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Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1953)

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328 A TITLE FADER Easy to make and easy to use, this device can be combined with any titling setup LUTHER RYAN, ACL THE device presented here provides a simple mechanical method of creating fades — and therefore lap dissolves— in combination with your title making. Basically what it does is to swing in synchrony the two lamps used as illuminants over a 90 degree arc either toward or away from the title card. When these lamps are swung to bear on the card with the camera running, a fade-in is created. When they are swung away at the title's end, the effect is a fade-out. However, it is important to note that regular flood bulbs in metal reflectors must be used to assure adequate shielding of the light source on the fadeout. The RFL-2, or built-in reflector type of lamp, will not create a complete fade-out even when swung a full 90 degrees away from the titling area. The materials needed to build this device can be purchased for less than the cost of a roll of color film. They are itemized on the opposite page, in a listing where the letter in the left column refers to that item in the diagram. HOW TO BUILD 1. Assemble the upright standard (A) and the three supports (B) with wood screws (L). 2. Make a 11/16 inch hole with a wood auger about 2 inches from each end of the lamp shaft supports (C). The distance from center to center of these holes should be exactly 30 inches. 3. Make a 11/16 inch hole with a wood auger about 2 inches from one end of each lamp shaft arm (D) . Then make a 3/16 inch hole about 1 inch from the opposite end of the arm. The distance from center to center of these holes should be exactly 5^ inches. Also saw out a slot from the 11/16 inch hole to the end of the arm. Make a 3/16 inch hole through the wide dimension at the 11/16 inch hole end of the arm, about halfway between the hole and the end. Insert a stove bolt in the hole made. This will be the only adjustment feature on the device. 4. Make a 3/16 inch hole about 1 inch from each end of the pitman shaft (E). The distance from center to center of these holes should be exactly 30 inches. 5. Assemble the thin wall pipes (G) in lamp supports (C) with metal washers (H) on the pipe next to each side of wood. Drill 3/32 inch holes in the pipe flush with the outside of each washer. Allow 2 inches of pipe to extend past the support (C) mounted to upright standard (A). Then insert cotter pins in holes and lock. 6. Attach the handle (F) to one lamp shaft arm (D) with wood screws. 7. Assemble lamp shaft arms (D) to the extended ends of lamp shafts. 8. Assemble pitman shaft (E) to the lamp shaft arms (D) with stove bolts. 9. Drill a % inch hole in the lamp shafts (G) about midway between supports (C). Insert % inch pipe thread (K) in this hole and screw into the lamp socket provided. Install lock nut and tighten. 10. Make two y± inch holes in standard (A) 36 inches above the top support (B). Make two ^4 inch holes in the rear support (C) to match holes already made in standard (A). Assemble with carriage bolts (J). 11. Install braces (O) as shown in diagram. SIDE VIEW of the author's title fading device shows him with right hand on the handle (F in the diagram) which actuates the device. FRONT VIEW shows twin lamps swung into position to bear on the titling easel for a fade-in and title shooting. Remote control runs camera.