Moving Picture Age (Jan-Dec 1921)

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30 MOVING PICTURE AGE January, 1921 When the patrons of your theater exclaim over the wonderful screen effects, they are paying a tribute not only to the director and producer but to the quality of the film that makes such pictures possible— EASTMAN FILM EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY ROCHESTER, N. Y. Instructional Films and Where to Get Them (Continued from page 27) The Alchemy of Winter. Reel, 1; exchange, Famous Players-Lasky Corp. Post Nature Scenic. Crowning King Blizzard. Reel, 1; exchange, Educational Films Corp. Chester-Outing Scenic. Winter scenes in Canada and the Adirondack Mountains, a movie camp used for the filming of snow scenes. The Bottom of the World. Reels, 2; exchange, RobertsonCole Sir Ernest Shackleton's heroic race to the South Pole. The Lone Trapper. Reel, 1; exchange, Robertson-Cole Adventure, scenic; trapper bids his wife and children good-by, places his traps and travels on over deep snow, returns with skins of silver fox. Universal Winter Sports. Reel, 1; exchange, Beseler Educational Co. Scenes of winter sports from different parts of America and Europe. The White Silence. Reel, 1; exchange, Famous PlayersLasky Corp. — Burton Holmes Travelogue. A scenic illustrating Whittitr's poem, "Snow Bound." The Song of the Paddle. Reel, 1 ; exchange, Educational Films Corp. — Robert C. Bruce Scenic. The path of the moon, canoeing on the Skagway River, Alaska, snow covered mountains, inland seas of Northern Pacific, beach on the coast of British Columbia, moonlight on the water. Solitude. Reel, 1; exchange, Educational Films Corp. — — Robert C. Bruce Scenic. A tale of a lonesome land, mountain snowstorm, the silence of the snow, sun struggling in the clouds, sunset, nicht, moonlight, etc. In Higher Spheres. Reel, 1; producer, Ford; exchange. Goldwyn Among the mountains, camping in the forests, Please say, "As advertised in MOVING PICTURE AGE," when you zrritc to advertisers where the ice is thick, climbing over snow and ice, waterfall, beautiful scenery, sunset. Alaskan Revelations. Reel, 1; producer, Prizma; exchange. Select a re-creation of the glacial beauties of the North, showing the birth of an iceberg, the colorful vegetation of the glacial regions, the topography abreast the "live" and "dead" Tagu Glaciers, the strange Alaskan ice fields. Frozen Thrills. Reel, 1; exchange, Educational Films Corp. Robert C. Bruce. A man out for thrills, views of South Tahoma Mountains in Rainier National Park, snow glaciers, the blue and the white world. Winter in America. Reel, 1; exchange, Beseler Educational Film Co. Train snowbound, Philadelphia and New York in blizzard, ice cutting in anticipation of hot summer months, winter sports in different parts of the country. An Essay of the Hill. Reel, 1; exchange, Educational Films Corp. Robert C. Bruce Scenic. From Yosemite to Yellowstone Park and Wyoming, cloud effects and snow mountains, waterfalls, rising sun on cloudy morning. Northern Norway. Reel, 1; exchange, Educational Films Corp. Coast of Norway, indented by fjords, navigation open only four months a year, Hammerfest, the furthest north of any incorporated towns, cottages with thatched roofs, a home in "Spotless Town," fifteen feet of snow, snowplows. Gypsies of the Arctic. Reel, 1; exchange, Educational Films Corp. Laplanders, snow scenes, eight thousand deer in one herd furnish meat, milk, clothes, tents, etc., and then haul the outfit, not tamed, but subdued, following their leader, five thousand reindeer swim three miles across river. Put Your Care on Ice. Reel, 1; exchange, Beseler Educational P'ilm Co. Chester-Outing. Winter sports and games at Lake Placid in the Adirondacks. Through Picturesque Switzerland. Reel, 1 ; exchange, New Era Film, Chicago Picturesque Switzerland in midwinter. NEWS REELS Pathe News No. 89. Reel, 1; exchange, Pathe Halifax, N. S., the American schooner Esperanto winning the race in the International champion regatta for fishing craft; Cardiff, Wales, one million called out in coal mine strike; New Orleans, La., Kiddie Suffrage Partv vote for better schools; New York City, painting 14,361 miles of cable on Brooklyn Bridge; Samuel Rzeszekski, the eight-year-old Polish chess prodigy; pictures of the election; Mr. Harding, Gov. and Mrs. Coolidge voting. International News, Vol. 2, No. 77. Reel, 1; exchange, Universal New York City, Girl Scout parade; scenes in turkey farm; sheep and pigs; Washington, D. C, Joe Cannon and Champ Clark; Yokohama, Japan, fire destroys part of city; Cambridge, Mass., scenes of the Harvard-Princeton game; President-elect Harding leaves for vacation in Texas and Panama. International News, Vol. 2, No. 78. Reel, 1 ; exchange, Universal Cork, Ireland, funeral procession of Terence Mac Swiney; New York City, steamer arrives in harbor with hold afire; Marshall, Texas, President-elect Harding on vacation; New York City, United Fruit liner gets finishing touches; Washington, D. C, flight over Capital, flying in formation, stunts. Pathe News No. 93. Reel, 1; exchange, Pathe — Point Isabel, Tex., President-elect Harding tarpon fishing Venice carnival, celebrating freedom from Austria in 1866; Eureka, Cal.. S. S. Milwaukee sea-tossed on rocks for three years; Athens, Greece, people rejoice at official peace, former King Constantine; Nepenoch, N. Y., Henry Ford, Thomas Edison and John Burroughs on camping trip; San Pedro, Cal., motor boat race. International News, Vol. 2, No. 80. Reel, 1; exchange, Universal Athens, Greece, Premier Venizelos defeated at election; Lucerne, Switzerland, Ex-king Constantine; Delafield, Wis., parade in storm; New York City, Fourth Red Cross Roll Call; Springfield, Vt, telescope made by Governor; Chicago, masque ball on horseback; Brownsville, Tex., Mr. and Mrs. Harding review war veterans; Munich, Germany, millions protest against social issue; Barcelona, Spain, strange costumes for religious festival; Chattanooga, Tenn., aerial acrobat in stunts. International News No. 81. Reel, 1; exchange, Universal France and England pay honor to war heroes; Syracuse wins game from Colgate, 14-0; Kavala, Greece, wrecked liner ashore; Dublin, Ireland, armored cars used in mobs; Dallas, Texas, flames destroy plant; Cheyenne, teaching mounted police cowboy stunts. Cut cartoon. International News No. 82. Reel, 1; exchange, Universal Dublin, smoke bombs used on mobs; Philadelphia, Jackies of U. S. Minnesota in race for turkey; South Portland, Me., schooner ashore; on the Atlantic, King Albert of Belgium on his way to Brazil; Adirondack, wolf hunting; Aeroplane views. Pathe News No. 95. Reel, 1; exchange, Pathe Mineola. L. I., Capt. Mosley, U. S. A., winner of the Pulitzer Trophy; Dayton, army demonstrates parachutes: Rome, Socialists defeated in municipal election; President-elect Harding on trip to Panama; New York City, aeroplane views of city upside down.