Moving Picture Age (Jan-Dec 1922)

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January, 1922 MOVING PICTURE AGE 23 RELIABLE EDUCATIONAL FILM XO, iiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniuiiiiiiiNiuiiuiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiinHiiiiniiiniHiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiHiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiHiiiHiiiiiiniiim 6751 East Eyid Avenue Chicago EXCELLENT FILMS MARY MAGDALENE ... 3 REELS SNOW WHITE A HOOSIER ROMANCE . . 5 REELS RUMPELSTILTSKIN . . "FANTASMA" 5 REELS "BATEESTE" BUSTER BROWN COMEDIES FILMS FOR CHURCH, SCHOOL, COLLEGE AND ACADEMY. 4 REELS 4 REELS 5 REELS HiiiiMiiiiiiniiiniiiniMiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiniHiiutuiiiuiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiMiiHiiiiiiiiinniiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiHiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiirNiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiuil SEND FOR COMPLETE CATALOGUE OF NON-THEATRICAL FILTHS. EXCELLENT SERVICE When Union Meant Truer Service (Continued from page 17) Our equipment is in the parish house, so that only occasionally have I used films on Sunday night. I have shown in connection with addresses during the summer months a number of biblical films. I gave an address on "America Fifty Years Hence — What Shall It Be?" My address was based on Brook's "Americanization." I showed the picture "The Making of an American." To supplement the picture, I brought home to people the thought that it is not enough to teach the stranger in our midst the English language and get him a job. What America will be in the future depends on how these strangers are brought to a saving knowledge of God through the Gospel. We have had some good pictures and greatly enjoyed them. Among others are "The Life of Christ," "The Bottom of the World," and "Dombey and Son." Our program has won friends. It has satisfied the normal interest in many children for pictures, and the pictures we have shown them have done them good and not harm. Our Friday-afternoon program for grade scholars attracts many times all that the house will hold. Regarding Returns Expenses are met in different ways — sometimes by offering, sometimes by admission. In the smaller community the picture cannot be any great source of revenue. That is not its purpose. We have sometimes made $40 and sometimes $30, and many times have just broken even. Occasionally we have run behind a few dollars. We have met expenses and received interest on our investment, and nave paid pianist and operator (both members) for their work. When one considers the money put into an organ, the expense of a good picture equipment compares most favorably, for it is an investment that not only quickens interest and helps the cause of the church, but pays for itself and is certain as times goes on to furnish an income. The churches must constitute the motion picture a mighty agency for the Kingdom. I believe the churches are going to do this very thing as more and more religious groups and religious leaders get the vision of this opportunity, see their duty, and do it in a fashion that insures success. MR. NON-THEATRICAL EXHIBITOR If you are contemplating a film library, it will be to your advantage to communicate with us for your film requirements. We have a most complete assortment of NEW and USED FILMS for sale, consisting of features, comedies, dramas, educational, historical, scenics and science. All from single to eight reelers. JAWITZ PICTURES CORPORATION 729 Seventh Ave., New York City Photoplays for Churches Schools Colleges Academies Social Centers and Community Houses KiNeMa Film Service 808 SO WABASH AVE. CHICAGO i — I... _. -^ Write for our New Catalog Negative for Sale Ten Thousand Feet of Negative and One Print of Each SUBJECTS: Manners and Customs, Industries, Amusements, Architecture, Animals, and Travel Scenes of Various Countries of the World. This Series Has Never Been Exhibited Excellent Photography and Interesting Subjects AUSTIN FILM LIBRARY, Inc. AUSTIN, TEXAS Please say, "As advertised in MOVING PICTURE AGE," when you write to advertisers.