Moving image review (1988]-)

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Staff David S. Weiss, Executive Director Jane Real, Access and Stock Footage John Chapin, Business Manager Jane Donnell, Distribution Coordinator Paige Lilly, Collections Manager Andrea McCarty, Theater Manager Don Radovich, Technical Services Marko Schmitt, Membership Director James Sweet, Cataloging Phil Yates, Facilities Manager NHF Board of Directors Michael J. Fiori, Readfield, ME. President of E.Y.E Foundation. CEO of ODV, Inc., manufacturers and distributors of narcotic identification equipment. Paul Gelardi, Cape Porpoise, ME. President, E Media, Kennebunk, specializing in manufacturing technology and electronic media. Vice President James S. Henderson, Orrs Island, ME. Maine State Archivist, administrative head of the State Archives. Directs Maine's Historical Records Advisory Board. Ph.D. in political science from Emory University. Martha McNamara, Orono, ME. Assistant Professor of History, Cultural History and the History of New England, University of Maine, Orono. Ph.D. in American & New England Studies, Boston University. Director of the Society of Architectural Historians, New England chapter. Maine Historic Preservation Commission member. Frederick Oettinger, Penobscot, ME. Vice President and Operations Manager, Champion International Buclcsport Mill. Lives in Penobscot with family. Treasurer James A. Phillips, Bangor, ME. Co-founder of Trio Software Corporation, and an independent property assessment consultant. Was staff producer and director at WMTW TV; studied film at George Eastman House. Back row, left to right: Andrea McCarty, Phil Yates, Karan Sheldon, David Weiss, Marko Schmitt, Don Radovich. Front row, left to right: John Chapin, Jane Beal, Jane Donnell, Paige Lilly. Photo by Karin Bos. Terry Rankine, South Thomaston, ME. Founding principal of Cambridge Seven Associates, Inc. Work includes architectural design, urban design, and planning for worldwide projects — educational and exhibition facilities. President Richard Rosen, Bucksport, ME. Owner, Rosens Department Store, Bucksport — third-generation owner. Maine State Representative. Vice President of the board of Bucksport Regional Health Center, and past president of the Bucksport Bay Area Chamber of Commerce. Karan Sheldon, Blue Hill Falls, ME. Co-founder of NHF. Board, Maine Folklife Center and Friends of Fogler Library, University of Maine. Co-chair, AMIA Regional AV Archives Interest Group. Nathaniel Thompson, S. Portland, MR Television professional, 1983-1998 with Maine Broadcasting Company. Member of die family-owned media group that in 1998 sold NBC affiliates WCSH and WLBZ to Gannett Broadcasting. Connecticut College graduate. David S. Weiss, Blue Hill Falls, ME. Executive Director and co-founder of NHF. Previously media producer in Boston after graduating in film and semiotics from Brown University. Serves on Maine's Historical Records Advisory Board. Pamela Winde, Washington, D.C. Founder, Smithsonian Institution Human Studies Film Archives. Family roots in Skowhegan, Maine. Advisors The Advisors of Northeast Historic Film are individuals who have an interest in the work of die moving image archives as an organization with a vision for film, video, and digital preservation, with broad public access. Gillian Anderson, musicologist, conductor, and author of Music for Silent Films, 1894-1929. Washington, D.C, and Bologna, Italy. Q. David Bowers, audiorof Nickelodeon Theaters and Their Music, a history of the Thanhouser Company, and other books. Wolfeboro, NH. Peter Davis, author of If You Came This Way: A Journey Through the Lives of the Underclass, and director of the documentary feature Hearts and Minds. Castine, Me. Kathryn Fuller, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, History, Virginia Commonwealth University, author of At the Picture Show: Small Town Audiences and the Creation of Movie Fan Culture (Smithsonian Institution Press). Richmond, Va. 12 Continued on next page