Movieland. (1950)

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By ADELAIDE CURRAN Pert Doris Day carries a rabbit’s foot. Not for luck, mind you, but to remind ber liow lucky she’s been * That bright-eyed, lovely philosopher, Doris Day, nibbled at the end of a carrot. She was wearing — of all things — a rabbit costume. The long furry ears, the inside a velvety pink, bobbed as she munched away. “That’s a good question,” she observed soberly after some minutes. “I’m always asking it of myself: ‘Why did Michael Curtiz pick me?’ “What’s more, I think I’ve got the answer! Just luck!” she said, firmly. “I’ve always been lucky. In fact,” she grinned, and her nose with its spat¬ tering of freckles wrinkled rabbit-fashion, “I’m especially lucky because I know that I’ve had luck — and I hope I never forget it!” She resumed her carrot thoughtfully, then realized that her munching might seem a little odd. “Oh, excuse me,” she apologized and turned f Please turn to page 75) Doris Day gets ready to give Jack Carson an honestto-goodness bunny hug in “My Dream Is Yours.”