Movie Makers (Jun-Dec 1928)

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Originally Photophone carried a sound track of one-tenth of an inch. Because it is difficult to run this on the Movietone projectors, it has heen announced that the track can be had in the eight hundredths of an inch width. This is an important step towards standardization and interchangeability. In Photophone there is another essential difference. The Movietone frames are but 92-100 of an inch in width instead of the full inch. The picture on the screen shows a similar reduction in width. Photophone allows for this by reducing the height of each frame, as well as the width, so that the picture is still in the familiar 3:4 proportion, and can be shown full size by proper masking and a change of lens. The Photophone idea is said by experts to be superior, but Movietone and Vitaphone as pioneers, now have the inside track, and most of the companies are now using either Movietone or Vitaphone, as may be most convenient. They will probably use the disc for most of the product to which sound is added. At present only Pathe and F-B-0 are said to be contracted to Photophone. First National, Paramount, Metro, United Artists, First National, Hal Roach and Christie are said to plan use of Movietone. Sennett, it is believed, will use Photophone. Universal has recently been reported as using the Western Electric devices, and the socalled "independents" are shopping around for prices. At the moment the price seems to be 5% of the gross rentals on all pictures where sound is supplied. This applies to those companies not building their own sound studios. Taking licenses are around $100,000. Each company in the major rank will make its own sound films, and each company will spend between $1,000,000 and $3,000,000 for sudios. Victor is making the disc records for both Vitaphone, which is the Warner trade name, and "Firnatone," which is the same thing when it comes from Western Electric. Sound can be put in on discs by the Victor company, which will use its own studios. Photophone can put in a photographic track after a picture has been made, as was done for "The King of Kings." This is accomplished by means of double printing. Fox can do the same thing with Movietone, though it is easier to take sound and sight at the same time. Where the disc method is used, the sound must be added after the picture is cut for exhibition, since the groove must be continuous and cannot be pieced out. For the most part it will be mostly sound this season; the orchestral ac FAMOUS BRAY LIBRARY OF MOTION PICTURES ANIMAL LIFE / BKAMAS / SCENIC i INBUSTMY POPULAR SCIENCE RAY STUDIO? are the inventors of the ANIMATED CARTOON PROCESSES and pioneers in production of ENTERTAINMENT and INSTRUCTIONAL FILMS. For more than ten years Bray pictures have enjoyed great popularity in theatres throughout the world. Bray now offers the most extensive Library of films in existence, especially edited for Home, Church, School and Club, i i -t i i ■/ i RELEASES FOE SEPTEMBER Length 400 feet each approximately — Price, $28.00 12 SUNKIST COMEDIES 12 McDOUGALL ALLEY COMEDIES 12 FISTICAL CULTURE COMEDIES 39 DELUXE NATURE SPECIALS 12 BRAY ROMANCES Length 100 feet each— Price $7.50 6 BOBBY BUMPS CARTOONS 6 HOT DOG CARTOONS 12 BRAY NATURE SPECIALS THESE releases and descriptive circulars obtainable at your dealer or direct on request from BRAY PICTURES CORP. 729 7th Avenue, New York 605