage to the minister for immediate payment. To his chagrin his debtor is able to pay him the whole amount out of the receipts of the basket auction — and the deacon swears. Ridgeway of Montana — 101 Bison — (Two Reels) — January 23. — Waring Ridgeway and Simon Harley are deadlocked in a financial battle. Harley and his young wife become caught in a blizard, and are separated. Ridgeway who is travelling the same way, finds Aline, Harley's wife, and revives her. The woman's husband offers Ridgeway a place at the head of a large and powerful copper concern, but the young engineer refuses, saying that there must be no compromise in their fight. Angered, Harley starts a campaign to crush his rival, beginning by paying one of his men to dynamite one of Ridgeway's mines. One of the miners is killed in the explosion, and Ridgeway has Harley brought to trial for the crime, but the millionaire is acquitted. When the jury brings in the verdict the miner's widow shoots Harley. A year later Ridgeway marries Aline Harley, and Virginia Bal