Moving Picture News (Jan-Dec 1911)

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THE MOVING PICTURE NEWS II Those Fifteenth United States Cavalry Pictures Taken at the Government Military Post, Fort Meyer, Virginia This series of pictures stand unique in full massiveness and strength and as boosters for business during the depresion customarily felt in hot weather they will undoubtedly be welcomed with joj^ by the exchange and as a means of putting many extra dollars in the pockets of exhibitors wise enough to demand them. Pages 10 and 11 give an idea of what this strenuous director of the Solax Co. has been doing. He jumped in his automobile with his stock company under his arm, so to speak, drove from New York to Washington, spent twelve hours a day in the sun during the worst heat wave in years and made the big scoop in military pictures. Mr. Melville says these pictures are so exciting they should be printed on non-inflammable film. Herbert Blache Sails for Europe Mr. Herbert Blanche, president of the Gaumont Co., of New York, accompanied by his wife, Mrs. Alice Blache, president of the Solax Co., will sail on the Kronprinzessin Cecilie, July 36th, for a two months" trip through European countries combining business with pleasure. They look forward to meeting their many friends in all the big European cities, where they are both well known. PICTURES ARE MADE"