Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1929)

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iy%iCEiKS Photomaton THE characteristic energy with which the Photomaton Studio organization spreads the home movie idea is well illustrated in a recent series of sales promotion bulletins and particularly in a timely catalog of gift suggestions. Prominently figured are the QRS-DeVry and Agfa-Ansco lines of cinema and still cameras and projector equipment. Movie Makehs is described as the "Blue Book" of the amateur motion picture industry. Heinz Title Hood THIS department is in receipt of an interesting folder describing the many uses of the new Heinz Title Hood. This device is now on the market and full information may be had from the Movie Specialty Manufacturing Co., 1361 So. Flower Street, Los Angeles, California. A id in Indies ENLARGEMENT of the motion picture producing and processing facilities of the Tucker Picture Co., 23 Sackville St., Port of Spain, Trinidad, B. W. L, and the installation of a complete finishing, titling and editing plant on that island, has been announced by this establishment which writes, "Amateur movies in Trinidad are just beginning to get the popularity here they deserve." Ervin-Sportlights RUSSELL T. ERVIN, widely known for his prize-winning production. And How, of last year's Photoplay Magazine amateur films contest, after a year of intense activity in the sound studios of Hollywood, returns to the East as chief recording engineer for Grantland Rice Sportlights, Inc. New Art Cinema UPTOWN New York is now to have its share of the better things in motion pictures, at the new Roerich Art Cinema, Riverside Drive and 103rd Street. Michael Mindlin is managing director and programs will be sent on request. The house, at present, gives "week-end" performances on Friday, Saturday and Sunday only. WellsA merican Export MR. J. GARDNER WELLS, widely known in both the professional and amateur motion picture field, has announced his new position as head cameraman in the educational and travel filming program of the American Export Lines. Mr. Wells, following the success of his extensive film-log of the Mediterranean, sails on December 1st for a winter of educational-travel filming, with plans for the same work during a summer in Russia. Gregory Active CARL LOUIS GREGORY, F. R. P. S., recognized for his original contributions to motion picture science, has just completed twenty-four important industrial short subjects for the Bethlehem Steel Corporation and the Standard Oil Company. Of particular interest is Mr. Gregory's very informative paper read before the fall convention of the S. M. P. E. in Toronto. This paper was the summary of an extensive research into the history and development of the various film widths and should be of special interest to the amateur who is wondering whether his own three film widths are to be increased. Leavitt Enlists Press HARRY C. LEAVITT, of the Leavitt Cine Picture Co., 3150 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif., has recently brought home movies into the public eye by an excellent publicity plan. The Los Angeles Examiner, working with Mr. Leavitt, carried prominent announcements to the effect that all those securing a certain number of subscriptions would be entitled to receive screen tests at the Leavitt Cine Studios. These tests were made with professional studio equipment, on 16 mm. film, and ran for two minutes. The film then became the property of the individual making the test, and in this way was undoubtedly most effective in introducing the 16 mm. idea. The popularity of the idea has also been greatly augmented by holding a contest to select the players for a film which is to be produced in the M-G-M studios under professional supervision. Participants in this contest are to be limited to the 16 mm. screen test entries only, and the finished film is to be shown in Fox theatres throughout the South. The Radio Show THE recent radio exposition, held at Madison Square Garden, New York City, was not without interest to the amateur movie enthusiast. It was notable that many of the demonstrations were supplemented by 16 mm. motion pictures. Several ornate radiophonograph-movie cabinets were on display, which served to illustrate in an interesting manner the trend towards combining several forms of home entertainment in one unit. The QRSDeVry Corp. occupied a prominent booth, and gave demonstrations of its well-known 16 and 35 mm. motion picture apparatus, as well as its new special amplifying unit for home talkies. In the professional motion picture field, the R. C. A. Photophone was prominent with a complete display of sound-on-film apparatus. (Continued on page 843) }ima& #ifts which please and are of lasting benefit I Successful Photography I depends on correct I exposure rem EXPOSURE METERS | f are recognized, the world S ^ over, by leading camera p I makers and cinematogra E ^ phers as instant, automatic, S 5(1 correct under any possible ยง ^ photographic condition. ^ Bremopfjot I for all Bell & Howell | Filmos 70, 75 & 70-D | and Cinoptjot for Cine-Kodak, De Vry, Kinamo, Pathe, Victor, Autokinecam, Afga Movex, Gine-Nizo, Afga-Ansco and all amateur and professional cameras $12.50 I complete with leather case M Drem Products Corporation @ Drem of Western Europe, Inc. a Drem Products, Limited Principal Office 152 West 42nd St., New York, N. Y. Exclusively through Dealers and Kodak Stores Anywhere 841