Motography (Apr-Dec 1911)

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THE word "EDISON" has become synonymous with all that is superior in the moving picture art. EDISON PROJECTING KINETOSCOPES, with outside shutter at $225.00 complete, are unequalled for simplicity, durability and results. EDISON FILMS are true to nature, and introduce the most dramatic dramas, the most laughable comedies and the most beautiful scenic effects. THE EDISON TRANSFORMER at $50.00 is a currentsaver and, because of its compactness and efficiency, a boon to exhibitors. THE EDISON OXYGEN GENERATOR AND SATURATOR (without burner) $37.50 — for producing gas automatically, in a safe and direct manner, is another of the accessories put out with the Edison guarantee of satisfaction . COMPLETE CATALOGUES OF THE ABOVE PROMPTLY FURNISHED UPON REQUEST Thomas A. Edison 65 Lakeside Ave. (Inc.) ORANGE, N.J. Your tbu^ c ess i pends upon the brilliancy and clearness of your pictures, and this, in turn, depends upon your lens. Does it not stand to reason that a company whose chief business for almost sixty years has been the making of lenses, and who make lenses of all kinds and description, are in a position to give you what you want? Bausch & Lomb Projection and Condensing Lenses are without doubt the best on the market. That" is why they are used by leading manufacturers of moving picture machines and are on sale at all the best film exchanges. New Projection Lens Booklet containing useful information for operators free on request. Our Name on a Photographic Lens, Microscope, Field Glass, Laboratory Apparatus, Engineering or any other Scientific Instrument is our Guarantee. Bausch & Jpmb Optical (o, NEW YORK WASHINGTON CHICAGO SAN FRANCISCO london ROCHESTER., NY. rRANKroRT Prices will positively be advanced on March 1,1911 E LECTRIC*950 LIGHT Plant ^*^V COMPLETE Including the celebrated DETROIT KEROSENE ENGINE and dynamo of sufficient capacity to furnish current for your Arc and 10-16 C. P. Tungsten lamps for illumination. Total coat of operation from 5 to 25 cents per day. Gives you better light than you can buy from your local central station. Gives the same light in the afternoon as at night. Larger plants at proportionately low prices. Can be operated by a ten-year-old child. Can Make Immediate Shipment DETROIT ENGINE WORKS 405 Belle vue Avenue, Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A.