Moving Picture World (Dec 1917)

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^r V=V -hf' "/*> T A HERE will be no delays in carrying out the policy recently announced by the W. H. Clifford Photoplay Company. Twelve five-reel comedy dramas under the trademark of the SHORTY HAMILTON series will be issued with a release of one on the first day of each month beginning January 1st, 1918. Two of the series are now ready for negotiation. The State Rights buyers have been previously advised regarding the first-— "Denny from Ireland'*-— -and we would now call attention to the second release — "The Snai 1" — a Chinese-American story filled with big rede f f e r v escing with portunities, all of \ tage of by natural blooded and roics mirth provokii which are taken full advan SHORTY" HAMILTON, the comedian) whose legitimate meth tracting laughs has established him as a prime favorite with the movie fans, and a box office magnet In the minds of the exhibitors. "The Snail" is a big story of absorbing interest and has been selected by the W. H. Clifford Photoplay Company for its intense dramatic value, comedy situations and opportunity for its effective and beautiful locations. Opening in the land of the poppy—Oriental scenes, character and atmosphere are most attractively introduced and followed by a further unfolding of the story amidst the wild and mountainous region of our own land of the setting sun. \ od of ex • >T^HE "SHORTY HAMILTON" series are now offered to the State Rights Buyers under a franchise or upon a co-operative basis, and with a guaranteed timely re* lease— should prove most attractive to the exhibitors permitting in consequence their ability of announcing a definite program of a Quality feature, with a real star. m A I ADMINISTRATION OFFICES are located at— No. 17 West Forty-fourth Street, with ERNEST SHIP MAN as sales manager for all domestic and foreign rights. m m / .5 m W ',• m % £ %• AV. £ *. :** -*'