Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1930)

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I»aO%'ME MABCEIftS BEGINNING ANOTHED YEAP OP 5EPVICE: L DREMOPHOT— ?/2^ meter for FILMOS To get the most out of your Filmo use a Dremophot, the Drem meter which is especially designed to give instantaneous readings for Filmo cameras. The banishing of film wastage will save you the price of a Dremophot many times over. The Dremophot is $12.50, with sole leather case and directions. COOKE LENS for KODAGOLOR A special dual-utility F: 1.8 lens licensed and equipped for Kodacolor, yet instantly adapted for perfect black and white by removing K o d a c o lor filters. Price $82.50 FILMO 16 mm, frame ENLARGER Makes 2'/4" x 3 '4" still picture enlargem e n ts. Makes a dozen selected stills froin any reel, in half as many minutes. $28.50 with film pack and holder. <^ NEW FILMO PROJECTOR Model 57 G for Normal or Kodacolor Filmo 57 features plus a special projection lens assembly for Kodacolor (including Kodacolor filter), 45-50 condenser and auxiliary Kodacolor condenser. It is a projector which is ideally suited for the showing of Kodacolor films as well as monochrome pictures, setting a new high standard in projection results. CULLEN PHOTO SUPPLIES SINCE 1882 12 Maiden Lane New York Gity 11