Movie Classic (Mar-Aug 1936)

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Handy Hints from Hollywood Anita Page reveals that she achieves attractive privacy by using Clopay shades — the new, inexpensive Venetian type of shades becoming so popular in Hollywood. "They're so inexpensive," she said, "that when I tire of one particular color, I buy a whole new set." . . . Onslow Stevens is crazy about plenty of hot, buttered toast and keeps a Manning & Bowman toaster on his breakfast table to satisfy that craving— always with a golden-brown deliciousness . . . Glenda Farrell, who is an efficient little housekeeper, offers some suggestions on the uses of salt. She says that a good way to remove stains from china and earthenware is to rub the stains with salt moistened with a little water. Dirt may be removed from curtains by soaking them in water to which Worcester Salt has been added. Moths keep out of carpets if the floors are scrubbed with a strong solution of Worcester Salt and hot water . . . Marlene Dietrich, who is one of the best cooks in Hollywood, says that most American cookery is flat-tasting. Housewives, therefore, might take a tip from some of the leading hotels, which use Angostura Bitters to add flavor and zest to soups, fish, and salads . . . Studio wardrobe departments have discovered an important development in electric irons in the new Proctor & Schwartz product. With the Dial of Fabrics Heat Control, you need never burn another piece of material you are ironing. Just turn the dial to the name of the fabric to be ironed and the heat is regulated automatically . . . After polishing your furniture^ can you put on a white glove and have it still white after rubbing it over the polished surface? If you can, you have used Liquid Veneer on your furniture. Try the polish that passes Hollywood's "white glove" test — Liquid Veneer . . . Maxine Doyle has just purchased one of those new Counselor Bathroom Scales — to keep a close check on gains and losses. A handv hint for you!— J. S. THOUSANDS GAIN 10 TO 25 LBS. QUICK -WITH NEW 3WAY TREATMENT AMAZING gains in weight are reported . all over the country with this sensational new 3-way discovery. Even if you never could gain an ounce before, remember thousands have put on solid, naturally attractive flesh this new, easy way — in just a few weeks.' And not only has this new triple-acting treatment brought normal, goodlooking pounds, but also naturally clear skin, freedom from indigestion and constipation, glorious new pep. New body-building discovery Scientists recently discovered that thousands of people .are thin and rundown for the single reason that they do not get enough digestion-strengthening Vitamin B and blood-enriching iron in their daily food. Now the richest known source of body-building Vitamin B is cultured ale yeast. By a new process the finest imported cultured ale yeast is now concentrated 7 times, making it 7 times more powerful. Then it is combined with 3 kinds of blood-building iron in pleasant little tablets known as Ironized Yeast tablets. If you, too, need these vital elements to build you up, get these new tripleacting Ironized Yeast tablets from your druggist today. Then, day after day as you take them, watch flat chest develop and skinny limbs round out to natural attractiveness. Constipation and indiges Movie Classic for March, 1936 tion from the same cause vanish, skin clears to normal beauty, new health comes — you're a new person. Try it— guaranteed No matter how skinny and rundown you may be from lack of sufficient Vitamin B and iron, these new 3-way Ironized Yeast tablets should build you up in just a few weeks, as they have thousands of others. If not delighted with the benefits of the very first package, your money instantly refunded. Only don't be deceived by the many cheaply prepared "Yeast and Iron" tablets sold in imitation of Ironized Yeast. These cheap counterfeits usually contain only the lowest grade of ordinary yeast and iron, and cannot possibly give the same results. Be sure you get the genuine Ironized Yeast. Look for "IY" stamped on each tablet. Special FREE offer ! To start you building up your health right away, we make this absolutely FREE offer. Purchase a package of Ironized Yeast tablets at once, cut out the seal on the box and mail it to us with a clipping of this paragraph. We will send you a fascinating new book on health, "New Facts About Your Body." Remember, results guaranteed with the very first package — or money refunded. At all druggists. Ironized Yeast Co., Inc., DepL 283, Atlanta, Ga. 75